Chapter Twenty-Four: Send Out The Call To Arms

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"It's going to be okay," Nikolai said from nearby.

"Shut up," a rough voice said from behind.

My mind raced with what was going on. La Fray wouldn't be so bold to kidnap us in the middle of the day, would he? A few minutes later we were roughly being tossed into the back of what was only to be assumed as a cart. Thick blankets were then tossed over us.

"I'm right here," Nikolai whispered as we lay still, both trying to figure out what to do. The ride was surprisingly short. We were pulled from the cart and shoved to the ground. The sound of a small stream nearby caught my attention.

"You won't get away with this. You will have the entire force of the Red Dragons and Auroja's army coming down upon you," I said, from my position on the ground.

The sound that responded was not what was expected, laughter filled the air. "We can handle the Aurojain force," a familiar voice said. Then my hood was ripped off and I found myself sitting in the middle of my Dragon brothers and Erik. Erik holding the hood.

Quickly standing to my feet, I looked at my brothers. "What was that for?" I asked.

They all laughed. "We just wanted to see what you would do if you were kidnapped together. I bet that you would end up crying and begging your captors to take Nikolai instead," Alakay said grinning at us.

"And we wanted to have a little fun before we started our training for today," Benedict said.

My face dropped as they pointed to where a bunch of maps were spread out on the ground. "Really? On my one month anniversary you make me suffer through a geography session?" I asked.

Erik dropped an arm around my shoulder. "At least it's outside! You have two hours to figure out what you're doing. We'll be back then," he said grabbing Nikolai and walking off.

"Sometimes I really dislike our general," I mumbled walking over to the maps. "Let's get this over with," I groaned sitting down. My brothers followed and Benedict brought out the document that would tell us what issue we would be facing in our session today.

"And time," Erik called, appearing from nowhere. "Sam, tell me what you are planning on doing to defeat the siege on Priaport," he said standing above us with arms crossed.

I hesitated, knowing that I was the least capable to relay what we had planned. I had wanted to strangle my brothers as they had also put me in charge of the planning. Glancing at my brothers, they gave me encouraging smiles and with a deep breath I went into our plan.

Erik nodded as he listened. He then let out a deep sigh. My heart pounded and my head dropped. That was his "well you were close" sigh. He nudged my knee with his toe and I looked up to meet his eyes. "Sam, you did it," he said.

I froze. "Wait... what? I did it?" I asked. My brothers laughed and Erik nodded.

"Yes, you had all the right pieces in play. You had your timeline down. You even planned for some unforeseen circumstances. You saved Priaport with limited casualties," he said, pulling me to my feet. "You successfully completed your first task as commander," he grinned. He nodded to the maps. "Let's gather those up and head back to the compound for dinner," he said.

"What's going on?" I asked as we entered the compound to find tables lined with food out in the main practice arena.

"Sam, you've done it," Erik said, clasping a hand on my shoulder. Turning to him I raised an eyebrow.

"You've finished your training. You survived your final tactical session as an apprentice, " Benedict said, taking the place where Erik had been standing.

Alakay slid up beside me. "This is the beginning of your celebration ceremony," he said, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "Our little Dragon is all grown up."

My eyes widened as we approached the waiting crowd. Glancing to the tables, I saw one that did not hold food. Sitting in a solid wooden box was a red armband. Looking around I saw that not only were the Dragons gathered but Chloe, Alexander and his family, Nate, Nikolai, and Isabella.

"Normally we don't allow outsiders durning the main ceremony, however, nothing has been normal with you as an apprentice," Erik smiled at me.

Chloe walked towards me taking my hands in hers. "Since you were a child you talked of becoming a Dragon. We all smiled and went along with it. Thinking it was a childhood dream. Yet, today I stand here watching you fulfill that dream," she said. After a quick hug, she slid back into her position with the rest of my non-Dragon friends.

Erik motioned me towards the front of the group. His hand landed on my shoulder once again. "Sam, you came to us four years ago unsure of who you were or what your place in this world was. Today, you have found all that and more. Though the change in you has been huge, I don't think you grasp the change you have had upon all those gathered here," he said, motioning to the crowd before us. "You have brought together those who would not even glance at one another, you have strengthened the Dragon's by adding new blood," he said, glancing to the apprentices. "When you first arrived you were given a week trial. By the end of day one, my father pulled me aside and said you were the right one. Said you would thrive within the Dragons. He would be so proud to see the young woman you have become today," he said, a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I know I am," he said, only loud enough for me to hear. He motioned Benedict forward.

"Sam, Alakay was the last apprentice we had in the Dragons. It's been many years since we have got to have this ceremony," he said. "Your brothers and I are honored to have you as our own sibling. It has been a pleasure to be your lieutenant, although the headaches were often. You are worthy of the red band and it is my honor as your leader to present it to you," he said, then reached out and removed the black band around my arm and placed it in my hand. He then took the red band from the box and held it before me. "If you are ready, we ask that you let this red band find a home on your arm and become our Dragon sister," he said.

Tears stung the corners of my eyes as I nodded, speechless. I held tight to the black band as I extended my right arm and watched as Benedict slipped the red one into place. He then engulfed me in a hug.

"Welcome to the Dragons!" He said, holding me tight. The sound of cheers rang out as my brothers rushed me. First, my main brothers, each holding me tight. Then the rest of the Dragons took their turns.

"That band looks good on you," a voice said from behind. I turned and a gasp escaped my lips.

"Daniel!" I cried running over and throwing my arms around one of Luke's brothers. He had been injured in the fight that had taken Jonah and Micah's lives. His wounds never healed properly so he took up a position as an informant traveling the coastal cities. "I can't believe you're here!"

Daniel chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me. "You have worked so hard to get to this point. I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

With one more grin to Daniel, I was whisked away to celebrate and show off my new armband. Even when Luke brought out his mandolin and the dancing began, I didn't fight it. Dancing with the Dragons in the compound was much different than dancing at balls. Laughter and conversation filled the air as the celebration continued.

Hours went by and the celebration was still in full swing. My cheeks and stomach hurt from how much laughter and smiling was happening. My feet ached from the dancing. However, not much could change the feeling of joy that I was experiencing.

Or so I thought. The clattering of hooves brought all our attention to the front gate. The first thing that we noticed was the speed that the rider came in on, then that it was one of King Philip's personal guards. Maxamus jumped from the horse before he had come to a full stop and was jogging towards us. His eyes scanning the crowd and landing on me. "I'm sorry to interrupt your celebration, but the king requires your presence right away. He says to bring your brothers and general," Maxamus said.

Nikolai's arms around my shoulder kept me straight as my heart skipped a beat. I nodded, taking a step forward. "Inform him we will be there as soon as we saddled our mounts," I said. Maxamus nodded and remounted turning his horse and galloping off.

"I don't like the sound of this," Nikolai said, stepping up beside me.

I slowly shook my head. "Me either. Let's go," I said, speaking to my brothers and Erik.

Chloe caught my arm as I passed. "You will overcome whatever is heading our way," she said, giving me a hug.

Without further words my brothers, Erik, Nikolai, and I were riding towards the castle. Like Maxamus, we hardly stopped our horses before dismounting and handing them over to the stable boys. Quickly walking through the castle, we made our way to the council chamber where my advisors and King Philip were already waiting. Taking a deep breath, I took my position at the head of the table with Nikolai beside me. "What's going on?" I asked, turning my attention to a very grim looking king.

King Philip cleared his throat as he straightened. "While you were on your honeymoon we received a letter from La Fray," he said, sliding a letter over to me.

I quickly scanned it. It basically said that he was not done yet and that after our wedding he would be coming to take everything I had. "Why was I not informed of this as soon as I returned?" I demanded, looking around the room watching all of my advisors look to each other.

"We didn't feel it was a true threat. He has sent letters before. He has never acted upon them. We didn't want to bother you," Sir Gregory spoke up.

My body shook and the only thing that kept me from leaping to my feet and yelling at those in the room was Nikolai's hand on mine. Taking a deep breath, I gathered my composure. "La Fray has taken countless people from me. If anything comes, I am to be informed immediately. We cannot take his threats lightly. Even if he has not acted on his past letters, he has acted nonetheless. We must take each letter as a true threat," I said. Then turned back to King Philip. "If this happened a month ago, why now are we being summoned so urgently?" I questioned.

"Because not only has the letter arrived, but now we have plausible causes to believe he means what he says," King Philip responded. He turned to the door and nodded to the guard beside the door to step forward. "This is Sir Edmond, he brought news from the south," King Philip said, then went quiet to allow Sir Edmond to speak.

"Your majesty," Sir Edmond said, bowing before me. "I was with my men traveling the borders of Moshad and Auroja keeping peace, when we stumbled upon a large camp forming. I sent one of my men in to gain more information," he said, standing with hands behind his back. "When he returned we knew we could not get to Jarrow quick enough. La Fray is gathering an army. He is hiding among the mountains on the border."

My blood ran cold at the news. La Fray was back on Aurojain soil and had brought an army with him. "How many men?" I questioned.

"At least fifteen hundred, however it seemed they were preparing for more to join," Sir Edmond told us.

The room fell silent. La Fray was finished with trying to retake the throne by succession. He was preparing to take the kingdom through force.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened up and looked around the room. "Send out the call to arms. We start preparing for war tonight."

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