Chapter Eleven: They Dragged Me In!

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"You survived!" Alakay said as we walked into the inn where we were staying for the night. Tomorrow we would be given chambers at the castle.

I fell to the ground beside Sparrow, pulling her onto my lap. "Just barely. I would much rather have been here playing jacks with you," I said.

Rowen laughed, pulling a chair up and taking a seat upon it. "You act like it was pure torture. From what King Syrus said you handled yourself well and made much progress," he said.

Shaking my head, I pulled the hair ties from my hair and shook it out. "Sure, we made progress, but it ended in an invitation to a ball!" I exclaimed.

Sparrow squealed. "A ball? Do I get to go?" she asked with wide eyes.

Alakay smirked. "A ball is it?" he asked.

"And not just a normal ball. This one is being held in honor of her majesty, Queen Scarlett," Rowen said, laughing as I glared at him.

"I think this trip has been bad for you. You're more confident and using my pain for your enjoyment," I said.

Rowen slid down beside me. "It won't be that bad. I mean, sure you'll have to wear a dress and have your hair done, but you won't have to be fighting off suitors or anything as the men here wouldn't think of a relationship with an Aurjoian," he said.

"Oh yes, that is quite comforting. Phew, I was afraid that men would be falling at my feet," I mocked. I glanced around the room realizing that Emree and Nate weren't around. "Where are Nate and Emree?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.

Alakay grinned while Sparrow sighed. "Those two just can't get along! They were arguing nonstop about every little thing! I tried to make them knock it off and shape up but they just wouldn't!" Sparrow exclaimed. "Finally they got so mad at each other that they just stormed out and we had peace at last," she said, falling back against my chest.

"Oh sure, now you act the gentlemen!" we heard Emree's voice call out as the door was opened and she came walking in. "I can open the door for myself!"

"I was trying to earlier, but you kept taking it as insults like you are now!" Nate said, following close behind.

Sparrow sighed waving her hand in the air. "See what I had to put up with while you were gone," she said.

Smiling I shook my head, wrapping my arms around her. "Have you two been fighting since the moment we left?" I questioned.

"I wouldn't call it fighting as much as being verbally assaulted again and again," Nate said, putting down the bag he was carrying.

Emree went to respond, but Rowen was up and had a hand over her mouth. "I think the two of you need a time out from each other," he said, earning an approving nod from his little sister. "How about we discuss tomorrow's schedule," he said, turning to look between Benedict and me.

"I have tea in the morning with the queen. After that we were given the day to enjoy the city," I said, bringing everyone up to speed.

"Then the night after tomorrow there's a ball!" Sparrow exclaimed from her spot curled up on my lap.

I glared at my brothers, daring anyone of them to make some remark. "We'll come to that later. Now, we need to figure out what tomorrow looks like," I said, trying to avoid the ball as long as possible.

"If you're having tea with the queen, you will need your guards as customary and then your brothers could go as well. It's not necessary, however it may be good to show that you are not alone and not just a woman to be taken lightly," Rowen said.

"What about me?" Sparrow asked.

"If it's alright with Sam, then I thought that you, Emree, and I could explore the town a little while Sam's having tea," he said looking over at me.

Nodding I gave my permission. "Of course. I'm sure it will be nice for the three of you to have some time. After tea if we want to meet up in my chambers at the castle we can decide what to do from there," I said.

"Do I get to stay in the castle?" Sparrow asked with wide eyes.

Rowen nodded. "Yes, we are all being given accommodations at the castle starting tomorrow," he said.

Conversation continued for a while longer. When Benedict called it for the night I went to stand Sparrow up only to realize that at some point she had fallen asleep.

Rowen smiled at me standing and crossing the floor. "She's going to be bone tired by the time we sail back home," he said, scooping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed that had been made up for her.

"I think we all are," I yawned, holding my hands up hoping someone would help. Smiling I felt myself being pulled to my feet by Alakay and Nate.

"Get some rest," Nate said, pulling me in for a hug.

I leaned in close, wrapping my arms around him. "If I must," I grinned as he shoved me away. We said our goodnights and I watched as my brothers and Nate all took their exit. Leaving Emree and I alone in our room with Sparrow curled up on her bed. "Are you joining us at the castle while we are here?" I asked as we prepared for bed.

Emree hesitated. "Rowen asked me... I'm not sure if it would be a good idea or not. Many people see me as a low level rat, the higher-class would frown upon me being in the castle," she explained.

"From my little interaction with the lords and ladies of this nation, they frown upon a lot of things. I would be honored if you would join us. I love my brothers, but having another girl around sounds really nice," I said, climbing into my bed.

"I'll think about it. It's been nice to be around you all," she responded as she slipped into her bed.

"Up, up, up!" I heard Alakay call as our door was thrown open. I groaned, grabbing my pillow and pulling it over my head. "Go away! The child is sleeping," I said pointing at where Sparrow's bed was.

Alakay chuckled walking over and pulling my pillow from my bed. "Sparrow was up an hour ago," he said, smacking me with my own pillow. "Now it's your time to wake up. You got to get beautified for the queen."

"Yes, Sam, it is time you get up. So that Alakay will leave, so I can sleep," Emree said from her bed.

Alakay smirked, grabbing my pillow and throwing it at Emree. "The princess needs her hair done and you're on the job," he said.

"I'm the queen!" I cried from my bed.

"Well start acting like one," Alakay said, grabbing my blankets and yanking them from my bed. "You have an hour then you're expected in our room for breakfast," he said walking out.

Emree and I sighed in relief falling back to our bed. I grinned as she tossed me my pillow. "Five more minutes, then we'll start," she said, yawning and lying back down.

I hardly had time to comprehend what was happening as I was lifted from my bed and deposited, none too gently, on the ground. Quickly opening my eyes to see Benedict standing in front of me.

He stood with arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "You were supposed to be up getting ready, not sleeping!" he exclaimed.

I groaned, throwing my head back. "Can't you all just leave me alone! You do remember that I am your queen, don't you?" I asked, staring up at him. "So why don't you just let me be!" Before I could comprehend what was happening, a pitcher of ice water came splashing into my face. I gasped, spitting the water out and shaking my head. "What the heck was that for?" I cried. My body froze, not from the water, but from the look that Benedict was giving me. I'd crossed the line.

"You may be queen. You may have authority over an entire nation. However, you are still a Dragon apprentice and I am your lieutenant and I will get the respect owed," he said, standing with arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "You have thirty minutes to be dressed and in our room."

"Alakay said I had an hour," I said standing to my feet.

"That was before you wasted half of it sleeping. I expect to see you on time or there will be consequences," he said.

"Yes sir," I said, standing at attention.

He gave a brief nod of his head. "Emree, you have work to do get up," he said, walking towards her bed with another pitcher in his hand.

"I'm up!" she cried, jumping out of bed and standing beside me. With no further words Benedict walked out of the room. "Gees, that man is scary," she shivered. "And that's saying a lot. I grew up at the docks."

I sighed, shaking my head and shivering as the cold water pelted my face. "He really isn't that bad unless you decide to cross him. He doesn't do disrespect," I said.

"We should get a move on things before Lieutenant Benedict comes back," she said, grabbing me and pulling me over to my wardrobe.

Twenty-nine minutes later, Emree and I were walking into my brothers room where breakfast was laid on the table. Benedict gave an approving nod as we walked in. Emree dressed for a day of adventure with Rowen and Sparrow and I dressed for tea with the queen. "You're finally up!" Sparrow cried, jumping from her spot on the ground and running over.

"Just took a little encouragement I heard," Nate said from his spot next to the table with a smirk across his face.

"So what if we aren't morning people! At least we are up now," I said glaring at him, as I walked over and took a seat beside him. "What are your plans for the day?" I asked.

"I invited him to go exploring with us! He's coming!" Sparrow said with glee as she bound across the room and climbed onto his lap.

Emree rolled her eyes and mumbled a string of Nivetarian words as she walked over to the table.

"Be nice," I heard Rowen say as he squeezed her elbow as she passed.

"Row says you have a meeting with the queen. After that are you going to be able to explore with us?" Sparrow asked, turning her attention to me.

Smiling, I gave her a nod. "Of course! I can't wait to get out of this dress and go exploring with you," I said.

Soon breakfast was over and my brothers, guards, and I were heading back to the castle. Unlike last time, the only person there to greet us was a lady of the queen. She had been instructed to bring us to the garden when we arrived. The garden was spectacular. The colors were such a contrast to the rest of the castle. "Your majesty, it's an honor to be invited to have tea with you this morning," I said, giving a small curtsy.

Queen Layann smiled and returned the curtsy. "It's an honor to have you join me," she said. "And who are these fine men? They aren't dressed in Aurjoian guard uniforms," she said nodding to my brothers.

I smiled nodding my head. "These are my brothers. Upon my arrival to Jarrow, shortly after my fourteenth birthday, I was accepted into the Red Dragons. Since that day these four have been my brothers that I have trained with," I said, motioning them forward. "Queen Layann, this is our leader Lieutenant Benedict, and these three are Sir Louis, Sir Shepherd, and Sir Alakay. Brothers, may I introduce you to Queen Layann," I said.

The four stooped down into low bows. "It's an honor to meet you," they echoed together.

The queen smiled at them, then quickly waved a servant over. "Please have another table set up for Queen Scarlett's brothers," she said.

Benedict smiled and shook his head slightly. "We would be honored, but do not want to cause any trouble," he said.

Queen Layann waved away his comment. "Nonsense, I have heard much of the Red Dragons and know the bond that you form. It is much like our special units. If Scarlett calls you brothers, then it would be an honor for us to serve you."

After tea, we found ourselves walking through the gardens. As our time progressed my stress lessened. Queen Layann reminded me very much of Queen Vivian. Both strong willed women. They knew what was right and would fight for it. They were not to be the queen sitting at the king's side saying yes to everything he said. "I hope that one day I can be as strong a queen as you and Queen Vivian," I said, after another story of where she had stood up to the court of men.

Queen Layann stopped and turned to me taking my hands in hers. "Oh my child, I have known you less than a day and I know that you will be as strong if not stronger than I. I was born into this world. Born into a position and raised for it. As for you, although you were born into it you were not raised with that knowledge. The stories that I have heard, today and in the past few weeks, tell me that the life you have faced thus far has prepared you to rule as a mighty queen," she said. Smiling, she turned me to where my brothers were following behind nodding their agreement. "And it is clear, I am not the only one who has these thoughts," she said smiling at my brothers.

I blushed, ducking my head. "It means so much to hear your words of encouragement, Your Majesty," I said.

Queen Layann shook her head slightly. "We are of equal ranking. When we are together I ask that you address me as such. As queens in a male run world we must stick together," she said.

A smile crossed my face as I looked up at her. "It will be an honor to call you by name, as I hope you will call me," I said.

Her light laugh filled the garden. "Then it is settled. Now, Scarlett, it's about time for lunch. Will you and your brothers do us the honor of joining my husband and I for lunch?" she asked.

"We would be pleased to dine with you," I said. Then arm in arm we made our way into the castle where the lunch meal was set upon the table.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I fell on to one of the couches in my lounge area in the chambers that had been set up for us. "One benefit of being royal is the accommodations," I said, grabbing a plump pillow and hugging it to myself.

My brothers all took seats around the room. Alakay took the remaining spot at the end of the couch I was sprawled on. "I don't see why you don't take advantage of those benefits at home and move to the castle where this is nothing compared to what you could have," he said.

I shook my head sitting up. "And be close enough for Jone and Nigel to bug me day-in and day-out, no thank you," I said with a shiver causing my brothers to laugh. "You wouldn't be laughing if you knew them as well as I do! It's like having two Erik's plus a Chloe thrown in for good measure," I said, only earning more laughter. "You all can go sleep on the ship," I mumbled, glaring at them.

"What'd you do to her?" I heard a soft whisper. "Sam?" I recognized Sparrow's voice then felt a finger poke my forehead. My eyes fluttered open, seeing Sparrow squatting in front of me, a grin across her face. "She's awake!"

Laughter filled the room. Yawning, I sat up seeing that Sparrow, Rowen, Emree, and Nate had returned. "How long was I out?" I asked, pulling Sparrow onto the couch.

"A little over an hour. We were in the middle of a conversation when we looked over and realized that you were asleep," Benedict said from his spot at the table playing cards with Louis.

"Well I am all rested up! What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Rowen said once you were up that we could show you around! I love this place! It's so different from Jarrow though. The people aren't as nice, but there are really pretty dresses and fun toys we don't have back home," Sparrow grinned then sighed. "Row said we can't buy anything until it's time to go home though, for now it's just looking."

I grinned down at her. "We'll see about that. I happen to know a few queens around here," I said, causing her to giggle and Rowen to shake his head.

Not long after that we were all heading into the heart of Sayvan. Sparrow was right. The streets were filled with people, none of which were as friendly as in Jarrow. They were all set on getting to where they needed to be and quickly. She was also right on the other hand as well. Nivetarians knew how to make their items spectacular. We were walking by a dress shop when Sparrow gasped and ran to the window. In the window was a wine red lace dress. The skirt was every little girl's dream, long, fluffy, and could spin. The top was covered in dark red flowers. Glancing to where Rowen and my brothers were looking at the newest dice and marbles, I grabbed Sparrow's hand and pulled her into the store.

"Row says nothing until the end of the trip!" Sparrow said, sensing what I was about to do.

I grinned down at her. "Two responses to that. One there is a ball tomorrow and you can not attend without the proper attire and two, I'm the queen," I said, causing a grin to spread across her face.

"And Rowen thought I was the bad example!" Emree said. Snatching a pair of shoes to match Sparrow's dress. "What's a new dress without a pair of new shoes?" she questioned.

Laughing, I nodded my head grabbing the shoes. We quickly made our purchase and gathered the bag walking out just as the guys were turning away from their shop. Rowen's eyes first traveled to the bag then up to us. Sparrow quickly pointed at Emree and I. "They dragged me in!" she cried.

Shaking my head, I gently shoved her. "Thanks for throwing us to the wolf," I said. Walking over I stood in front of Rowen. "There is a ball tomorrow that we were unaware of. We must remember that Sparrow only has the bare minimum of clothing due to her lack of packing. She needed a proper dress for tomorrow and shoes to match. Plus, I'm your queen," I smirked.

Rowen shook his head grabbing the bags from me. "You're lucky you are my queen or I might have a few words for you," he said.

"Don't let that stop you, Rowen, it's never stopped me," Alakay said, side stepping as I went to punch him.

We ended up staying out until dinner time and after an elaborate meal at one of the finer restaurants in town we made our way back to our chambers at the castle. "So tomorrow is the ball. We got Sparrow's outfit covered... but did you bring anything? It seems as though you were not expecting a ball," Emree said as we all lounged around.

Groaning, I pulled a pillow to my face. "No! I have nothing for a ball. Man, guess I will just have to stay here," I said, trying not to let the grin on my face show to much.

"Don't worry about it. Isabella, Chloe, and Morgan made sure that you were prepared for anything! They packed an entire other trunk of clothing for you. I'm sure there will be a dress suitable for the ball," Rowen said.

Emree laughed while I glared. "Oh Row, you are not going to be your queen's favorite if you keep this up. Don't worry too much, Sam. At least you won't have to do any fittings for a new one. I'll do your hair quickly and you'll be ready for the ball," she said. "I'll hold down the couch until you all return tomorrow," she added.

Rowen's grin quickly brought her to sitting up right. "Actually, while you ladies were busy buying new outfits for our little stowaway we men were discussing the lack of a lady in waiting for our queen. It wouldn't be proper for her to be at such a formal event without one. It's a good thing you two are about the same size as you will need to borrow one of her dresses for the ball," he said.

Emree's laugh turned into a glare. "You didn't even ask!" she cried.

"We figured you'd argue," Nate said, earning the glare to turn to him.

"I know that balls aren't typically your setting, but we could really use your help," Rowen said, trying to ease the glare.

I nodded. "I agree. I think my hatred for balls is about the same as yours. Rowen does have a point, though. I know next to nothing about what I am going into tomorrow. It would be a great help to have you beside me. We won't force you, but it would mean a lot," I said.

Emree sighed, running her hand through her hair. "Fine, I'll do it for you. However, after the ball you and I are plotting revenge on Rowen," she said.

"I can hear you!" He chuckled.

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