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Aragorn closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain from the whip that continued to strike his back.

Rilath stood nearby and watched silently as the four of them were whipped mercilessly.

Legolas was being forced to watch and the horror on his face was evident.

His hands had been tied behind him, he'd been gagged and was being held by two Easterlings who laughed as he struggled.

Rilath allowed the whipping to continue for a few more minutes until he raised his hand and ordered them to stop.

"That will do."
He said.
Aragorn sighed in relief.
The pain had been unbearable.
They were grabbed by several Easterlings and were brought before Rilath.

"You are fortunate that I was feeling merciful today. You could be facing death now, but instead I am giving you freedom."

Aragorn glared at him. He wasn't freeing everyone.
Rilath turned to his guards.
"Get them out of here."
Aragorn was hauled to his feet and dragged off.

He caught eye contact with Legolas, the elf was struggling desperately against his captors.

The last thing Aragorn saw of him was two Easterlings dragging him away.


They were dropped roughly onto the ground at least a mile outside of the camp.

As if they hadn't suffered enough, the Easterlings decided to beat them again with their whips they had brought.

Once they were satisfied they left them lying on the hard ground.
Beaten and bloodied.

Amarth was the first one to get up, and Gimli was the first one to speak.

"Congratulations Amarth. Not only did you manage to get us captured and beaten, but now Legolas is Rilath's prisoner!"

"Remind me again who it was that blew our cover and revealed your friend's true identity?"
Amarth narrowed his eyes at the dwarf.

"And if I recall correctly, I'm the one who prevented us from getting killed in the first place."

"How do you know that they won't kill Legolas?"
Aragorn asked.

"He's too valuable. They won't kill him. Just like they wouldn't have killed you if they had discovered that you were really the King of Gondor? You'd be in that camp just like Legolas."

Amarth stood angerly to his feet.
"I was trying to keep you both safe! And this is the thanks I get? If the dwarf hadn't ruined everything we would be safely on our way to our doom. But he had to open his mouth and get Legolas captured."

Gimli bristled while Amarth continued.

"Now I have to go back in there and rescue the pathetic elfling!"

"You're going back for him?"
Haldir asked in surprise.

"Well someone has to. Aragorn is too weak and I don't trust the dwarf. So that leaves you and me."

Haldir widened his eyes.

"You want me to help you?"
He asked skeptically.

"No. I'm going to help you."
Amarth turned to Aragorn.

"Stay here until we return. And please, do not follow us and try to do something that will get us all killed. Alright?"

Aragorn didn't have time to answer before Amarth hauled Haldir to his feet.

"Remember, we do not have weapons so stay hidden, we will be back shortly."

Without another word the two elves disappeared into the night.


Haldir had no idea what Amarth's plan was to rescue Legolas.

The camp would be crawling with Easterlings, and no doubt Rilath would be keeping a close watch on his prisoner.

"What exactly do we plan on doing?"
He asked.

"Everyone Easterling camp, whether they are outlaws or not, has a certain place where they keep their prisoners. I'll tell you where it is, and you go and fetch our little prince while I distract Rilath."

"I can name more than one flaw in that plan."
Haldir narrowed his eyes.

"Well not every plan is perfect Haldir. Even the best ones can have flaws in them.

They approached the camp silently and undetected.
Amarth led Haldir around to the western side and they both crouched behind a large boulder.

Amarth cautiously peeked over the boulder, and then pulled Haldir up beside him.

"Do you see that small tent over there? The one on the outside."
Amarth pointed to the tent he was talking about.

Haldir saw it.

"Yes. Is that where Legolas is?"
He asked.

"Why would they keep their prisoner on the outside of their camp? Of course it's not!"

"Then why are you showing me it?"

"To see if you are paying attention. You have lost a lot of blood in the past two days and I need to make sure that you are fully aware of what is

"I'm fine Amarth!"

Amarth clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Do you want to get us caught?"
Amarth whispered frantically.

Haldir yanked his hand off of his mouth.

"Where is he?"
He asked quietly.

Amarth looked over the boulder again and pointed at a small tent that was next to Rilath's.

"That's where he is. While I distract Rilath, you're going to wait over their a good distance away from the camp.
After I get Rilath's attention, you sneak in, and free Legolas."

Amarth looked at Haldir.
"Meet back with the others. Alright?"

Haldir nodded.

Once Amarth was sure that he got the plan, the two elves went their seperate ways.

Neither were sure that plan was going to work.


Haldir went to the spot that Amarth had told him to go to.
He waited for Amarth to carry out his part of the plan.

Haldir watched as Amarth actually walked right into the center of the camp.

Four Easterlings surrounded him and shoved him forward as they walked towards Rilath's tent.

Haldir saw Rilath appear, but he couldn't see his face from where he sat.

He could only hear part of what they were saying.

Rilath had asked Amarth if he had come back for Legolas.
Amarth had been speaking so softly that Haldir couldn't make out his words.

Rilath seemed to get angry at what Amarth had just said.
He shouted at some guards and they began to search the camp perimeter.

Haldir made sure to keep himself hidden.
They didn't even come near his hiding place.
Now Rilath and Amarth were talking.

Haldir guessed that now was his chance.
He crept forward silently towards the tent that Amarth had pointed out.

He walked quietly to the side of it. There were two Easterlings standing guard.

He didn't have a weapon. How was he supposed to do this?
Haldir's hand rested on a rock.
He grabbed it and held it in his fist.

If he threw it hard enough...
Haldir would only have one shot.
He sighed and picked up another rock, he threw the first one at one of the Easterling's head.

He fell unconcious, before the other guard could react Haldir had him unconcious as well.

Haldir looked inside the tent.
Legolas was in there.
His eyes were blindfolded and his mouth was still gagged.

His hands and feet were bound behind him, but he seemed fine.

Haldir dragged the two guards inside.
Hopefully no one would notice their disappearence until they were safely gone.

Haldir then went to free Legolas.
He removed his blindfold and was met with wild blue eyes.

Legolas looked fearful for a moment before recognizing Haldir.

Haldir removed the cloth that had been used to gag Legolas.

"Are you alright?"
He asked.

"I'm fine. What about-"

"They're all fine Legolas. Come on, we have to go."

Haldir tried to untie Legolas' hands, but the ropes were too tight.
They had dug into his skin and had caused his wrists to bleed.

Haldir cursed Rilath silently under his breath.

He then went over to one of the unconcious guards and took his knife
He used it to cut the ropes that bound Legolas' hands and feet.

Haldir helped hin to his feet.

"Let's go."

Instead of going out the front, Haldir cut a way out the back with his knife.

He went first, and was followed by Legolas.

Now they had to make a run for it.

"Well, it looks like we have an ill fated rescue attempt underway."

Haldir and Legolas froze as they heard Rilath's cruel voice.

He said shaking his head.
"You almost made it too."

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