Chapter Sixteen - Seriously! I Don't Even Know You Guys! (e)

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"Alakay and I will be the enemy, Louis, Shepherd, and Sam you three will be the protectors," he said.

"Of what?" I asked.

Louis nodded towards where a small box lay closed. "That's our lovely treasure. It's one of our most common practice methods. We have two groups; one going for the treasure and another protecting it. It's simple, but effective training," he said.

We spent nearly four hours on this training drill. We would switch roles and teams. By the time dinner rolled around I felt as though my body was going to collapse then and there. I ate in silence again, but this time it was from pure exhaustion. Benedict chuckled as we stood to take our plates up to the front. I glared at him. "Thanks for the support Ben," I said splashing my plate down in the soapy water making sure that he was standing beside me. He shoved my shoulder laughing as he put his dishes in. "And you!" I said spinning on Alakay. "I thought you said we had an easier day after the morning obstacle course!" I said, jabbing my finger at his chest.

"We normally do when Erik is leading, but Benedict makes things ten times worse," he said, dropping an arm around Sam's shoulder.

"Hey, I just want to make sure we are at the top of our game. Especially now that we have Sam we got to stay on our toes. Gotta show people that the Dragon's don't change just because we have a youth with us," he said.

"Wait! You're saying it was my fault that you tried to kill us today?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yes," he said bluntly as we walked to an outdoor seating area. "We all see the talent in you. It's rough right now; so it's our job as your brothers to make sure that those talents get dusted off and shine. Plus, I think there are some talents in you that you aren't even aware of yet," he said, taking a seat in one of the many chairs.

"Hey Luke, do you have your mandolin tuned?" Alakay asked, walking over to one of the other Dragons.

I didn't pay attention as I sunk into the chair beside Benedict. "Do you really think you see talents in me?" I asked.

Benedict nodded slowly. "We all do. Orion wouldn't have let you even have a trial run if he didn't think you stood a chance. There is something different about you, Sam. You are different then any youth I think any of us have met and that is what the Red Dragon's needed. We aren't your typical group so we can't have your typical wannabe warriors," he said. I nodded without speaking.

"Sam! Come here," Alakay called from the center of the circle.

I raised an eyebrow not moving. "What do you want?" I asked from my seat.

"Just come here," he said, not moving forward.

"No, come here and tell me what you want first," I said, crossing my arms. Alakay sighed, stalking over to me and swiftly pulling me to my feet. I stumbled to get my footing as he dragged me to where Luke was standing with his mandolin. "That's a very fine instrument. Are we going to have a bit of after-dinner entertainment?" Looking up at Luke who chuckled. I didn't like the sound of that. He glanced at Alakay who had a wide grin on his face. "Um... no... I don't think I want to join whatever it is the two of you are thinking," I said trying to back up, but Alakay caught my wrist.

"I told you last night you had a lot to learn. We only have two weeks to whip you into shape and get you ready for your first royal ball. We start lessons now," he said and nodded to Luke who started to play a song that I had often heard was related to the waltz.

"Did you not hear me say that I was practically dead on my feet? There is no way that I am going to dance tonight," I said, trying to shake myself free of Alakay who stood with a grin on his face.

"You have a plethora of girls dying to dance with you. You want to be able to impress them don't you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I quickly shook my head. "Um no, I really don't. There are plenty of other boys for them to dance with. I mean I think Itzel would die if you offered to dance with her so you all go have fun. I'll hold down the fort here during the ball," I said, twisting my wrist free and making a run for it but was caught by two other Dragons. "Seriously! I don't even know you guys!" I said, struggling in their grasps.

"I'm Jonah and this is my brother Daniel," Jonah said as the two of them walked me back over to where Alakay stood now with a small group of Dragons around him.

"Don't worry Sam we will have you ready for your first dance. There is no way we are letting you stay here," Shepherd said smiling at me.

"What if I want to stay though?" I asked. I looked around to plot my escape now that Jonah and Daniel had released me, but I was surrounded. There was no path to freedom... I was doomed.

"You're going. It would look bad for us to leave our apprentice behind when everyone wants to see you," Benedict said.

Alakay walked forward and pulled me into the center. "Micah here is going to help us out," he said, nodding to one of the Lieutenants. "He is going to be your girl," Alakay said with a grin.

"What?" I asked, completely lost.

"I am going to play the part of your dance partner. Alakay is going to direct from the outside while you and I dance," Micah said walking forward. He took my right hand and placed his left hand on my shoulder. Alakay came over and grabbed my left hand bringing it around to rest on Micah's lower back.

"Sam... breathe... you gotta relax," Alakay said laughing at how tense I was. I took a deep breath and tried my best to relax which really didn't do much.

"Shepherd, come here," Benedict said, pulling Shepherd into the circle. He quickly put his hands on Shepherd like mine and Shepherd mimicked what Micah was doing. "Sam, take a minute and watch us," he said as he started to move around the circle as Luke played. Jonah and Daniel grinned at each other and joined in. Soon about ten guys had partnered up and were dancing around us all seeming to know both parts quite well.

"Have they don't this before?" I asked Micah.

Micah laughed and shook his head. "No, but if you have a good lead you don't have to know much," he said. "You ready to give it a try?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, but let's do it anyway," I said with a small smile. Alakay grinned as he started to give me directions about my foot position and what I should be doing. I'm not sure how long we had been dancing... or at least trying to, I think I stepped on Micah's feet more than we actually managed proper footing.

"What in the world is going on?" We heard Orion ask. The music quickly stopped and we all spun to see Orion and Erik standing on the outside of the now human formed circle.

"We are simply helping our little brother out," Benedict said, nodding to where I stood beside Micah.

"You see, Sam doesn't know how to dance and after a run-in with some local girls yesterday we realized we needed to do our part to educate him for the dance in two weeks," Alakay said walking over to Orion. "Care for a dance?" He asked, holding out his hand.

Orion stood unfazed by Alakay's behavior. "No, but you may continue. We were just wondering how you'd snuck so many girls in when we saw the dancing from afar," he said, looking at all the Red Dragons coupled up. "You may continue," he said and turned to go back to his home.

"I think I'm going to stay behind and enjoy the show, father," Erik said with a grin as he walked over and took a seat beside Luke. "So how is Sam doing?" He asked.

"Well besides the broken feet he's given Micah, just fine," Luke said.

I turned to glare at them. "I can hear you!" I said.

Erik laughed standing up and walking over to me. "Here let me be your partner for a bit," he said, taking the position of the lady.

I sighed and looked up at him. "Are you sure you want broken feet to match Micah's?" I asked.

"I'm sure," he said and nodded for Luke to start playing again. We danced for another hour before the torture came to an end. "You are already improving. By the ball, we'll have you dancing so well, you'll be the envy of every man there," Erik said grinning at me.

"I really hate you all," I said, falling to the ground. Not even bothering to crawl to a chair.

Louis walked over pulling me to my feet as I groaned to protest. "You really have improved. It will be fun for you to be with kids your own age," he said. "But for now, I think you could use some sleep."

"That's what I was trying to do," I yawned.

The guys around me laughed. "I mean in your bed. It can get rather cold out here," he said, pulling me towards our room.

I grabbed my sleeping clothes. "I'm gonna make one final trip to the latrine, then get into bed and never come out," I said.

"If you aren't back in five minutes we'll send in a search party," Alakay called as he began to undress. I quickly turned away and rushed out of the room. I changed and went straight back to the room; not sure if Alakay would actually send someone after me or not. When I got back the guys were already in bed. I quickly dove into bed and sighed at the comfort of the blankets.

"Quite down some of us are trying to get our beauty sleep," Alakay said before letting out a low chuckle.

"Cause you need all you can get," I said letting out a short cry as Alakay's pillow came down on my face. I grabbed it and quickly tucked it under my head.

"Hey, give my pillow back," he hissed.

"You attacked me with it. The pillow is mine tonight," I smirked.

"Would you two shut up," Benedict called from his bunk.

The two of us chuckled. "Hey, Sam?" Alakay called.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"Can I have my pillow back please?" He asked.

I remained silent for a minute. "Good night Alakay," I said turning over and pulling both pillows close. 

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