Chapter Nine: You Were Not The Only One Cast Out

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"Land ho!" Andres called from his perch in the crows nest. Off in the distance, we could make out the lights on the shore. Dusk was just settling as the call came.

Sparrow ran to the edge of the ship. "How long until we dock? I can't wait to step foot on Nivetarian land!" she said, her face beaming with excitement.

"At the rate we are going, I'd say about an hour or so until we dock," King Syrus said standing beside Sparrow. "It really is a sight to come at night. The way the city lights gleam is spectacular. Unfortunately, the docks are not a place one goes after dark. Tonight we will remain on board."

Sparrow groaned, throwing her head back. "To be so close, yet not get to go is torture!" she cried.

Alakay smirked, standing beside her. "If you hadn't stowed away you wouldn't be facing this torture," he said.

"If I hadn't stowed away, then I wouldn't have gotten to see Nivetara at all! At least I get to this way," she argued.

"If you are even allowed off the ship. Maybe they'll keep you in the brig until we sail back home," he shot back.

Sparrow spun on him with her hands on her hips. "If anyone should be in the brig it should be you! Your foul mouth and behavior deserve more punishment than my stowing away," she said.

Alakay stepped forward, his hands mimicking her. "Oh yeah? You think I have a dirty mouth? You obviously haven't been around the docks much or Sam!" he said.

Sparrow narrowed her eyes on him. "You watch what you say about your Queen and my friend!" she hissed.

"What are you gonna do about it, ya little shrimp?" he taunted.

Without warning, Sparrow lunged at Alakay. "Let me at 'em!" she cried as she felt herself be stopped midair. She glanced up to see Rowen holding her around the waist. "Are you going to let him offend your friend and queen that way?" she asked, struggling in his grasp.

Rowen shook his head. "Sam can handle herself. I believe she is having a stock built just for him once we get back home," he said grinning at Alakay.

"My very own stock?" Alakay asked, turning to me. "Why Sam! I'm honored you think highly enough of me to do that," he said.

"Maybe I shouldn't waste the wood and just leave you behind on our voyage home," I said, shaking my head.

Alakay grinned, then sauntered over to Rowen. He held out his arms and Sparrow jumped into them. "We're going up to Andres to get the best view of our sail into port," he said, carrying Sparrow to the ladder.

"Those two really shouldn't be allowed together," Benedict said.

"He's under your charge. You can tell him not to hang out with her," I reminded him.

He turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "You really think telling Alakay and Sparrow not to spend time together would work?" he questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You're his leader, make him listen," I said.

Benedict just stared at me. Unwilling to get into this argument. "So what is our plan once we dock?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Tonight, as I told the little one, we stay on the ship. Tomorrow, we will make our way to the castle and present ourselves to King Tathrow. We need to make amends between Auroja and Nivetarra as quickly as possible," King Syrus said.

Nodding in agreement, I turned to Rowen. "How many of us should go tomorrow? I don't want to take everyone, as it will look like a show of force," I said.

Rowen nodded. "Yes, it would. I would suggest your customary eight soldiers and two of your brothers," he said seeing the unhappiness it brought my brothers. "I know you all want to be beside Sam. However, with the situation we are in we must act in Nivetarrian customs," he explained.

"Rowen is right. We need to be respectful. If this is what will help us heal our wounds; then it is what will happen. Benedict and Louis will accompany us. Rowen, you will be coming as well, correct?" I questioned.

He stiffened and gave a short nod. "Yes, if you would like me there, then I will come," he said.

We spent the following hour discussing how tomorrow would look. Shepherd had agreed to keep watchful eyes on Sparrow until Rowen felt it safe for her to venture off the ship with us.

The tension rose in all of us as now, not only the sights, but the sound of the dock could be heard. Sparrow and Alakay had rejoined us on deck. "I just want to jump off this ship!" she exclaimed.

"I'll throw you off if you'd like," Alakay smirked, laughing as she turned on him. "Just kidding," he said, grabbing her and tossing her upon his shoulders.

King Syrus and Captain Zell were the only two that disembarked to talk to the dockmaster. Rowen watched carefully as the dockmaster approached and pulled Sparrow back when he was within sight.

"Sam, if it's alright with you I'd like permission to disembark and walk the streets. I'd like to feel out the mood before we enter tomorrow," Rowen said, when he and I were alone.

Titling my head, I looked at him. "Why are you asking me?" I questioned.

He smiled slightly at me. "Sam, you are not just my friend, but my queen. Although I do not think you have grasped this yet, you are in charge of this trip. We were told to stay on the ship, so in order for me to go, I must have permission from my queen," he said.

"Oh," I said. He was right, I hadn't grasped that I was in charge yet. I was the youngest, well besides Sparrow. "I give you permission, under one condition. I come with you," I said. He went to argue, but I held up my hand. "No one knows that we are here yet. No one knows what I look like. I will go as a sailor. Neither of us will be going as Dragons. I want to have a feel of the country I am heading into," I said.

He looked at me. Quietly going over what I said before slowly nodding. "Alright, but you have to be the one to tell your brothers that you are leaving the ship without them," he smirked. My face dropped and I glared at him.

An hour later the two of us were disembarking from the ship. We weren't sure who had it harder getting off the ship. Me without my brothers or Rowen without Sparrow, but we did it. "This is so different," I said, quietly as we walked to the main street.

Rowen nodded. "Yes, the docks of Sayven are much different than Jarrow. Jarrow has had more progress in the last years than Sayven. Nivetarra is very set in her ways. From the reports, I've heard she has changed very little from when I left. The docks are a place people go to gamble, steal, and indulge in scandalous activities. In Jarrow the docks are a meeting place, a place to prepare for another adventure or welcome home those who were gone," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me aside as a brawl broke out in a tavern and a few men came stumbling out. "One other thing. If we talk to anyone, keep your mouth shut. Once we get further into the city you'll be fine, but down here... a lot can go wrong in a few words," he said, guiding me around yet another argument between a handful of very drunk men.

Rowen guided us through the streets. The further we got from the docks the calmer things became, but never calm. "When do they quiet down?" I asked as we passed yet another tavern.

Rowen shook his head. "When the sun rises or when they run out of drink. We are in lower Sayven currently. The first half wall you see up there separates the lower from the middle. Once in the middle, taverns will close down a few hours after dark and have less ruckus. Upper Sayven is separated by a full wall which is locked at dusk. The people there hardly travel outside the walls unless it is required for business. The castle itself is at the farside, encased by its own wall, and locked as the sun starts to set," he explained.

"Are the two of you lost? You look as though you need help," a rather drunk man said, throwing his arms around me. His breath reeked of rum. Looking to Rowen for help as I had no clue what this man was saying.

Rowen grabbed him by the back of his shirt and shoved him away. "Go back to your drink. We don't need or ask for your help," he said in a harsh tone.

The man stumbled as he righted himself, then glared at Rowen. "You don't belong down here. You talk with an upper accent," he spat then stumbled off.

I looked at Rowen, confused by what had just happened. "He's drunk, and you're pretty," he said, then walked on. I quickly caught up to him, not wanting to be left behind.

"I heard that you'd been spotted, but couldn't believe it," a voice called from the shadows. I had never wanted so much to know Nivetarian. I watched as Rowen froze. He slowly turned. Standing behind us was a young Nivetarrian woman, right around our age. She was a few inches taller than me. Her blond hair came down to just past her shoulders. Her clothing was unusual. Leather pants tucked into calf high boots. She wore a long sleeve beige blouse with a leather green vest. Her hands were covered in brown leather fingerless gloves. Rowen didn't respond, he just stared. The girl sauntered forward. As she neared, I noted the cutlass on her left side and at least two daggers were visible. "Word was you were here with an Aurojain. What brought you back to this wretched land?" she questioned.

I knew she was talking about me, I'd heard Aurojain. However, little else was picked up. I could hold a short conversation in Nivetarrian, but to hear it spoken so fluently left me clueless. "Rowen, who is she?" I asked quietly.

Rowen glanced at me, then back at the girl in front of us. "Someone I used to know. We should get back to the ship, Sam," he said grabbing my arm.

The girl blocked our way. Her eyes landed on me as Rowen spoke. "Someone you used to know? You talk as though you are above us now," she said. "Living in Auroja changed you," she then turned to me. "Sam is it? Has Rowen mentioned his life here? Has he told you why he ran?" she asked.

"I didn't run," Rowen said shortly.

She shook her head and ignored him. She went to say something then froze. "Sam... you called her Sam," she said quietly. "This is the queen," she said, her eyes never leaving me.

Those four words I knew. I froze. Would she call it out? Would she alert the people to who I was? We needed to get back to the ship.

"Emree, that's enough," Rowen said. Again those three words I knew, well one was her name I assumed.

She shook her head. "What will the people say? When they find out the son of a traitor is working with the queen of another nation?" she said.

"Nothing, because you will say nothing," Rowen said moving forward.

Emree smirked and shook her head. "You think I will say nothing? How wrong you are. This will bring me fortune," she said.

A gasp escaped my lips, as I watched Rowen pull his dagger and hold it to the girl's neck. "Rowen!" I gasped.

He didn't respond, didn't even look at me. "You will say nothing until we explain. You will walk back to the ship with us. You will say nothing," he hissed. "You've changed," was all the girl said.

"Growing up in a world that hates you and wants to see you die does that to a person," Rowen responded. He then gave her a shove with his free hand. "Now walk," he ordered.

The final two words of their conversation where all I understood. I quickly took to walking beside Rowen. Very confused on what had just occurred.

As we neared the ship, Rowen slid his dagger back. "Try nothing," he commanded. As soon as we boarded the ship we were quickly greeted by Sparrow and my brothers, first with questions of our walk and then of who the girl was.

The girl's eyes landed on Sparrow. "My how our little Sparrow has grown," she said.

Sparrow glanced between her brother and the girl. She slid beside Nate taking his hand for comfort.

"Sparrow, please remain with Nate. Sam and I will be going into her quarters for a conversation with Emree," Rowen said. Then with no further words he nudged Emree forward. I followed silently.

When we got to my quarters, Rowen nodded towards the table. "Sit," he said. Then took to standing in front of the table.

"If you get to stand, why don't I?" she asked, taking a seat nonetheless.

"I know you speak Aurojain, use it," Rowen said.

She nodded. "What happened to you?" she asked, a crack of her hard exterior showing.

"I lost everything. My father was labeled a traitor. My mother was outcast. We were driven out of the only home we knew, into a land who would hardly look at us," Rowen said.

"You think you lost everything? Did you ever stop to consider your father was not the only one condemned? You were not the only one cast out!" she said, rising to her feet.

"You got to stay in your home! In your land! You have a mother who is native and thus you have a step up!" Rowen said slamming his hands on the table.

I jumped. I had never seen Rowen like this. He was always so calm. Facing Eliakim, the boys who disliked him, or any other trial. Yet here he was nothing like I knew.

Emree didn't jump, she just stared. "Did you ever stop to think how we were treated after you left?" she asked quietly. "After you left we had no one that understood," she said, falling back into her seat. She was broken, that was clear.

Rowen froze. "What happened?" he asked in a quiet tone.

Emree slowly looked up. "After you left we were truly alone. Aunty Yavana and you were the only stability that momma and I had. When that was taken from us momma gave up," she said. Her head fell into her hands. "Less than a month after you left, so did she. I was left with nothing, no one."

These last sentences, whatever they were, broke Rowen's hard exterior. He quickly rounded the table and knelt in front of her. He reached out and took her hands. "You are not alone anymore. I am sorry that you were left. If I had known, if I had ever heard... I would have come back for you," he said.

Emree didn't respond. She just sat, trying to calm herself. "I'm sorry I threatened to oust you," she said, after a moment looking up at me.

I was caught off guard. Not prepared for her to speak to me.

Rowen looked at me, realizing for the first time I had actually been in the room. He gave Emree's hands one more squeeze before standing up. "Please join us, Sam. I'd like to do formal introductions," he said. He motioned me forward and I took the only other seat, opposite Emree. "Emree, I'd like to introduce you to my friend, my dragon sister, and my queen, Sam," he said.

Emree smiled at me. "That's a lot of titles," she said.

Laughing, I nodded. "And three of them I didn't have until recently," I said.

Rowen nodded. "A lot has changed in the past few years," he said, then turned back to the introductions. "And Sam, I'd like to introduce you to Emree. We grew up together as our father's worked on the same ship and our families did nearly everything together," he said fondly.

"My father was the only reason yours even stood a chance. An ABS hardly moves up as quickly as Uncle Mikkel did. It was due to his friendship with the Quartermaster," she said, shaking her head.

My eyes grew wide. "Wait, your father is Eliakim?" I questioned.

Emree's face scrunched up as she nodded. "How do you know my father's name? It didn't seem as though Rowen had shared much with you of his past," she said.

I froze. If her story was anything like Rowen's, then she hadn't seen her father since he left.

Rowen ran a hand through his hair. "Eliakim was in Jarrow, not that long ago," he said quietly.

Emree blinked without moving. "Papa was in Jarrow... you saw him?" she said looking at Rowen. He nodded slowly. "What was he doing? Why did he disappear?" she asked.

Rowen hesitated, knowing that answer may cause even more pain. "Emree, Uncle Eliakim has become a mercenary," he said.

Her face dropped and she slowly shook her head. "No, no... he wouldn't go down that dark path... he wouldn't... he couldn't," she said.

"I'm sorry, Emree. It's not something one wants to hear about their father. I'm afraid that my father did as well. Eliakim was hired by the man that wants Sam's throne. He was hired to kill Sam and nearly did," he said.

Emree slowly turned to me. "I'm so sorry. That is not the Papa I grew up with... I don't know what happened to the man I looked up to," she said.

"It's not your fault, Emree. It was his choice. However, although what Rowen said is true, he also still listened to reason. He heard my side and he actually saved my life a short time after he tried to end it," I said, trying to save Emree from some disgrace of who her father had become. The room fell silent as we all thought about the past and how it affects the future. I slowly rose to my feet earning a raised eyebrow from Rowen. "You two have a lot to talk about. Many years of separation brings many questions. I'm going to go above. I look forward to getting to know you more, Emree," I said then quickly made my exit.

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