Chapter Eleven: I'm Losing Control Of My Dragons (e)

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"Who are you?" Sir Simon asked the man in the cape. The man tossed his hood back.

"Orion?" Andrew asked, stepping forward. Andrew looked like he'd seen a ghost.

The man chuckled and shook his head. "It's been awhile hasn't it Andrew?" the man said. "But Andrew... do I really look as old as my father?" the man asked, shaking his head. I watched silently as Andrew's eyes widened and a smile crossed his face.

"Why if it isn't Erik... last time I saw you you couldn't even look over the back of a horse," Andrew said.

Erik nodded and chuckled. "It's been quite a few years, so hopefully I've grown," he said, leaning on the railing of the fence around the practice circle. Sir Simon walked over and the three men started to talk.

Ally made her way over to me. "Who in the world is that?" she asked.

I shook my head. "I was going to ask you the same thing," I said, crossing my arms. "But he said he could help and I want to know how," I said, taking a breath and walking towards the group. "Excuse me, not to be rude or anything, but since you said you could help me I was wondering if you could elaborate on that," I said. All six eyes turned to me and I slightly shrank back.

"First let me introduce you," Andrew said. "Erik, I would like to introduce you to my new friend, Sam, and also to my daughter, Ally," Andrew said motioning for Ally to join the group. She walked over and smiled, but kept her mouth shut. "Sam, Ally, this is Erik, the son of Orion, one of my best friends from my time in the Red Dragons," he said laughing as Ally and I's eyes grew wide.

Erik smiled and took a step forward. "And I do believe that since this conversation is about you, then we should be including you in the conversation," he said. I nodded but kept quite not wanting to delay the conversation any further.

"Why don't we move into my office," Sir Simon said, leading the way to the small office. It only held enough chairs for the three oldest so Ally and I took to standing between the desk and the chairs.

"Why don't you start from the beginning and explain to Sam and Ally what you told us," Andrew said.

Erik nodded. "Alright then," he said then turned to me. "So Sam, like Andrew, said my father Orion and I are part of the Red Dragons. My father is actually the leader at the moment," he said watching Ally and I's eyes widened again in shock. I was slightly confused about how they could help me? We were told the Red Dragons were not taking apprentices. I was about to voice my concerns when Erik answered my question. "Andrew informed me that you have been told that the Red Dragons are no longer accepting apprentices," he told us. "And that would be right," he said, making my heart drop. I knew that this would not bring forth anything good. Erik saw the look and stood up and walked over to me. "However, I believe that I could sway my father to change his mind for you," he said.

Ally squealed. "Really? Sam would love that!" she said.

"Ally, this is not a conversation for ladies," Andrew said. I smiled inwardly because that was exactly what was happening.

Ally nodded. "Sorry," she said, taking a step back.

Erik smiled and shook his head. "Is the young lady right, Sam? Is that something that would interest you?" he asked me.

"Of course. I would be honored to be part of the Red Dragons. I have looked up to them since I was young," I said trying to keep my emotions at bay. "But how will you change your father's mind on the apprenticeship?" I asked.

"You see Sam, a good section of Red Dragons are getting old and will be stepping down in the next few years and we need to maintain our numbers," he explained. "My father knows this, but he is having a hard time trying to find the right replacements. I believe if he sees your talents and knows that Andrew stands behind you then you will have a strong chance," he said. My heart was beating faster than normal. Could it be real? Could I really become a Red Dragon? "Before we move forward I need to know that you are ready for the challenge," Erik said, crossing his arms. "We train hard and are willing to give our lives at any moment to protect the citizens," Erik said. "We put others first, even if we may get harmed or if we must do something that is uncomfortable or unpleasant," he said, narrowing his eyes on me. "Even though you are younger you will get no special treatment, you will be expected to do everything that the rest of us are doing," he said. "Can you handle that?" he asked.

I locked eyes with Erik and slowly nodded. "I can handle it," I said, crossing my arms. "I witnessed my town be destroyed. I buried them and want to be able to stand up and make sure that no other child has to go through what I did. I may be younger and smaller, but I will work even harder to make sure that no one is having to take care of me," I said. Erik and I stood silently, eyes locked for a few moments. I was not going to be the one to back down and I wasn't.

Erik nodded. "You have a strong will, Sam, and you will need that," he said, clasping a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go talk to my father," he said, turning me to the door. "Andrew you should come, you might be the weight that makes the scale tip in our favor," he said over his shoulder before leading me out of the office and down the streets. Ally and Andrew walked beside us.

Ally's eyes wide as we walked through the streets and towards the buildings owned by the Red Dragons. I listened as Andrew and Erik talked about the Red Dragons. They had twenty members on active duty. Another twenty were around Andrew's age and held other jobs but in tight times they would come to assist the current Red Dragons. The current Red Dragons ranged between the ages of eighteen and thirty five. Orion was the only exception, he was in his late-forties. The Red Dragons owned four buildings, a large training yard, and a stable. The four buildings consisted of a barracks for the men, one smaller house for Orion and Erik, a cafeteria, and an indoor training building.

"Are you ready for this Sam?" Erik asked.

I paused at the entrance to the property before nodding. "I am," I said, stepping over the line that divided the city grounds from the compound.

"Then let's go find father," Erik said, leading the way towards the smaller of the four buildings.

There was a handful of Red Dragons training in the yard. They glanced at us and shouted questions to Erik who ignored them.

"I thought I told you we weren't accepting anyone Erik," an older version of Erik said walking out of the house with a slightly frustrated look on his face.

Erik grinned. "Yes, but you haven't met Sam before," he said pushing me forward.

"This young man happens to be brought to us by one of your friends," Andrew said, stepping up.

Orion's eyes grew wide before he let out a hearty laugh and embraced Andrew. "Oh my friend, it has been too long," he said then turned to look at his son. "And what might be different about this boy, then any of the other dozen you've brought to me?" Orion asked, earning a smirk from his son.

"First off this boy's name is Sam," Erik said, shooting me a smile. "Second off you know that you will eventually have to cave, because we need to start training new Dragons," he said. Orion scowled. "Sam was one of the survivors of the attack on Hillsdale," Erik explained.

"Wait, there are other survivors?" I asked. I knew it was rude to interrupt, but if there were other survivors I needed to know.

Orion was the one to answer. "A handful of Inn-Keepers have spoken about survivors coming through their Inns," he said. I nodded. I was excited that more than just myself survived, but saddened that for the moment I would not know who it was that made it out.

"Like I was saying. Sam has already faced a lot in his short life and is willing to face more in order to keep the peace. He is also good," Erik said.

Orion cocked his head. "How do you know?" he asked.

"Sir Simon had him up against one of his own and I watched the match. Sam might be young, but he has natural talent and has also been trained well," Erik said.

Orion shook his head. "I know you mean well, but we aren't ready for young ones," Orion said.

"Orion, you and I know that for the Red Dragons to continue that soon you will need to start bringing up the next generation. How are you going to do that if you won't allow them in?" Andrew said joining the conversation for the first time.

Orion sighed. "Andrew, you know what happened when we let them in last time," Orion said.

Andrew nodded. "Yes, I've heard," he said then turned and put a hand on my shoulder. "But, those were boys from noble families that thought they had a right to be in the group," Andrew said, urging me forward. "Sam is different, he comes from a small village and has been trained both with the sword and with hard labor," Andrew told Orion. Orion studied me.

"He risked his own life to save those in his village," we all turned to look at who was talking. It was Ally. She stepped forward. "I know this isn't the conversation for a lady, but hear me out," she said and grinned slightly when Orion motioned her on. "The short time I had with Sam he told me what happened in greater details then he told my father," she said taking another step forward. "Not only did Sam risk his life for his townspeople, but he comforted those that were dying... even when at one point that person he comforted had done nothing but be mean to him," Ally said. All eyes turned towards me now.

"So not only does he work hard and learn fast, but he is also compassionate towards anyone," Andrew said smiling down at me.

Orion laughed. "So if I don't at least give Sam a chance I will have a rebellion on my hands?" Orion asked. Ally, Erik, and Andrew nodded. Then we heard a chorus of yeses. We all turned and saw the ten men that had been training standing in a group not far off. "And what opinion do you all hold of a boy you don't even know?" Orion asked.

One of the younger ones stepped forward. "Our opinions are based on what we have just heard sir," he said. "You are being told from two reliable sources that this young man is a good candidate for a Dragon and if you don't listen..." he said trying to think of a good word. "Then you're a fool," the rest of the group cried with laughter. Erik and Andrew grinned.

"I feel like I am losing control of my Dragons," Orion said then turned to me. "You ready to give it a try?" he asked, stepping towards me.

I stood up a little straighter and nodded. "Yes sir, I am ready to be a Dragon," I said.

"So you think that you are going to be a Dragon then do you?" he asked. I felt a momentary panic.

I glanced at Ally and she gave me an encouraging smile. "I believe I have a good chance with the training that I have been given but the final choice will be yours and I will honor the choice with no hard feelings," I said, earning an approving nod from Erik.

"Well then, Sam," Orion said, sticking out a hand which I took. "Then we will put you to the test for the next week," he said.

The following hours were spent figuring out the details of my test trial. If Orion saw that I was unfit to be a Dragon then I would return with Andrew and work on his farm, until something at the knight school opened up. Andrew and Ally would stay at one of the towns Inns until the week was up. I on the other hand would be rooming with the rest of the Dragons. I was slightly scared about this. Ally and I had worked through everything... expect my housing. I would be living with twenty men. Trying to keep my secret just jumped a few levels in difficulty. Andrew asked to speak with Orion privately. While he was doing that Erik took me over to introduce me to the ten men that had helped sway Orion.

We talked for a while. None of them came from rich backgrounds and had all worked hard to be where they were today. After a while, Orion and Andrew came out of Orion's house. Ally, Erik and I walked over.

"Andrew asked that you spend tonight with them and then you will return here early in the morning to start your test as a Dragon," Orion said.

I nodded in understanding. "Thank you for the chance to show that I am worth your while," I said, bowing my head in respect.

Orion smiled and returned the nod. "If you are half of what Andrew and Erik have talked you up to be, then we will be honored to have you as a Dragon, but only time will tell," he said with one more nod.

Ally about tackled me when we walked into our room in the Inn. I laughed and I shoved Ally off. "It worked!" she squealed, throwing her arms around me again.

"Ally stop," I said trying to pry her off of me. She laughed and let go.

"But it worked! Aren't you excited?" she asked.

I grinned. "I'm more excited then you are, but I am also in shock that it actually worked," I said sitting down on the bed and smiling up at Andrew. "And one reason it worked is because you knew Orion and were willing to help me," I said. "I am extremely thankful for your support and feel awful that I have no way to repay you," I said, lowering my head.

Andrew walked over and dropped an arm around my shoulder. "Sam, I feel honored that I was able to give you anything. I can see the talent you have and there is something different about you, something special," he said, kissing the top of my head. "You are forever a part of our family and we will be here for you, ready to support you in any way," he said. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I leaned into Andrew.

Ally walked over and sat down beside me. "Dad's right, there is something special about you," she said brushing my bangs out of my face. "A normal teen would never have been able to handle what you have. You are beyond ordinary and I am so glad to call you my brother," she said making us all crack up. "I just killed the mood didn't I?" she asked, making Andrew and I laugh even harder. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and Ally trying to kill me whenever I voiced one of my many doubts.

The following morning we woke up early in order for me to get dressed and for us to eat breakfast. After breakfast Andrew pulled me into a warm embrace. "I will never replace your father Samantha, but I want you to know that I will be here for you ready to step in and protect you," he said, kissing my head again making tears come. "You are going to be great as a Dragon and I cannot wait to hear about it," he said letting me go. I nodded, knowing I would not be able to talk without tears. "Now let's get you home," he said leading the way out of the Inn and onto the streets.

The streets were a bit busier in the morning and it was hard not to knock into people. We were almost to the Red Dragons compound, when I bumped into a young man around my sister's age. I locked eyes and there was a flicker of recognition.

"Sam come on," Ally called from in front of me.

"Sorry sir," I said.

"No... it was my fault," the young man said. "Have we met?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Hurry up Nate, your uncle won't be happy if you don't get the job at the castle," one of his companions called.

I was frozen until I felt a hand on my arm. "Ally, don't scare me like that," I said putting my hand on my heart.

Ally cocked her head. "What happened?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing... just ran into someone," I said, not sure how to explain my feelings. "Come on let's go," I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to where Andrew was waiting. We reached the grounds where now all twenty men were assembled.

"Welcome to your first day of training, young Dragon," Orion called.

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