Chapter 16

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The battlefield, drenched in blood, was now a silent witness to grief and pain. Everyone watched how Princess Eliza passed away in the arms of the Prince. The Prince stood still for hours, dripping tears over the beloved face. He kissed the cold lips and lifted the lifeless body in his arms and walked towards the Castle. The joy of victory was not present in the burdened hearts. Warriors, fairies, gnomes and magical beings followed him silently, drowned in grief.

Eliza was laid down on a bed of flowers, in the Throne Room, so everyone can see her for the last time. The castle was soon surrounded by common people, people who came in waves to mourn their Princess. Their true Princess.

One by one came her parents, with stone-like faces and broken hearts for losing their lost child for the second time. The Queen, paled face, was holding Eliza's hand and tears of true love watered her eyes. The Princess's old father, the miller, could barely stand on his own feet, caressing her forehead tirelessly. The Dawn's Fairy watched silently, furious at herself for lacking the power to bring her back to life. The whole Kingdom was left mortified, faced with such a tragedy. And Prince Gabriel refused to eat or sleep so he could be at her side.

Her sister, Mara, followed by Adrian, came in late, barely walking, with a heavy heart. They couldn't get over the feeling that one way or another, they were to blame for Eliza's death. At the same time, Adrian was saying his last goodbye to his lifelong friend; Mara took the hands of her sister in her own and sang a tender song which poured from her being with such grief and sorrow, that everybody froze still. Her voice, sounding so much alike the voice of Eliza, shook the souls and hearts of those present. As everybody was sitting in silence, head down, that is when the miracle no one was expecting happened.

Princess Mara felt a light grip on her hand, faint at first, then stronger. Mara stopped singing, and for a moment, all sorrow-filled hearts stopped beating. When everyone looked up, they saw the beautiful and cheerful Eliza smiling as she did before. One by one, the murmurs of sorrow became cheers, and the whole Kingdom learned that the Princess was brought back to life by a magical singing voice.

Soon, joy and celebration overwhelmed the land. Those close and dear came to hug her and kiss her, and the Princess hugged them back so hard, she didn't seem to want to let go.

Eliza has found her lost family, at last. The King, the Queen, and Princess Mara surrounded her with all their love, shedding tears of joy. The King himself thanked the miller for raising Eliza and taking such good care of her. And he even told him it was time to leave the mill behind and spend his last years in peace, at the royal palace.

'I am sorry, Your Majesty, but I am not worthy of such an honor. Be forgiven, but I would like to spend my last years at the mill, the place I love the most in this world. I have a request, though, if it's not too much to ask. I would like to see Eliza from time to time. This is an old man's wish.'

The King smiled, 'This wish only Eliza can grant.'

Eliza looked at her fathers and embraced them both. In shivering steps, her mother has now reached her side and the Princess felt her warm, loving touch, the one she missed all her life. Then, turning to the miller, she whispered, 'To you, I am not Princess Eliza, father. I will always be your little girl. Without your love and care, I would not have made it here.'

The old man gave her a kiss on the forehead and his blessing, 'Thank you, my dear, for bringing so much light in the life of an old man. Now go! Someone wants to see you more than all of us put together.'

Eliza knew her father was talking about the Prince. She looked around for him, but couldn't find him. With all the joy and celebration, it was easy for him to sneak outside.

She looked for him in every place he used to spend time, but couldn't find him anywhere. Not in the Armory Room, not in the library. And surely he would not retire to his room just now.

Finally, she found him in the garden, sitting in the shadow of a blooming cherry tree. A light breeze caressed her face and the sun was becoming hotter as she was getting closer to him. At her sight, Prince Gabriel smiled with a slight frown, minding a twig he snipped from the tree. Eliza smiled back and without saying any words, they walked together, watching the first flowers of spring. The Prince picked a white flower and gave it to her. Eliza took the flower with a shiver in her heart, trying to mutter a word of gratitude, which just wouldn't come out.

'You know,' said the Prince, 'I don't believe I ever thanked you enough for everything you did for my country. As a reward for your courage, I will grant you your freedom. You don't have to stay at the castle if you don't want to,' he continued without looking at her. 'You can leave anytime and I won't avenge you for leaving.'

His word upset her without measure, like arrows to her heart. She couldn't understand anything anymore. How could he be talking like this, as if she meant nothing to him? If Eliza had heard that just a couple of days ago, she would have left the Castle right then and there.

And now? Now it wasn't the time for big egos. Now, more than ever, she needed to call a spade a spade.

Gathering her courage, Eliza took the Prince's hand, stopping him in his track. With tears in her eyes and heart beating hard, she said,

'I wish to stay.'

What followed is easy to imagine. First, the Forest of Whispers withered down to the roots, as if it had never existed, and in the place of the curled up trees grew new, young and strong trees, growing one year as others in nine. Creatures of the Forgotten Realm gathered here to live in peace and harmony with the humans, helping each other when times asked for it.

Constantin, The Great Wise, was charged with high treason and abandoned in the Forgotten Realm, now deserted and lifeless, with all its beauties hidden from the human eye. Nobody heard of him again. It is said that the old man roamed years on end without meeting another soul and has lost his mind. After he was forgotten by everybody, he has met his end in one of the caves from a realm that was lost in the shadow of time, just like him.

Princess Mara and Adrian received the blessing from the King, and everyone dear gathered to celebrate their wedding. Mara learned to use her gift for those in need and the news about the miracles of her singing traveled far across the land. Thus, suffering people from far away came to find their ease and healing. Mara has finally found her meaning in life.

As for Eliza... Well, Eliza lost the gift of singing forever, but this didn't stop her from continuing to sing. The castle vibrated every day of her voice as if a thousand books toppling one over the other, and every wall was trembling because of such a shrieking voice, like a sword scratching a shield.

In time, the good deeds, kindness, and courage turned the Dark Kingdom into the Kingdom of Heart—the place where everyone was happy, and where there was no suffering, sadness or war. As for Eliza's wedding with Prince Gabriel, there is no need of telling. It was so grand,it is still talked about to this day.

The King and Queen of the Kingdom of Heart ruled in justice and good faith, bringing peace and tranquility over the neighboring countries. King Gabriel became a vigorous defender of peace, and his reign stretched over tens of years, like a blessing over his Kingdom.

Their descendants have followed their good example, carrying their name with pride and glory. And who knows, maybe they still live among us today.

If you know of someone with a brave soul, a gentle heart, who would go to the edge of the world to fulfill a dream, that person could be a brave heir of the fearless Queen Eliza and her righteous king.


Thank you for being part of this journey! Eliza's story has come to an end! But this doesn't mean it has to end here. Now is your turn, the lovely readers who loved this story and encourage me every step of the way, to bring Eliza's story to others. So please share this story and let your friends know about the courage of this character. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

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