New friends

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Ok the following OC'S owners

Corrupted, EXE, Retao = @TheGonersTales

Rebby = @TheGreatPapyrus11

Merci, Ethan = @Theishfudge87 = Me

Zenix's POV

Right now I'm sitting on a hard bench with my family, listening to a priest ranting on about how God hate homosexuals and blah blah blah. I'm just zoning out, then I see the priest bring up a tall red hair, red ears and tail with light brown tips and bright light blue eyes werewolf boy.

This boi has been infected by the devil" The priest said resting his hand on the boys shoulder, this made me perked up and listen.

How Minster David?" Someone called randomly

This boy is a homosexual we must pray for him to be healed" the priest called I scoffed at his comment everyone around me bowed their heads and started to pray. I looked around only to see Merci the 6ft blue eared blue tailed blue haired and light green eyed werewolf girl stand up, head up tall strut to the front heads rising as she passed. Grab the boy by the arm, push him behind her hiding him from the front and yell

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" She asked with a look of furry in her eyes. The crowd faces lit up in shock at what the girl had just said.

My dear I believe the question you should be asking yourself is what is wrong with him" the priest jestered to the boy behind her. Merci turned the anger in her eyes in growing

WRONG WITH HIM?! ETHAN HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HIS LIFE! YOU SAY THAT BEING GAY IS A CRIME?" Merci yelled with every question she asked her fists grew tighter, her knuckles turning white. The priest stared at the girl a look of shock and fear on his face. Merci breathed in,

I only see one crime in here and it's what your doing in the name of the lord" Merci unclenched her fists, slowly as if it hurt.

W-What ever c-cou-could you me-mean?" The priest said his voice trembling

You should know better then to judge others for that is Gods job but, also your doing in his holy name!" She replied

God made everyone in their own way it just happens that one of the things he adds is the love of the same gender you all should be a shamed of yourself think about how your child might feel to be gay but, have it tried to be "prayed" out of. Or when they have to eat away from their families because they love the same gender it's who they are not a curse don't let your children die because they love the same gender" She looked around scanning the crowd hoping that someone would say something. I stood up and clapped, I saw a smile appear on her face, Merci bowed.

Ethan come on let's get out of here.. You too Zenix" Merci nodded at me then left with Ethan and I following behind.

Time skip brought by Piper one of Zanes many mothers

So Merci what you did in there for me thanks again" Ethan whispered the two of us had become acquainted.

Be lucky it wasn't EXE or he would have blasted the place to smother rinds" Merci ruffled Ethan's hair

How did you have the courage to do that?" I asked

Oh well when you have been in the amount of problems I have been in you would have the courage to stand up for your friends" her voice no higher then a whisper her face turning grim as she spoke.

Hey can I come over I mean Gene is out of town for a few days so I would like to become more acquainted with you guys" I rambled Merci and Ethan looked at each other than Merci smiled

Sure but be warned the house can get a bit... awkward" Merci giggled soon the big White House came into view,

Ok be warned that the people in this house are a bit weird and be careful what you say around them mostly Retao" Ethan said as Merci opened the door, we walked into a small mud room with a white mirror on one of the walls.

Hey we're home" Ethan called Merci and Ethan took off their shoes then, (Merci losing a inch in her height) walked into the living room I followed the two. The living room was the same as Gene, Sasha and I's it had a tv on one of the walls several couches but, they had a window like one of those you can sit in, but they had a bunch of plants in the window. Sitting on one of the couches was a man about 6'1 with a heart on his chest and it appeared that he was spilt in two one side look like a complete different person then the other. His hair on one side was white and the other a crimson red.

Hey baby" Merci said to the man oh that's her boyfriend what's his name corrupted or something

Hey" Corrupted opened his arms on pulled Merci on to his lap, he started to kissing her neck,

Corrupted come on we have a guest" Merci whispered

Point is?" Corrupted asked Merci rolled her eyes

You already have the reputation of biggest perv in the house let's not have biggest perv in the neighbourhood" Merci laughed

Fine" Corrupted whined

Zenix this is my boyfriend Corrupted" Merci said getting off of corrupted, I held out my hand

Hey, you have to fight two guys called Travis and Dante for biggest perv in the neighbourhood" I joked

See Babe I told you I wasn't the only perv" Corrupted laughed as he shook my hand, Merci rolled her eyes jokingly.

Rebby I told you I don't need help walking down the stairs" called a voice from the stairs

I know but I want to" replied a second voice from the stairs came walking a small 4'1 man with black hair and beside him was a 5'4 man with white hair that looked like one of corrupted sides.

Hey Rebby Retao I brought a guest home" Merci called to the couple

Oh hey I'm Rebby" called the smaller one with his hand out stretched I shook it

Hello I'm Retao" said the other who shook my hand

Zenix" I said

Hey Merci how did the church thing go?" Rebby asked Merci's eye darted around then in a voice just barely above a whisper,

Ethan's parents sold him out to the priest" Merci whispered that's when a man shorter then Merci but taller then Retao, just like Corrupted other side, he had the crimson red hair (all three of them had straight hair.) burst into the living room.

What did Ethan's parents do?!" The man yelled, I leaped back in surprised at the mans outburst the rest of them barely flinched I mean Merci had a annoyed and shocked expression

How did you hear me? I was whispering!" Merci threw her hands in the air,

I don't know but WHAT DID ETHANS PARENTS DO?" The man yelled again

Don't worry about it EXE" Ethan walked over to the man and kissed his cheek

Worry? Why shouldn't I worry?" EXE asked

Because I know you" Ethan said rapping his arms around the smaller male

Yeah and what would I do?" EXE snapped back

You would burn the entire building down"

I hate it when your right" EXE grumbled

Well EXE if your done complaining this is Zenix one of our new neighbors" Merci jestered towards me

Umm.. Hey" I waved

Hey" he said gripping his boyfriends arms tighter.

Well umm.. I'll go make us some lunch" Merci offered

I'll help" Retao offered and the two walked into the kitchen

That is how I made my new friends Merci, Ethan, Corrupted, Rebby, Retao and EXE. The seven of us hung out while I found out somethings like, Retao and Rebby are going to have a kid (Retao is the one who is pregnant) Retao is a angel, Rebby and EXE are demons and Corrupted is a demonic angel. Also EXE is a short form for Tao EXE.

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