Chapter Fourteen - You Can Dance, Can't You? (e)

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After a moment, I caught up and paced myself to walk between Benedict and Louis. Erik was at the front talking to Alakay and Shepherd. "So... how do you know whose turn it is to go on the patrols?" I asked as we walked towards the center of town.

"Within the Dragons, we have eight groups of three led by a Lieutenant, well technically now we have seven groups of four and one group of five," Louis said, explaining the details of the Dragons Watch, as I was told they called it. "We have one group walk the streets every other day for a week. On the seventh day six groups get the day off from training and rotation then one of the two on-duty walks the streets and the other stays at the compound keeping track of where the rest of the Dragons are going if needed," he said.

I tilted my head. "How do they keep track of all the men? I mean once they leave that's a lot of men," I said trying to process.

Benedict nodded. "We are all free to go our ways, but although the Dragons are a close bunch each group of four becomes even closer. Most weeks the groups stay together. So that is only six to keep track of and before we leave we give a rough idea of where we will be." Benedict said, taking part in the conversation.

"So I'm pretty much stuck with you guys now?" I grinned earning two shoves. I stumbled forward bumping into Alakay. "Alakay, they're picking on me," I said, pushing my way between him and Erik. Alakay dropped an arm around my shoulder and glared back at the two.

"Wow, guys... we have been with Sam all but a day and a morning and you are already picking on the poor boy," he said, in mock shame.

Shepherd raised an eyebrow. "May I remind you that you were the one insisting on sticking him in a dress this morning," he said.

I shoved Alakay away. "That's right! Shepherd you're the only kind one in this group," I moved beside him.

Erik chuckled and then stopped. "Wait, what about me? I'm currently part of this group," he said. I glanced at him for a second tilting my head. "Yeah after you forced us to run the obstacle course you will never be a part of those who are kind again," I said with a smirk.

"What if I say I am one of two people with power to get you into another group?" He challenged.

I sucked in my bottom lip then looked at the four guys waiting for a response. "Why would you tear me away from my big brothers?" I asked, in mock horror.

"You just said they were all mean!" Erik said, throwing his hands in the air.

"Well, all but me," Shepherd said, earning glares from the rest.

"They are just being brothers. I guess if I get to stay then I wouldn't mind staying with them," I said, throwing my arms over my head as all four yelled my name at once. "What?" I asked with arms still covering my head.

"Quit acting like you are going anywhere," Benedict said, walking over and pulling my arms off my head.

"You are a Dragon," Louis said.

"You aren't an apprentice in our eyes," Shepherd said smiling at me.

"You are stuck with us," Alakay said. "And someday I will get you in a dress," he said.

All eyes turned on him. "You ruined the moment... we were having a beautiful heart to heart with Sammy here and you ruined it," Benedict said, slapping the back of his head.

Erik chuckled watching the interaction as Benedict and Alakay started to argue about the heart to heart conversation and how Alakay's comment was related. Erik slid over to Sam. "I think you've found the perfect group of Dragon's to call your brothers, the rest will be cousins," he said.

I paused before responding. "That's a big family... I like it," I said.

The rest of the morning went about the same. We simply strolled through the streets. We'd stop at every few stores and talk to the owners about how things were going and nearly every conversation turned to me. By lunch, I was used to answering and I even managed to simplify and say I was an apprentice dropping the trial details. We ended up at The Lion's Den again. I quickly found that each Dragon's group had their favorite eating spot and hardly went to others. Erik, on the other hand, had no group so he had no regular spot. Although, that being said he was definitely known just as well as my four roommates.

"Are you any good at darts?" Alakay asked, as we were finishing up our lunches.

I glanced to where a group of men was playing darts. "I've played." I said.

Alakay shook his head. "I said, are you any good? Any man worth his salt has played darts, but that doesn't mean they are good," he said, his eyes lit up. "I challenge you to a dart match. Winner gets to have the loser do one thing," he said, sticking out his hand.

I leaned back shaking my head. "I don't trust you. I mean if I lose then who knows what you'll have me doing." I said. The rest of the table laughed.

"Good choice Sam," Benedict said with a nod of his head.

"Then don't lose," Alakay said, like it was no big deal. "Come on, I promise I won't make you do anything too terrible," he said, clasping his hands together.

I looked at him with a tilt of my head. "Okay, but before we start I have some rules," I said, crossing my arms. "Whatever thing it is the winner has the loser do must be passed by Louis first," I said, glancing at where Louis sat.

Alakay looked at Louis for a moment then back at me. He slowly nodded as we shook. "It will be fun to see you in a dress Sammy," he said, walking ahead to the dartboard. "Are we playing the long haul or simply three darts each?" Alakay asked, holding the black darts out to me as I walked over.

I took them and felt their weight. They were decent. "Let's keep it simple, we do have a job to do," I said. "But can we take a test shot, I'd like to see how these darts throw based on the ones I'm used to," I said, glancing at the old board on the wall.

Alakay shrugged his shoulders. "Sure you can, I've no need. I know this board very well," he said with a grin as he leaned against one of the beams and watched me. He chuckled as my dart hit the edge of the board and bounced off. "I'd say blue is your color, maybe a powder blue to bring out your feminine side," he said pushing himself forward.

"Don't count your chickens until they hatch, Alakay," I said softly as I took a step back. "Age before talent," I said, taking up his position against the beam. "Wait, what scores do you give each ring?" I said pushing myself forward. Some people played the outer ring as the score it reads, the center ring was double what it said and bullseye was fifty. Others played the spaces were the numbers and that was that and bullseye were only thirty.

"We play center ring is double," Alakay said. "Now may I continue?" He asked, earning a nod. His first dart hit just inside the center ring on the twenty quickly taking his score to forty. His second dart added twenty-six more as he hit the thirteen. "Already at sixty-six... I'm already picking out your shoes," he called over his shoulder. His third dart also landed in the center ring landing on the twelve bringing his total to an even ninety. "Good luck, princess," he said, strutting to the board to get his darts back.

"You are pretty good with those pointy sticks Alakay. I hope I can survive a day in a dress," I said, only half-joking about my statement. I focused on the board and let loose my first dart and groaned as it sailed nicely into the center ring... right into the one point slot. At least it was double. I glanced around and saw Alakay not trying to hide his pleasure. The rest of the Dragons looked neither excited or disappointed. Around the den was a different story - must have been a bet going because most faces held joy, but a few looked quite disappointed. I let out a slow breath and tuned out the crowd. My second dart went sailing through the air and landed just short of my aim but it got me forty points. I heard a few voices go up in cheers at my large jump forward but the majority I am sure were betting on Alakay.

Louis stepped forward. "Sam... the only way you can win is getting a bullseye," he said.

"Oh thank you, Louis... that doesn't add extra stress having that fact voiced," I said sarcastically. I took a deep breath and once again tuned out the crowd. I had my eye on my target and my fingers loosely held the dart. If I missed, my chance at being a Dragon could be gone before I even become an official apprentice. I pulled my arm back and let the dart fly. Then promptly closed my eyes. It went silent for a moment before a few cheers erupted. I felt hands come down on my shoulders and my eyes popped open to see my dart sticking out from the dead center of the bullseye. "I did it!" I cried. I turned and saw Alakay shaking his head and smiling.

He walked over, dropping an arm around my shoulder after pushing away the few who had been betting on me. "You pulled my leg... made me think you couldn't throw a dart and then you wiped me out," he said grinning. "So what's my punishment to be?" He asked.

I thought a moment before a grin slowly crept across my face. "I think I will put that in my pocket and save it for when it becomes handy for me... our rules never said the punishment had to be carried out today," I said.

Alakay let out a short burst of laughter. "Oh! I see how you are. Not only are you going to lord it over me that you won, but you are going to keep me on my toes," he said shaking my shoulders.

"Alright fellas, our fun has been had. It is time to head back on our patrol," Erik said nodding towards the door.

We all nodded and headed out the door. We went back to strolling through the streets. Stopping at a few shops. I was walking beside Alakay with Benedict and Erik in front and Shepherd and Louis behind us. "So when we aren't patrolling the streets what do we do?" I asked, looking to Alakay for answers.

"It depends on the day," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "For the most part if we aren't out on the streets; we are at the compound training. Training itself can range from studying maps of our country and surrounding countries to your basic training of weapons and fitness. Then other times we work on strategies for what to do in different situations," he said. I nodded taking in the information. "And then other times we could get called on for various reasons. Mostly by the royal family..." he said.

"Aren't the Dragons used mainly for major situations?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, but when we aren't we just do whatever the royal family may need. Benedict once helped the Princess get her cat out of a tree," he said with a grin.

The sun was starting to set and we were now heading back to the compound. We were currently on the far side of the city though, so it would take at least thirty minutes if we didn't get stopped. As we were rounding one corner we saw a group of teenagers hanging out in front of one of the shops. There were four girls and two boys standing talking. They were all well dressed. The group quickly took note of us sending smiles and waves. Unfortunately, the girl's eyes quickly found their way to me. Their eyes widened.

Alakay nudged me. "More admirers, Sam. You should go talk to them. Introduce yourself," he said with a smirk.

I shook my head, putting it down. "No, I think we are good. They don't look like they need help," I said, glancing at where the group was standing. I glanced again and saw that the girls were walking towards us and that the two boys were watching closely but not moving forward.

"Excuse us sirs," one of the girls said, taking a step forward.

Erik stepped forward to meet her. "Hello my lady, what can we do for you today?" He asked with a kind smile.

The girls all looked at Erik then to me and then quickly back to Erik. "Um... well you see we noticed that you had a young gentleman with you. We were talking and don't recall any Dragon being our age," the second girl said. Alakay grinned down at me and shoved me forward.

"Sam is new, he just joined yesterday morning," Benedict said, motioning for me to come into the conversation.

I walked forward and gave my best attempt at a smile. "Hello ladies," I said, giving a nod of my head to which the two girls in the back giggled and blushed and the ones in the front tried their hardest not to.

"Hello sir," they said, all curtsying slightly.

"It's an honor to meet a Dragon our age. May we know your name, sir?" The lead girl asked.

I nodded. "My name is Sam. It's a pleasure to meet the four of you as well. I just moved to Jarrow, so I haven't got a chance to meet anyone my age," I said honestly, which earned more smiles. I glanced to where the two boys were standing. Both looked as if they were trying to figure out what to make of me. I caught their eyes and the bigger one walked first, followed by his friend. Both had swords by their sides, swords that looked like they would cost a pretty penny.

"What might your lady's names be?" Erik asked, as there was an awkward pause.

"Oh! My name is Itzel, these are my friends Felicity, Marie, and Nancy," Itzel said with a smile. She turned as the two boys approached. "These are our two other friends, James and Kole," she said motioning the boys forward. "James, Kole, this is Sam. He just moved to town yesterday and is already a Dragon!" Itzel said in awe. I did my best not to blush at the attention.

"A Dragon at our age?" James said, cocking his head and stepping towards me. "How'd you do that? Did it cost a pretty penny? Lord Vance tried to get his son in not a month ago and no words or money would change General Orion's mind," he said, crossing his arms and eyeing me. I stood straight on the outside but on the inside was dying. I didn't want to cause a problem and wasn't sure why it seemed James was.

I shook my head, but before I could answer Louis stepped in. "He's an orphan, but after Orion saw the talent that Sam had he has given him a week's trial to see if he will become the Dragon's first apprentice in over four years," Louis said. I nodded not sure how I should respond.

"You must be really good if you changed General Orion's mind," Itzel said, walking towards me.

"I... I've trained hard... it's been a dream of mine to be here," I said, not liking the attention.

Erik looked to the sky. "We should be moving on, we need to get back to the compound for dinner. I am sure you all need to be getting home as well. It was a pleasure talking to you. I hope that you all and Sam can get together and possibly introduce him to some more friends," he said. Then turned and walked off followed by my roommates, leaving me to say the final goodbyes.

The girls all nodded. "Oh, we would be honored. Maybe at the ball in two weeks, that would be a great place to meet everyone," Felicity said.

"I do hope you will save a dance for me," Itzel said with a smile.

I stepped back as she stepped forward. "Well... um well, we will just have to see," I said. "But it was nice to meet you all," I swept my eyes around the crowd to include all of them.

They all nodded their agreement. "We should get you girls home like Captain Erik said," James guided the girls away.

Kole stayed back a minute. "Give James some time. He's used to having all the girl's attention, especially Itzel, but he is a good guy," Kole said with a smile. "We'll see you around Sam," he said, before jogging to catch up to his friends.

I stood frozen a second before running after my group. "I hate you all," I muttered, earning laughter.

"Now you have four lovely ladies to look forward to dancing with. You can dance, can't you?" Alakay asked with wide eyes. I kept my head down. "Oh! You don't know how?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.

"I can do line dances, but no, there was no need to learn your waltzes and fancy stepping." I said.

He chuckled, dropping an arm around my shoulder. "Oh little brother, we have a lot to teach you in two weeks," he said.

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