Chapter Thirty-Four: There Is One Thing Missing... (e)

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The streets were bare as Shepherd and I walked through Jarrow. It had been one day since the Dragons and knights left. For those of us who remained in the city, life continued on, but the tension was thick. The usual laughter and chatter that filled the streets was nowhere to be heard. People went from point A to point B with no stops in between. Our job was to calm fears. Although, how heightened patrols calmed fear, I did not know. It only reminded people that there was danger not that far away that could enter our city at any time. "How long do you think it will be before we hear any news?" I asked as we turned a corner to find another bare street.

Shepherd looked down at me and remained quiet for a bit as he thought. "At least a week. If the groups that were spotted were really warriors it will take more than a simple attack to bring them down. I fear it will get worse before it gets better," he said, his eyes returning to scan the street ahead. No response was needed. We both knew that the battles that our brothers were fighting would be costly ones. "Come, let's stop in for lunch at the Lions Den," he said as we neared the inn. We walked into a quiet room. Hardly any tables were full. Walking over to the bar we took our spots and waited for Travis to appear. "A bustling day here as well?" Shepherd asked as we nodded our thanks for the drinks set before us.

Travis nodded with a deep sigh. "Since people saw the massive amount of men leaving a few days ago, things have become quiet. People are scared to go out... scared to open their doors," he said.

Shaking my head I frowned. "We have to do something. If the mood of the city continues to fall then we have only played into La Fray's hand. Tomorrow evening let's have a festival," I said, earning raised eyebrows.

"Did you not hear that people are afraid to go out of their houses?" Shepherd asked.

I nodded. "I did and that is exactly why we need to do something. When we were facing something hard in Hillsdale, instead of hiding in our homes we would gather in the meadows to encourage each other. We would have food, drinks, and music. It didn't take long to bring up the spirits of the people. Tomorrow evening lets do that for the people," I said with a smile.

"I don't think the castle will have time to prepare for that," Travis said shaking his head.

I waved his comment away. "It's not something one place puts on. We have it in the town square. Each person brings something to share and we enjoy our time. I'll talk to Nikolai and Isabella and see what they can provide. Shepherd, you go spread the news among the Dragons, and Travis, start spreading the word!" I said heading for the door forgetting about lunch.

I felt a hand come down on my shoulder and was spun around to face Shepherd. "Do you think you should ask for permission?" He asked.

I grinned and shook my head. "No time for that. It's time we do something for our people," I said and ran off to the castle.

The following evening, my brothers headed for the square to start preparing for the festival. Luke had his mandolin and was tuning that while the rest of us started fires around to heat food and bring comfort.

"Sam!" James called, walking over followed by Kole and the girls. All their arms full of food and drinks.

"This was a great idea! Balls are fun, but this is so... simple yet delightful," Marie smiled. The girls quickly took charge of arranging the food. Little by little people started to trickle in. Soon Luke had a handful of people sitting with him adding music to the festival. My smile widened as I saw not only Isabella, Nikolai, and Chloe but Queen Vivian walking in. I hurried over bowing, before grinning up at them.

"I am so glad you have joined us tonight," I said.

Queen Vivian smiled at me and nodded. "This was a wonderful idea, Sam. A simple thing, yet a wonderful way to raise our spirits," she said.

I nodded my thanks then turned to Isabella. "There is one thing missing... the dancing!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the middle of the square where I began to spin her around; her laughter filling the air as we did village dances. Soon the square was full of people laughing, talking, eating, and dancing. I was standing off to the side watching when I felt my hand be taken.

Glancing over I saw Chloe standing beside me. "You have done something no one has been able to do... you have brought us together and made us smile. Mama and Papa would be so proud of the person you are growing into," she said, the tears on her cheek matching my own.

"Today is another day of patrols and listening," Orion said at breakfast. "Last night was a great way to bring our people together," he said, sending a smile my way. "However, we must remember we are a country at war." After a handful of more words, we each received our jobs for the day and were sent out.

Sighing, I looked around the empty compound. Benedict and I were given the job of staying there. Patrolling the city was the main job, but someone had to stay in the compound in case information came in. Benedict and I were sitting outside looking over a map calculating the possibilities of when we should be hearing news, when a figure slipped from the shadows bringing both of us to our feet. "Nate," I said, recognizing the person in front of us as he removed his hood.

"Is something wrong at the castle?" Benedict asked as we walked towards him.

Nate shifted from foot to foot shaking his head. "No... nothing yet. I have information that you need to know," Nate said, glancing at me.

"You are here to fulfill our agreement?" I asked shocked as I had been expecting Nate to vanish to rejoin his uncle. Benedict glanced between us.

"Yes, it's something I should have done sooner, but now we have no time to wait. I need to speak with you and Orion," he said.

Nodding, I led the way to Orion's office where he was going over papers from the king. "Nate has information that we need to help win against La Fray," I said as soon as we were in the office.

"How do you know this?" Orion asked.

It was my turn to shift uncomfortably. I knew I should have come to them when I found out, but I needed to give Nate time to prove himself one way or another. "I overheard a conversation Nate had a few days ago... I found out that his uncle is La Fray. He is ready to help us bring him down though," I said.

Benedict looked at me a moment. "Withholding that information could have been dangerous... we'll be having a conversation later," he said. With that Orion took over asking Nate to fill him in on what he and I had discussed and why he was here. After a quick recap, he went into the new information.

He pulled out a parchment and lay it in front of Orion. "These are the names of everyone that is on the inside. There may be others as my uncle has little trust to give all information to one person, but these are the key names," he said, then took a breath glancing at me. "That isn't the only reason I am here. I have found out a part of La Fray's plan that is of utmost importance," he said. When no one spoke he continued. "La Fray's plan was to pull Jarrow's main force out of the city... He did hire mercenaries from many places to attack other villages, but his main force is gathering outside the city as we speak... they are preparing to attack while everyone is out," he said. Orion stood at the information.

"Wouldn't he want the King here so he can end the entire line?" Benedict questioned.

Nate slowly shook his head. "He figures he can do that later... if he gets into the castle while the main forces are away he can hold off returning attacks until he has killed King Philip and his line... but the person he most wants is in Jarrow," he said, his eyes passing over me.

After Nate's information, Orion had messengers sent out to start returning all forces that had left. What followed was chaos. The Dragons were all called to the castle where we started our preparation for the upcoming battle that would not be in our favor.

"Sam, what's going on?" Isabella asked, grabbing my arm to stop me as I jogged past where she and Chloe were waiting.

I looked at them unsure how to answer. "We have information that La Fray's main army is heading for the castle. The two of you need to move into one of the inner rooms," I said.

The two exchanged looks of concern at the news. "How do you know?" Chloe asked as the three of us headed for the inner rooms of the castle that would be hardest to access.

I sucked in my lips knowing the news I had would be hard for Chloe to hear. "Because we found one of La Fray's inside men... Nate... he is La Fray's nephew. He has now chosen to stand with us," I said. Isabella gasped while Chloe remained silent.

As we entered one of the rooms Queen Vivian rose from her seat. "Thank you for bringing my daughter Sam," she said looking at me.

"Of course. Now the three of you need to remain in here... don't open the door to anyone without the proper phrase," I said heading for the door, but my arm was caught.

"Can't you stay with us?" Chloe asked.

"I am needed out there, Chloe. We are few and they are many, we need all we have," I said.

Chloe shook her head, her hand resting on my injuries. "Sam, you aren't fully recovered... stay here and protect us," she pleaded.

Sighing, I pulled her into my arms. "I am protecting you. This is what I've always known I would do. I will stand and protect my people no matter what," I said, releasing her. "When this is over we can have another festival... I might even wear a dress," I said smiling at her. "Now, I must go," I said, with one more hug, I left the room hearing the door lock behind me.

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