What You Fear Most

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Haldir looked around the cave frantically.
Aragorn and Legolas were gone.

"How did this happen?"
He groaned.
Amarth said grimly.

"Where did he take them?"
Gimli asked.
"There is one place they might be."
Amarth began to run down a long tunnel.

Haldir and Gimli followed without hesitation.


Legolas awoke in a dark room.
He was lying flat on his back, on a table of some kind. His arms were bound together over his head, his ankles were tied together as well.

He looked around the room frantically.
How had he gotten here?

His encounter with the snakes came back to him.
He shuddered at the memory of them slithering all over him.

His body was sore from where the snakes had bitten him.
But what bothered him the most was how he had gotten to this new place.

Legolas saw a small light.
Someone had lit a torch, there was someone coming.

Legolas turned his head to the side and froze in fear.
Alatar stood over him, grinning wickedly.

"Hello, Legolas. Are you feeling well?"
Legolas wanted to get as far away from him as possible, but he was trapped. He couldn't move.

Alatar gently turned his head to the side, Legolas stiffened.
"Did Amarth do this to you?"
He asked as ran his hand over the scar on his face.

Legolas shuddered.
Alatar removed his hand.
"You do not understand it's full purpose. It is meant to poison your mind, and bring out the monster inside you."

Alatar forced Legolas to look at him, he held his head to prevent him from turning away.

"Your monster wants out Legolas. You've managed to keep it contained, but you can't control it."

Legolas closed his eyes.
He wanted this nightmare to end.

"I'm going to show you something Legolas."
Alatar pulled something out from his cloak.
A small bottle of black liquid.

"Something that I think will help both of you. One way or

Alatar forced Legolas' mouth open, the elf tried to fight but it was no use.

Alatar held his mouth shut and Legolas was forced to swallow the liquid.

Alatar grinned as Legolas' eyes began to close.

"Sleep well Legolas."
Alatar turned and left the room, he had other matters to attend to.


Legolas woke up, the first thing he saw were dark clouds covering the sky, he was outside.

No, that couldn't be right.
He was in Alatar's lair, not wherever here was.

He stood to his feet.
A cold wind blew around him, whipping his hair around.

Legolas tried to figure out where he was.
It looked like he was in an abandoned fortress.

One that looked vaguely

Then he recognized it.
Dol Guldur.

The place he had first been brought to after he had been captured so many years ago.

Why was he here? It made no sense.

I'm going to show you something Legolas. Something that will help both of you, one way or another.

What had Alatar meant by both?
Who was the other person?

Legolas tensed, someone was watching him.
He looked and saw someone watching him, but he couldn't see who it was.

"Who are you?"
He called out.
"I am what you fear most."
The voice replied.

Legolas took a step back, the being emerged from the shadows revealing himself.

It was an elf, he was dressed in black, had grey eyes, and a black scar on the side of his face.

Legolas froze.
It was him.
The elf was him.

"I'm the monster Legolas."
The dark elf took a step towards him.
"I'm the real you, what you are afraid of."

"I am not afraid of you."
Legolas backed away from the dark version of himself.
"If you were not, then we wouldn't be here now."

Legolas continued to back away as the elf moved closer.
"This is where I was created Legolas."
He gestured to the place around them.
"For a time I was trapped until Sauron released me. I was free to cause chaos wherever I pleased."

"Until your friends removed Sauron's control, they thought they had killed the monster but they were wrong."

"I have always been inside of you, trying to escape, but you've always managed to keep me contained. But now I am growing stronger. Soon, I will be free."

Legolas stopped walking as the ground began to crumble under him, he had almost walked over the edge.

The creature that claimed to be him smiled wickedly.
"Only one of us can remain Legolas. You already know that you can't be the good, loyal warrior you want to be and the monster."

"One of us must die."
Before Legolas could move the dark elf sprang at him, trying to stab him with a sword he had unsheathed.

Legolas barely dodged it, the dark elf swung at him again, cutting his leg.

Legolas leapt back again, clutching his bleeding leg.

"You're a coward."
The dark elf spat.
He swung his sword again, Legolas gasped as the sword slashed across his chest.

"You're afraid of taking someone's life and too willing to sacrifice yours."

Legolas tried to get away from him, but it was no use.
"You're pathetic. You don't deserve to live."

Legolas sprang at him, he tried to knock him off his feet but his opponent was ready.

He grabbed and threw him to the ground.
Legolas tried to get up but was kicked in the back, the dark elf wrapped on of his arms around his neck and pulled him up.

He held his sword up to the side of his face.
"You should have killed me when you had the chance."
Legolas tensed as he spoke quietly next to his ear.

"Now you will die."
Legolas elbowed him in the ribs, he lost his grip and Legolas rolled away from him.

The dark elf glared at him.
A dangerous gleam was in his eyes.
"I am going to enjoy making you scream."


Amarth continued to lead them through the dark.
Gimli began to doubt that they would ever find them.

Amarth suddenly turned down a wider tunnel, it led them to a large black door.

Amarth entered without hesitation.
Gimli and Haldir followed.

Inside was a strange black table, and on it was Legolas.

Haldir and Amarth ran over and untied his hands and feet.
His eyes were opened but he didn't seem awake.

"What's wrong with him?"
Haldir asked.
Amarth looked like he was trying to hide the fear in his eyes.
"I don't know."

Legolas' eyes were darting around the room, but he didn't notice them.

His arms and legs were jerking and his hand suddenly clutched Haldir's arm.
But he still wasn't aware of their presence.

"If Legolas is here, then where's Aragorn?"
Gimli asked trying not to look at Legolas, the dwarf was truly afraid.

"We don't have much time."
Amarth turned to Haldir.
"Stay with him."
He nodded and looked down at Legolas.
His eyes were still unfocused and wild.

Gimli followed Amarth into out of the room and down a narrow hallway.

They entered another room and just like Legolas they found Aragorn.

The only difference was that his eyes were closed.

Amarth was about to free his hands and feet when a menacing laugh filled the room.

Gimli was the only one who hadn't seen Alatar before, the man towered over them, his gaze focused on Amarth.

"Welcome back Amarth. I did not expect you to ever enter these halls again."
Amarth glared at him.
"The only reason I am here is to kill you."

Alatar laughed.
"You cannot kill me, I am the most powerful being in Middle Earth. Now that Sauron is dead and the other wizards are no more, I can finally carry out my plan."

"What will destroying the earth gain you?"
Amarth questioned.
"There is still a lot that you do not know yet Amarth. I plan on destroying this world, but not in the way you think."

Alatar began walking towards them, his hands were clasped firmly behind his back.

"Then please, enlighten us."
Amarth narrowed his eyes.
Alatar grinned.
"Why would I tell you my plan? It would spoil everything."

Alatar stopped walking and looked down at Aragorn, who still lay motionless on the table.

"It is a pity that none of you will be able to see what I have planned for Middle Earth."

Amarth and Gimli remained silent as Alatar continued.

"Did you think that I would not expect your arrival? Ever since I saw the scar on Legolas I knew that you were alive, and I knew that you would return here to kill me."

"I was the one who sent Rilath to capture you, I sent my shadows after you, and now I have you all trapped. You will never leave this place."

Amarth glanced down at Aragorn, and then back at Alatar. "What would it take to make you let them go?"
Alatar was amused and a little surprised.

"Why do you ask?"
"Because I would not have any suffer through what I have."
Amarth answered.

Alatar thought about it.
"I would let them go if you stayed behind."
Amarth stiffened.
That was the last thing he wanted to do.

Amarth sighed and faced Alatar.
"If you let them go free, I will stay."
Gimli couldn't believe it.
He was about to say something when Amarth silenced him with a look.

"You have grown soft Amarth."
Alatar said slowly.
"The elf I knew would never have given himself up for the sake of others. But if this is your desire then so be it."

"You will release all of them."
Amarth narrowed his eyes.
Alatar nodded.
"Of course I will, and I will make sure that they return home as soon as possible."

Alatar turned to Gimli and grinned.
"Although you will probably not enjoy what you find when you return."

What does he mean?
Gimli wondered.

Alatar untied Aragorn's hands and feet, he put his hand over his face and muttered something.

Aragorn's eyes opened.
He looked confused and dazed.
"You are free to go Aragorn."

Aragorn sat up and got off the table, he stood still and motionless.

Gimli narrowed his eyes at Alatar.
He had done something to him.

"I will fetch your other friends, and I took the liberty of retrieving your horses. They would have served well for my experiments."

Gimli thought about the wargs and snakes and didn't want to imagine what Alatar would have done to the horses.

Alatar turned to Amarth.
"If you think that you saved them you are horribly mistaken."
Amarth's face remained emotionless.

"You have just doomed them all. Just like you have done to everyone else."


Alatar brought them to the main entrance of his lair and released them.

Haldir was supporting Legolas, who seemed to be awake but still dazed.

Aragorn said absolutely nothing.
He mounted one of the horses with Gimli behind him, Haldir rode with Legolas who was in no condition to ride.

Alatar smiled as he watched them ride away.

Yes, hurry home my pawns.
And see what doom awaits you.


They rode without ceasing; all they wanted to do was get home.

Haldir had to be the one to tell them when to stop and rest.

Legolas seemed to get better as the days went by, but he never told Haldir or Gimli what Alatar had done to him.

Aragorn however, hadn't said a single word.
He stood or sat quietly and away from the others.
When the others asked him something he never answered.

The weather began to grow warmer, it was now early summer.

They had been gone for almost a year.

Haldir finally caught sight of Dale, they were almost home.
Once they reached the city Gimli decided to get off there and head for Erebor.

"Are you sure Gimli? We could take you there ourselves."
Haldir offered.
Gimli shook his head.
"I'll be fine. Just get them home safely."

Haldir nodded.
"Take care of yourself."
Aragorn said nothing while Legolas gave him a tired nod.

He was exhausted.
Gimli watched them leave and headed towards his home.

Meanwhile, the three travelers headed for Mirkwood.

Haldir had no idea what Aragorn planned to do.
Would he go home? Or rest in Mirkwood?

Once they entered the wood Haldir stopped his horse.

Why was he uneasy?
This was their home, they didn't have to worry about-

Suddenly dozens of elven guards appeared out of the shadows, they all had bows pointed at them.

Haldir's horse reared and he struggled to calm it and keep Legolas from falling off.

"Who are you?"
One of the guards demanded.
"It's me, Haldir."
He responded desperately.

The guard asked in disbelief.
"Where have you been?"
"I went to retrieve Prince Legolas."
He replied impatiently.

"He is ill and needs to be taken to a healer at once."
The guards looked at Legolas in shock.
He had his eyes open but they were filled with weariness.
He rested his head on the back of the horse's neck.

He just wanted to go home.
"How did this happen?"
The guard asked.
"I will say nothing of what happened to anyone but his father."

Haldir glared at the guard.
They didn't have time for this.

"We will escort you both back to the palace."
The guard turned towards Aragorn.
"But he cannot pass through our land. He must leave."

"Do you not know who this is?"
Haldir asked in annoyance.
"This Aragorn, the King of Gondor and a trusted companion of Legolas. Why can he not come with us?"

"King Thranduil has ordered that no one is to pass through our lands."
Haldir demanded.

"Please Haldir, let us escort you back to the palace so Prince Legolas can get the help he needs. We will lead Aragorn out of our forest."

Haldir was about to argue when Aragorn finally spoke.
"I will go with them. I wish to return home."

His voice sounded strained, his eyes seemed clouded.
What has Alatar done to you?

Haldir nodded.
"Very well. Until we meet again Aragorn."
The man didn't reply and urged his horse forward.

He turned and faced Legolas.
The elf's voice was weak and rose barely above a whisper.

"Be careful."
Aragorn didn't reply.
He drove his horse forward, surrounded by several elven guards.

Legolas closed his eyes.
His breathing was getting slower.
Haldir turned to the guard.
"I am riding back to the palace. I do not an escort I know the way."

Before he could protest he kicked his horse into a run.

I will get you home Legolas.
Haldir promised.
And then I will find out what is going on here.


Legolas awoke in a soft bed.
He looked around in confusion.
He was home, in the healing wing.

How had he gotten here?
Where were the others?

He saw a healer nearby and immediately asked to see Haldir.

A few minutes later he arrived.
Legolas could tell at once that he was in shock.

"What is it Haldir?"
He asked.
"Something terrible has happened while we were away."
Haldir sat beside Legolas' bed.

"What happened?"
Legolas demanded.
Haldir looked at him with tired, pained, and grieved eyes.

"The Easterlings and Haradrim have joined forces against us. And Erebor... Rohan..."

Legolas sat up.
"What about them? Haldir tell me!"
Haldir met his gaze.
"Legolas, we are at war."


End of Part 1

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