Happy Birthday

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Gene POV

Can I open it?" Zenix asks

Of course" I grin as he carefully rips off the paper revealing a small rectangular box. Zenix takes the lid of showing a piece of paper with printed out word on the front.

Dear Zenix

Today you have the honour of being taken out to dinner with Sasha and Gene for your 23rd birthday


Gene and Sasha

As he finished reading it I thought I saw a hint of pink blush fade on to his cheeks.

Thanks gene" he said giving me a big hug. I feel my face get warm as he hugs me.

Sorry" he lets go. We don't hug very often so it can come as a bit awkward for the two of us.

Hey what's taking you guys so long?" I hear Sasha yell from the kitchen

Be down In a sec" I yell

Now can you let me change?" Zenix asks

Oh yeah of course" I feel my face get warm again as I turn and close his bedroom door.

A la time skip brought by Sisters fighting about each other's ships

Sasha POV

As I bring out a tray of pancakes for the three of us. I see that the guys had the table set already. I set down the pancakes.

Hey Zenix like your birthday present?" I ask

Yeah thanks" he laughs

Well not you got your shared gift I'll give you separate gift" I hand him a yellow envelope with his name the front.

Thanks again Sasha" he grins as he opens up the card inside is........ A card (duh! What you think was going to be?) as he opened it his smile grew bigger so turning a laugh as he read the inside of the card (I don't know what to put so use your imagination thanks)

Oh yeah and this" I pull a gift card out of my pocket, he takes it from my hand and reads where it's too

Sweet a gift card to Michael's thanks Sasha"

No problem" I laugh as I ruffle his hair

Wait Sasha don't you work today?" Gene asks

Only at 11:30 I end at 5:30 today" I say as I sit down


Time skip again because the author is a powerful magical fudge

Zenix POV

I'm upstairs checking my computer, I work at home a lot so I never really leave the house. Soon I hear knock at my door.

Hey" says the voice behind me of course I turn around seeing gene

Oh hey"

I heading to the market what to come?" He asks I check my schedule five appointments in the next 3 and half hours

Sorry Gene you know the drill appointments and stuff" I say frowning

Right yeah of course" if he is upset about it he doesn't show it.

Next time ok"

Ok" we hear the door bell ring

Duty calls" I say as I salute him and run downstairs to the front door.

Hello" I say as I look at a female teenager about 16-17 with light blue hair has also has me'faw ears and a tail. She's wearing a t-shirt and a pair of black leggings.

Hi is this The shadow knights tattoos?" She asks

You have come to the right place" I jester for her to come in then I walk into my little office where I keep my things

Please sit in the chair" I say pointing to the chair in the middle of the room. She does so, I hand her the little book of different tattoos I can do and I start setting up. As she goes threw the book she come to the page with all the quotes and words on it. I hear the front door open then close as gene goes to the market.

This one" she says pointing to one of the pictures I look to see what it says

I'm a different kind of strength, that can not be measured" I read

Great choice" I say the girl grins

Where would you like it?" I ask

My arm please" she holds out her arm

Ok any colour preferred?"

Um.. Black is fine"

Oh I didn't catch your name"

Well yeah because I didn't throw it and it's neckotte"

Ok Neckotte keep your arm still and this might hurt"

Time skip brought by Teenage Neckotte

Gene POV

I'm in the living room as Zenix says goodbye to his last appointment of the day. He walks into the living room and plops on the couch cushion beside me.

Tired?" I ask

Yeah little bit" he yawns

Well you should take a nap dinner is in 2 hours" I suggest

Yeah your right" he say in between yawns. He curled up on his side of the couch and with a minute was fast asleep. I had to smile, I got up to turn on the TV as I did I kissed his forehead he smiled in his sleep.

Happy birthday Zenix" I whispered in his ear as I pulled him on to my lap and cuddled him

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