Chapter Fourteen: Ra Who See What?

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Grabbing Morr-El's hand I pulled him from the council chamber, ignoring the calls from my brothers I made my way through the halls until I found a private room. Spinning on my heels I turned on Morr-El. "What just happened?" I asked. Morr-El sighed running a hand through his already messy hair. I stepped towards him. "What did Rowen mean you tore his family apart?" I demanded.

Morr-El sighed the same look of regret returning to his face. "Let's sit," he said, motioning to the couch in the room.

I shook my head crossing my arms. "I'm fine. I want answers, now," I said.

He nodded, but remained quiet. "My sister, Catriona, was my best friend," he said, swallowing as the memories swarmed his mind. "She was three years older than me," he said. I didn't say anything, but I thought of how that sounded much like Chloe and I, even down to the age difference. "When she was seventeen and I was fourteen, father informed us that she would be marrying Prince Daveen of Moshad. She would not get to meet him before the wedding, she would not be traveling to Moshad with family, but on her own," he said, his hands balling into fists at his side. "All the stories that we ever heard about Prince Daveen were terrifying. He was twenty-two and already went through two wives. Most said that he was so cruel, so unloving that they either died of abuse or sorrow," he said, his fist now turning white. "I couldn't let anything happen to Cat. I vowed to find a way to protect her," he said hot tears stung his eyes as he continued.

As a child, I had heard rumors about Prince Daveen and they were much the same as what Morr-El now said. "Rowen and Emree's fathers helped you," I said, realizing the side of the story that many had never found.

Morr-El nodded. "I only had a week. I found out which ship Cat would be traveling on and I sought out trustworthy men aboard the ship. Mikkel and Eliakim were the only two I could trust. I hired them to protect my sister and find a way to save her from her cruel fate," he said pausing as he thought of the next part of his tale. "When they returned home they took the blame. When the survivors made it home they said that a storm had destroyed the ship. When they made it to land my sister was still with them. They were going to continue on foot. However, the following morning Cat was gone. Mikkel and Eliakim were the last to see her alive," he said with a shaky breath. "Two weeks after they returned home a note came for me. It said 'The cat was found in Jaku'. Nothing else was ever said... to this day I still have not heard from my sister," he said.

His words spun through my mind. Jaku was a small fishing town south of Priaport in Auroja. If they were sailing to Moshad it was very likely they landed close to Jaku and Mikkel and Eliakim helped Morr-El's sister escape to Jaku. From there she could start a new life, a safe one.

Morr-El ran his hands across his face. "I owe Mikkel and Elakim my life and my sisters, they did not have to do it. They gave up their lives to save my sister," he said.

The two of us sat silently for a few minutes. Morr-El lost in his own memories and me trying to figure out what this meant. Rowen had lost so much and with all that I had been finding out, I wasn't sure how he would respond even after he heard the truth. Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair and stood up. "We should head back. I'm sure my brothers are losing it, not knowing where I am," I said heading for the door. Morr-El tried to ask me where we stood, but I honestly wasn't sure. As expected when we walked into the council chamber I was rushed by my brothers.

"Samantha, where were you?" Benedict demanded.

"Listening to Morr-El's side of the story," I said, hoping that would be all that was needed.

Benedict shook his head, his body language saying that wasn't an excuse. "Do you recall that we are currently in a nation with a man that killed your family and wants you dead? Do you recall that he snuck into the ball last night and almost ended your life then?" he asked.

I glared at Benedict, not appreciating his remarks. "I do remember that. How could I forget? However, I had other more important matters. If we want to find La Fray then we need Rowen and Morr-El's help," I said going to walk past, but I felt a hand come down on my shoulder and my body spun to face Benedict. At that moment I was reminded once again that even though I was a queen I was still a Dragon apprentice and I had just mouthed off to my lieutenant. I quickly straightened up and held my hands behind my back. "I'm sorry Benedict. Your right, I wasn't thinking. That could have gotten me into danger, which could have cost us. I will do my best to slow down and make sure that I am considering how my actions will affect not only me but those around me. Can I take a guard and go find Rowen?" I asked.

Benedict held my stare for a moment, not saying anything. It was in these moments that I found him most terrifying, not when he was yelling or barking out orders, but when he was staring at me. He slowly nodded. "I'll go with you," he said. After a few short sentences with those in the room, Benedict and I made our way out of the council chamber. "Where are we even going to start?" he asked as we walked the hall.

It was my turn not to respond right away. I was thinking, trying to put myself in his shoes and figure out where he would go. Something clicked and I stopped the first servant that we came across. "Is there a stream nearby?" I asked. They looked at me in confusion. "Sorry, um... is there a... water? Um... small river?" I asked racking my brain for the right words. The servant quickly guided us out of the castle and through the garden to a stream. My eyes quickly traveled down the stream and a smile touched my lips when I saw Rowen standing with his feet in the water. "Can I talk to Rowen alone?" I asked. Benedict nodded and took a seat on a bench, while I approached him.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to find me," Rowen said, without looking up. I didn't say anything right away. Sitting down by him I picked up a few rocks and started tossing them into the stream. "How did you find me?" he questioned.

I tossed him one of the rocks I was holding. "Do you remember finding me by the stream the day Alexander and Nate told me who I was?" I asked. He nodded. "From the way you spoke, I knew that you'd be taking your own advice today. Do you have any voice left?" I asked.

He slowly shook his head, keeping his eyes on the stream. "Hardly," he said, picking up rocks of his own and gently tossing them into the stream. "You talked to Morr-El," he said rather than asked.

Nodding, I let the remaining rocks fall from my hand and turned my body to face Rowen. "I did. I wanted to hear his side of the story. My papa told me that every story has two sides, neither one is usually true, it takes listening to both and combining them to hear the truth," I said. Rowen didn't say anything. "Do you know who Morr-El's sister was to marry?" I asked. After a pause, Rowen shook his head no. "Prince Daveen, of Moshad," I said. I watched Rowen's body tense. "You know of him?" I asked and after receiving a nod I continued. "Then you know what an awful man he is. What would you do if it was Sparrow being forced to marry him?" I questioned.

Rowen jerked up, his fist balling and turning white. "I'd kill him. I'd do anything in my power to keep Sparrow away from a man like that," he quickly responded, then sighed. "And that was exactly what Morr-El was doing," he said.

"Yes. He hired your father and Elakim to protect his sister. When they reached Moshad they were to find a way to help her escape. When the storm took their ship they took it as a blessing and a way to free her. They both had daughters, they both knew the type of man Catriona was to marry and knew they had to do what they could," I said hoping to break through Rowen's tough exterior.

Rowen sat unmoving. His mind processing what I had said. "Lord Dokken always cared more about power than family," he said. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair. He stood and offered me his hand. "Your papa was a smart man. It's time that I hear the other side of the story so that I can discover the truth once and for all," he said.

Smiling, I accepted his hand. I held on and made him look at me. "Promise me that you won't go in fist flying again," I said.

Rowen laughed, nodding his head. "I promise. I promise to listen to his side before knocking him out cold," he said, smirking as I gasped and slapped him on the shoulder. "Come on, if we are to find La Fray and get you back for your wedding I need to make amends with Morr-El," he said, keeping my hand in his and guiding me back to the council chamber.

"It's been a week and we haven't gotten anywhere!" I said, pacing the room in my chambers waiting for Emree, Morr-El and Rowen to get back with their reports. Each day Emree would head for the docks to find out what she could, Rowen would go to the middle level, while Morr-El stayed in the upper level and within the castle. Louis grabbed my hand as I passed him and pulled me onto the couch. "Louis! I can't not sit right now," I said, struggling to get up.

"Your pacing isn't bringing them back any quicker. It's only driving me insane," he said, giving me a small smile.

I ran my hand through my hair and let myself fall back on the couch. "It's so frustrating! We had him! He was within reach and now we haven't heard a single tale of his whereabouts," I said.

"Did you think we'd just waltz into town, ask where La Fray was, walk to his house, and kill him?" Alakay asked.

I sighed, letting myself laugh at his comment. "You're right, we knew this would take time. I was just hoping by the end of two weeks we'd have a lead."

My brothers nodded all hoping the same thing. "We may not have a start on his whereabouts, but you have made leaps and bounds with the relationship with King Tathrow," Shepherd said.

"He's right. We came for two purposes and you have accomplished one well," Benedict said then stood. "Now, we may not know where La Fray is, but there is something we can do to get ready. We have been slacking on our training and we need to be in our prime when we face him. King Tathrow said we can use his training ground, and that is what we are going to do," he said, leading the way outside to where their special units trained. There were about twelve men already training. Benedict quickly approached the leader and after a brief conversation we found a spot and started our training.

"When will people accept that a girl can fight?" I said as Alakay and I worked on our sword combat. From the very start we had eyes on us.

Alakay grinned. "When a man travels to the moon," he said.

Sighing, I shook my head. "So... never," I said, lunging at Alakay and knocking his sword out of his grasp.

"Are you sure that you are going to be okay?" King Syrus asked as we stood at the docks two days later. We still had no information, however King Syrus' time was up. He had a country he needed to return to.

I smiled up at him giving him a nod. "King Tathrow is now standing beside me. Not only do I have my brothers, but the support of the king. Go home, take care of your people. That is what I plan to do here," I said.

He didn't like that response. "I could push my departure out a few more days," he suggested.

I quickly shook my head. "No, you were supposed to leave three days ago. Thank you for your support. We each have our duties. Your's is returning home. Mine is staying here," I said. He held my stare before nodding. "Promise me that you'll pass word to my family and friends that we are okay," I said.

King Syrus smiled down at me. "I'll make sure that they know when I left that you had an entire kingdom standing beside you," he said. After one more goodbye he bored his ship.

"Rahasia!" Morr-El called barging into my chambers a few hours after King Syrus had departed.

"Ra who see what?" Alakay asked from his position playing cards with Nate, Sparrow, and Emree.

"Rahasia," Morr-El said again, walking over and standing in front of me. "We just received word that La Fray is heading for Rahasia," he said, spreading a map on the table in front of me.

Emree quickly joined as at the table. "Are you sure it was Rahasia?" she asked, sounding concerned.

He nodded and Emree sighed. "Has it changed?" Rowen asked. The two shook their heads.

"If anything it's gotten worse," Emree said, placing her finger on a town at the edge of a mountain range.

"This town is known for one thing, mercenaries," Morr-El said, running his hand through his hair.

"Explains why La Fray would be heading there. After being cast out by King Tathrow he needs to find a new army," Benedict said looking down at the map. "How long would you say it takes to get there?" he asked.

The three Nivetarians looked at the map. "With winter setting in things could become a little tricky. As you near the mountains the storms increase rapidly. If we leave soon it should only take four or five days. If we run into any storms it could take longer," Morr-El finally responded.

"We need to leave as soon as possible. How long will it take to get the needed supplies?" I asked. Again the three looked at each other.

"With the support we have from King Tathrow we should be able to leave the morning after tomorrow," Emree said.

We heard a short intake of breath and turned to see Sparrow standing behind us. Tears threatening her eyes. She slowly reached up and grabbed Rowen's hand. "I'm staying here, aren't I?" she asked quietly.

Rowen sighed, bending down and pulling her close, her hands wrapping into his shirt. "I want to know you are safe. If you are with us then you won't be. I'm sure grandfather will be pleased to have you stay with him," he said.

Sparrow hiccuped as she tried to control her emotions. "But you will be in danger," she said.

"Your brother has been trained for this, Sparrow. Although just an apprentice he is a true warrior. If anyone is safe it's your brother," Nate said walking over and placing a hand on her back. She nodded, but didn't say anything nor did she look up from her hold on her brother.

"We'll come back as quick as possible," I said, walking over to stand behind Rowen so I could look into her eyes.

Her eyes opened and she looked at me. She released one of her hands from Rowen's shirt and reached out for my hand. "Promise me you will all come back to me," she said.

I hesitated. I knew that was not a promise I could make. We were going into the lion's den and it was quite possible that not all of us would be returning. I squeezed her hand and gave her my best smile. "We will do everything in our power to return to you. Then, we will head home, celebrate the birth of two babies and prepare for a wedding," I said. Sparrow smiled slightly, but not her full face grin that so often covered her face.

The following day was spent preparing for our journey. King Tathrow once again offered his army, but we declined and asked for two horses for each of us. In total we would have fourteen people traveling. At first we had considered leaving my guards behind, but after conversation of what we were to face we knew we would need as many men as possible, without making it look like an army was invading. The morning of our departure we gathered in the stable yard. King Tathrow, Queen Layann, and Lord Geving were all there. Looking around I found Rowen kneeling to the side with his arms wrapped around Sparrow, her little body shaking. He slowly rose with her in his arms. I walked over and reached out letting him transfer her to me. "I'll protect him," I said.

She slowly looked up at me with her tear stained face. "And he'll protect you. Please hurry," she said quietly.

I nodded and after one more hug let her return to her brother. My own eyes started to water as I watched him carry her to their grandfather. I saw the hesitation as he released his sister into his grandfather's hold. Although they had grown closer, there were still hurdles they would need to cross. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up I saw Benedict. "Is this the right choice?" I asked.

Benedict sighed. "The right choice is not always the easy one. I believe what we are doing is the best choice. If we had our perfect way we would have ended this at the ball. However, we do not often get our own way. If you were not questioning your choices that is when I would become concerned. You care deeply about each of us and it shows. We will be there beside you as we bring La Fray down," he said squeezing my shoulder. "It's time to end this."

I nodded. With a deep sigh, I turned and mounted my horse. The others quickly followed suit. "Rowen!" a voice called out. Turning to look I saw Sparrow trying to run after us, but her grandfather held her tight. My heart broke as we rode out. At nine years old she had already lost so much. Now, she was struggling with the possibility of more. I glanced to Rowen who kept his body straight, his own tears starting to fall. With a shaky breath I kicked my horse into a canter.

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