Chapter Twenty-Eight: Have You Not Taken Enough?

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The following day, we moved our men into position on the edge of Kryder Valley. My breath caught in my throat as I looked to the north. "Those are my hills," I whispered, looking at the hills that were my playground as a child. "Every summer the people of Hillsdale, Drache, and Vibra would come to this valley for three days of celebration. We would compete in games and enjoy time with those we saw but once a year. I never imagined that the sight of celebration would also be the sight of a battle," I said, looking over the valley.

"And when this ends, you will return next summer and continue the tradition of celebration," Erik said, standing beside me. "Chloe mentioned that celebration as well, I believe Elias will enjoy it," he said, smiling down at me.

I nodded as I returned his smile. "Yes, he will. We all will," I said, then turned and walked back to the council tent where we were going over the plans for the battle that would start sooner than expected.

The following morning the tension was high. I gathered my troops and stood on top of the table. "Men! I can't stand before you and say don't be scared. I'm terrified. I can't stand before you and say everything is going to be okay. What I can stand before you and say is that you are not alone," I said, pacing on top of the table. "My fellow leaders and I will not ask you to do what we ourselves are not willing to do. Today when we enter into battle, we will be right beside you," I said, raising my fist and pausing for the cheers that rose. "I stand before you and say what we do today will matter for the rest of our lives. Many of you are not from Auroja. Some of you may be questioning why you are here, besides your leaders saying to go," I said, turning to my foreign friends. "Before you came, we weren't sure that we could find victory, with you we stand a chance. Know this, if we fall today and La Fray takes control he will not stop at controlling Auroja. He will come after each of your homes. He will not stop until everyone who has ever opposed him is dead. We can not let him linger in the background any longer. He has taken too much and will continue to do so until we stand up and say no more!" I said, the last words coming out as a cry. "We can not win this fight as individuals. Look to your left, your right, behind you, and in front of you. These are not just strangers anymore, these men are your brothers. We came together as strangers, but we enter into this battle as family!" I cried. Standing, looking out at my men I raised my sword and they raised theirs. "Together we end this!" I yelled. After my speech, I jumped down from the table and walked through the men.

"Side by side, we end this," Nikolai said, sliding up to walk with me.

Smiling up at him, I nodded. We continued to walk through the men, encouraging them, supporting, and preparing.

"There coming!" a voice called.

Quickly running to the edge of the men, I looked to the direction that was being pointed. My breath caught in my throat as men started to appear on the far side of the valley. "My horse!" I called. Within moments my horse was brought to me and as I mounted the rest of the men followed. With my sword ready I took the white flag that had been prepared and rode to the front. Holding it high, I waited for a response. Soon the ranks on the far side parted and La Fray rode forward with his own white flag. With one glance towards my men, I turned and rode to the middle. Stopping where we could talk, but not close. "You have one chance to surrender," I called.

"You are like a cat. I keep killing you yet you return to torment me," La Fray said, shaking his head.

"I torment you?" I asked in awe. "You killed your own family, multiple times. La Fray, let this be over. Do not let any more blood shed be upon your hands," I said.

"Oh my dear niece. You simply don't understand. Once you have a taste of true power you can never go back. I was meant to rule Auroja. I am the only one strong enough to do what must be done!" he yelled, spit flying from his mouth.

If it hadn't been for the sun reflecting off the metal I wouldn't have seen his dagger flying through the sky. I pulled my horse to the left seconds before his dagger whisked through the space my head had just been. I dropped the flag and rode back to my men. "Prepare for battle!" I cried as I rode down the line of men.

"Archers! At the ready!" General Howe's voice called from nearby. The sound of arrows pulling free from their quiver filled the air.

The sound of my heart beat in my ears. Licking my lips I tried to return some of the moisture to them, yet my throat and mouth had gone dry. My hand shook as I pulled my sword from its sheath.

"Together," Nikolai said from my right.

"Side by side," I responded.

The battlefield fell into a deafening silence. The clatter of armor on horse and men the only sound. Then, the hoof beats, first just a few as La Fray's men started to move forward. Then the roaring war cries broke the silence.

"Archers, nock, draw," General Howe called. The sound of hundreds of arrows sliding into place filled the background. "Aim," he said. "Fire!" he cried. Arrows soar overhead. The field fell to silence once more, then broken for the final time as arrows started to find targets and the cry of man and beast rang out. "Archers, fire at will," was his final call before mounting his horse and riding to the front.

Turning once more to look at my men I took a breath and urged my horse into a walk. Which quickly turned to a trot, then canter, then I, along with my men, were galloping towards the center of the valley where La Fray's men were. Some still surging forward while others lay motionless.

The force of the first blow nearly knocked me from my saddle. I gasped as I righted myself and readjusted my sword. Cries of pain, anger, and fear filled the air as the two forces met. With one hand on the reins and one hand grasping my fathers sword I rode into the heart of the battle. My sword crashing against that of a Nivetarian mercenary.

"So we meet again, your highness," my opponent said. My eyes widened as I recognized the man I fought on the night of my coronation. "Your enemies pay well," he said, using his lance to slam into my shield.

This time I was unable to keep my seat. Tumbling from my saddle I rolled out of the way as my horse continued on. Gasping, I rolled again as the mercenaries reared his horse attempting to bring it down on me. Leaping to my feet I spun away. The next thing I knew the mercenary was flying through the air and landing a few feet away. Glancing up I saw Brooks with his lance. He gave a quick nod and rode on. Turning my attention back to the mercenary, I ran towards him with sword raised. Our swords crashed together sending a shock wave through my body. I pivoted using the pommel of my sword to ram into my opponents ribs. Then with my opposite elbow I slammed it into his neck. He stumbled back. Without waiting, I advanced. My sword in continuous swings as I kept him on the defense. "You will no longer hurt anyone," I cried, knocking his sword from his grasp and driving my sword through him. I froze as his body fell. The blood dripped from my sword.

"Sam! Drop!" a voice called.

Without thinking I dropped to the ground. A blade sliding over my head. Quickly jumping to my feet I staggered sideways. King Syrus's sword quickly brought an end to what would be my next opponent. "Focus on the next step, the next opponent. You cannot get caught up in each death," he said.

Nodding, I shook my head clear and turned to face the oncoming men.

The smell of blood stained the air as the battle raged. The wounds that would have stopped training for the day propelled us onward. As each man fell a piece of my heart broke. Knowing that each man had a family praying for their safe return, a return that would not happen.

I let out a deep cry as I plunged my sword into another opponent who had just taken the life of one of my Aurojian soldiers. For a moment the world froze. Looking around, the ground was no longer full of green grass but it was stained by the sweat and blood of thousands. A familiar cry sounded. I spun on my heels and saw Brooks fighting off three men. The soldiers around him lay dead. No one to help. I ran to him. "Together," I cried. Brooks nodded to me. The gleam that so often could be found in his eyes was gone. With a closer look my heart dropped. The wounds that he had endured were not ones to be overcome in this life. "Ah!" I cried, throwing my full strength into the attack. Soon the three attackers lay at our feet. "Brooks!" I cried as I watched him stumble.

He coughed trying to stand, then with a shake of his head he dropped to the ground. "Together, we will win," he coughed.

Dropping to my knees I cradled his head. "Brooks," I whispered.

He reached up and I took his hand. "To get to watch you become our Dragon Queen was enough. Live on. Restore Auroja to what it once was," he said, then closed his eyes.

Salt hit my mouth as tears streamed through the grime and blood on my face. "Brooks!" I cried trying to bring him back. "You will be remembered," I said, placing a kiss on his forehead. Then standing to my feet I grabbed my sword. Pushing my fallen hair out of my face with my right handed I charged into the next battle.

When something wet hit my face I glanced to the sky. Dusk was upon us and clouds now covered the sky as rain began to fall. The already slippery battlefield became just that much more dangerous.

"You are a hard person to find in a crowd of thousands," a ruff voice said. Spinning on my heels I came face to face with five strong men. "La Fray said he'd pay extra for your head on a sword," the man said stepping forward.

When I didn't back up I saw the hesitation in their eyes. "La Fray's word may not be one you want to count on," I said, raising my sword.

Without words the men lunged. "Side by side!" voices cried. King Syrus, King Philip, Benedict, and Erik stood beside me each facing one of the five.

The five we faced must have had official training. The other men may have been tough, but these men knew what they were doing. They knew the counters to each attack we gave. The wounds on each of us showed.

With two hands on my sword, I lunged towards my opponent and shoved my sword through his armor and into his chest. He growled as he grabbed my sword and yanked it from my grasp. With my foot, I shoved him back, sending him to the ground. A war cry sent me spinning on my heels. Eyes wide in terror as La Fray's right hand man came lumbering towards me sword raised. I threw my arms in front of me to deflect what I could. When instead of a sharp pain I felt a body slam into mine. I opened my eyes and gasped as King Syrus stood between me and death, a sword stabbed into his chest. Trusting that someone would take care of the man, I threw my arms around King Syrus and lowered him to the ground. "Philip!" I cried.

King Philip quickly dropped the man he was fighting and slid to his brother's side. "Syrus," he called, pulling his brother's head onto his lap.

King Syrus smiled up at his brother. He then looked at me. Reaching out I took his hand. "You saved my life," I whispered.

"And you have saved many by what you have done today," he choked out. "It was an honor to meet you and see you rise to your station," he said, a smile on his lips. He then turned to his brother. "As our young queen will care for her country, I ask that you return home and care for ours," he said.

King Philip nodded as he held his brother. "Your reign will long be remembered and I will carry Esklay on," he said. Then with one final breath, King Syrus left us. The sobs that came from King Philip sent shudders through my body. I watched as his head fell, landing on his brothers.

The sound of the battle died down. I stumbled to my feet. Benedict's grasp was the only thing keeping me from falling again. Looking through my own tears and the rain I saw that those who stood were no longer fighting. Something caught my eyes. Breaking free of Benedict's grasp I freed my sword and turned. Grabbing the first horse I saw I swung into the saddle, heading off at a gallop.

"Have you not taken enough?" I cried jumping from my horse.

La Fray turned, a sicking smile on his face. "I was hoping you would follow," he said his hand on his sword, but it was not drawn. "Do you realize where you stand?" he questioned.

Glancing around, my voice caught in my throat. He had led me to the hill next to my childhood home. The sight of the burned house nearly brought me to my knees. Looking down, the village I grew up in was nearly burnt to the ground.

"I sent my men to find clues, they came back saying the bodies had been buried. They burned what structures were left," he said like it was an everyday thing. He chuckled and he shook his head. "Do you know how hard it was to find you?" he asked, taking a step forward. A slight nod was given when I didn't back up. "If only I had realized that all I had to do was take everything from you and you would come running to me... it would have been so much easier," he said. Then without warning his sword was out and our swords locked between us. The final battle had begun, the battle for Auroja.

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