Finding Peace

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Legolas walked without stopping. He left the forest without a second thought.

He never looked back, he only moved forward.

He headed west, each step brought more and more pain.

How could he live forever like this?

Why couldn't the pain end?

Legolas approached a tall hill and began to climb it, at the top, there were several trees growing.

He turned around and leaned up against one of the trees.

He looked back towards the east, it was almost dawn, soon the sun would be rising.

It wouldn't matter to him. He would not feel it's warmth.

He had become cold, pain and grief were all he knew now.

Legolas closed his eyes.
The pain grew worse by the second.

Why couldn't he just die?
What was the point of him living anymore if everyone he cared about was dead?

He winced as he felt another wave of pain.

Every time he thought about them, his family, his friends, he felt more pain.

Why couldn't he just forget them?

Legolas groaned.
This was exactly what his father had warned him about, had tried to protect him from.

Why hadn't he listened? He never listened!

His whole life had been nothing but pain and suffering! Why should he have to suffer through it anymore?

He had to forget them, and everything else. It was the only way to stop the pain.

A memory entered Legolas' mind.

He wanted to stop it, afraid of the pain it would cause.

But he didn't, he let it enter his mind.

"Come on Las, it's easy."
Thalion pulled back the bowstring, aimed it at the target, and let it fly.

Legolas watched wide-eyed as the arrow hit the center of the target.
Thalion handed Legolas the small bow that had been made for him.

"Now you try."
"What if I miss again?"
Legolas glanced nervously at the target, it seemed so far away.

"Come on Las, I'll help you."
Thalion helped him fit an arrow into the bowstring, then he helped him pull it back.

"Keep your eyes on the target. Block out everything else."
Thalion instructed him.

Legolas took a deep breath.
He blocked out all the noises coming from the forest, he focused only on the target.

He let the arrow fly.
"You did it Las!"
Legolas couldn't believe his eyes.
He'd hit the target!

He looked up at Thalion in pure joy.
"I did it!"
"I told you that you would."

Thalion picked up his little brother slung him over his back.
Legolas laughed as Thalion carried him back to the palace.

"We have to tell Ada that you are becoming quite the archer!"
"Someday, I'll join the Forest Guard like you!"
Legolas said happily.

"We'll be the best warriors ever!"
Thalion chuckled.
"Yes, we will Las."
"And no one will ever separate us right Thalion? We'll always be together?"
"Of course Las. I promised to keep you safe remember?"

Legolas smiled.
He would always be able to count on his brother.

The memory faded.

Surprisingly for Legolas, the pain seemed to lessen.

He remembered his brother, Thalion had always looked after him.

"Naneth look!"
Legolas ran up to his mother, he held up a white flower.
"I found this for you!"
She knelt down and took the flower from him.

"Thank you ion, it's beautiful."
She wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same.

"I love you Naneth!"
Legolas smiled at her.
"I love you too Legolas."

She stood up and took his hand in hers.
"Come on Legolas, your father and brother are waiting for us."
"Yes, ion?"
"You'll always be here with me; right?"

She smiled.
"Of course ion."
"But what if something happens to you?"
"Legolas, no matter what I will always be with you."

She squeezed his hand.
"I promise."

Legolas the pain continued to lessen, the sorrow was still there, but it didn't hurt as much.

"Face it, Strider we are lost."
Legolas smiled in amusement as the so-called "Ranger" tried to figure out where they were.

"We are not lost Legolas."
Strider narrowed his eyes.
"I happen to know exactly where we are."

"It is alright to be wrong. Even the best make mistakes."
"I did not make a mistake!"
Strider groaned and stomped off.
Legolas followed behind, smiling in glee.

"Come on Strider, let me help."
He faked begged.
"I don't need your help."
He turned around and glared at the elf.

"I swear I don't know why Gandalf suggested that we travel together."
"Because he knew that you would need someone to help you find your way when you get lost."

Strider groaned and tried to ignore the elf.
He spun and around and shouted,
"What now?"
"Watch out there's a-"

The ground suddenly disappeared and Strider found himself face down in the dirt.
Legolas looked down at the Ranger in amusement.

Strider grumbled to himself as he stood and brushed himself off.

"What is this hole doing here?"
"How should I know. I'm just a naive young elf."
Strider looked up and glared at him.
Legolas smiled.
"Would you like my help now?"
"I can get out myself."

Strider tried in vain to get out while Legolas watched with his hands clasped neatly behind his back.

Finally, Strider conceded.
"Help me out."
Legolas crouched down and reached out his hands.

He grabbed onto Strider's wrists and pulled him up.
"There, was that so hard?"
Strider grabbed Legolas and pushed him into the hole.

"Now look what you've done."
Legolas stood up and brushed himself off.
"Now I'm all dirty."

Strider rolled his eyes.
"Do you need some help getting out?"
"I can get out myself."

Strider watched in amusement, waiting for the elf to fail.
Then he watched as Legolas sprang up, grasped the edge of the hole, and pulled himself out.

Legolas smiled.
"Shall I lead the way now?"
Strider sighed and shook his head.
Maybe this 'friendship' of theirs would work out.

Legolas smiled at the memory.
He barely felt the pain anymore.

More memories entered his mind.
He saw when then the Fellowship was formed, he remembered Merry and Pippin's antics.

He remembered all the good things that had happened, he also remembered the bad.

But in the end, everything had worked out.

Yes, his friends had died.
He would never stop missing them, or forget them.

But Aragorn had been right.
He didn't have to grieve.

Legolas sighed, the pain had gone away, but he still felt sorrow.

He was weary and tired.
He wouldn't find rest here.

He leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes.

While he lay there he heard a voice calling to him.


He opened his eyes, he couldn't believe who he saw.


She smiled and walked forward, she reached out her hand and pulled him to his feet.

Come Legolas, you no longer have to stay here.

She led him forward and Legolas followed.

In the distance, he saw what looked like a forest, and white shores.

He also saw some familiar faces.

Legolas smiled as he felt warmth and light return to him.

He would never feel pain again, or grief and loss.
He was free from it, forever.

He followed his mother into the light, and he never looked back.


Gandalf waited in silence for Haldir and Elrohir's return.

He knew what they would find on that hill.

His guess was proven true when the two elves returned, carrying Legolas' now lifeless body.

He was buried next to Frodo, a few elves gathered around his tomb and mourned.

Haldir turned to Gandalf, grief in his eyes.

"Why did you let him go? You could have stopped this!"
"He was suffering Haldir. Keeping him here would have only made him worse."

"But now he is dead!"
Elrohir cried.
"He should not have died, he was supposed to live!"

Gandalf turned towards Legolas' tombstone and smiled.
"Legolas did not die."

Haldir and Elrohir looked at him in confusion.
They had just buried his body!

"He did not die."
Gandalf continued.
"He just left."

"Where did he go then?"
Elrohir asked skeptically.
Gandalf smiled as the sun finally rose, filling the land with light.

"He went home."


Here is where your
Journey ends
You have found peace
You have nothing to fear
You are safe now

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