Chapter Twenty: Oh, It's Going to be Fun

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"Sam, the goal is to hit the target," James teased as my arrow hit the edge of the target and bounced off. I spun on my heel whacking his ankles with my bow.

"Hey! Don't abuse the bow just casue your mad at James," Kole cried, grabbing the bow from me and checking that it was fine.

I glared at both of them. "It's not my fault I suck at this right now. I just got permission from Archibald to remove the wrapping!" I said. My injuries were healing decently. Archibald had just given me permission to start using it two days prior. We had been home nine days and both training and preparation for the wedding had intensified.

Rowen chuckled, bringing our attention to him. "You still weren't the greatest with the bow. What's your excuse going to be when you're healed?" he asked.

"I like this new Rowen, he's been more fun since you guys got back," James grinned.

The glare stayed on my face as I shook my head. "Yeah, he's been a real joy to have around. I miss the old Rowen, he was nicer," I said, grabbing the bow from Kole and shooting another arrow. This time it stuck in the target, but was in the fourth ring. Kole picked up his bow and released a quick series of three arrows in a matter of seconds having all three land within the center two rings. "Show off," I mumbled, earning laughter from the three.

"Sam, Erik sent me to inform you that you have guests," Luke said, walking up to the four of us. He glanced at the target. "You still struggling with archery?" he asked.

"Careful Luke, she's a bit touchy on the subject," Rowen warned. "I think the wedding prep is starting to get to her," he fake whispered.

"I'm gonna beat you," I hissed, trying to hit him with my bow, but he nimbly jumped over it as I swung. "Castle guest or are they here?" I asked.

Before he could answer I heard my name being called. I spun around and a smile covered my face. "Ally!" I cried, running to meet her halfway. The two of us collided falling to the ground holding each other and laughing as we did so.

"I don't understand girls... why do they laugh when they see each other?" James questioned.

I ignored him and the comments that followed and turned to Ally. Quickly pulling the two of us to our feet. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until a few days before the wedding?" I questioned.

"Chloe sent for us. She thought that it might be nice to have a few more friends around," Ally said.

"Us?" I asked turning back to the direction she had come. "Lucy!" I called, jogging over to where she and Erik were standing. I quickly threw my arms around her and sighed as the comfort of her arms wrapped around me. "It's so good to see you," I said.

Lucy smiled. She released me and just looked at me for a few moments. "Oh, the little girl that we met four years ago has grown into a beautiful young woman," she said brushing my hair from my face. "Bruises and all," she added.

"You're truly here until the wedding?" I questioned.

Lucy nodded, taking my hands. "Yes, we are truly here until the wedding. We will be housed in the castle so that we are nearby for all the preparations. I'm not sure what help we will be as the only wedding I've planned was my own and it was nothing compared to what we will be having for you," she said.

I sighed. "I wish it was more like that. I love Nikolai and am excited for the wedding, however, the amount of work going into a royal wedding may end up killing me before the day even comes," I said.

Ally laughed. "That's why we are here. We are here to help keep you alive until the wedding, when all of that will transfer over to Nikolai, whom I still haven't met by the way," she said, nudging my shoulder.

"Erik, can I take them over and introduce them and help them get settled?" I asked, turning my attention to him.

He nodded, shaking his head as Ally squealed and my grin matched hers. "I'm so glad I have a son," he chuckled. "I have a few night drills for you guys so make sure to be back for dinner," he said, then said his goodbyes and went to torture another group of Dragon's.

"Come on! Let's go introduce you to some royalty!" I said, grabbing Ally's hand.

We were hardly through the entrance to the castle when Jone ambushed us. "There you are! I was about to send for you. We have to figure out a few details that were unplanned for," she said.

I held up my hands quickly shaking my head. "No, not today. I have today off for training purposes," I said firmly.

Jone raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you here?" she asked. She then saw Lucy and Ally standing beside me, a smile crossing her face. "Lucy, Ally, it's so good to see the two of you. I'm glad you could come early to spend time with Scarlett," Jone said.

"And we are spending today introducing them to my soon to be family. The few times they've come up for market week they haven't met Nikolai and his family," I said.

"Well the first time you weren't dating the prince yet," Ally grinned.

"The first time you came up I was still a boy," I said, with laughter in my eyes. "Anyways, like I said they haven't met them yet so I'm taking them to meet each other then settle them in. I'll be back tomorrow for more planning." Then I quickly pulled Lucy and Ally down the hall before Jone could badger me about any more details.

"Is planning really that bad?" Ally asked, as we walked through the halls heading for the living chambers.

Sighing, I shrugged my shoulders. "If it was a small wedding, like the ones back home, I might survive. However, this is the wedding of the long lost queen of Auroja," I said.

"Well that is why we are here! To keep you alive during the planning sessions," Ally said.

"I thought that was my job?" Nikolai asked, appearing from one of the halls. He smiled slightly as Ally jumped.

Shaking my head, I lightly hit his shoulder. "I may be used to you popping out of nowhere, but others aren't," I reprimanded. He chuckled letting his hand slide down and take mine. "Do you know where your family is?" I asked.

Nikolai nodded towards the main lounge area. "We are actually all in one spot for the moment. I assume you are seeking an introduction," he said.

"Yes, and since you are standing here we'll start with you," I said, turning back to Ally and Lucy. "Lucy, Ally, this is my fiancée, Nikolai. Nikolai, this is Lucy and Ally. They took me in as family after my own was taken by La Fray," I said.

Nikolai released my hand and bowed his head slightly. "It's an honor to finally meet you. I've heard many stories and am glad to put a face to the name," he said. "Now, shall we find the rest of the family?" he asked, guiding us into the lounge area.

"You cheated! There is no way that you could have captured my king so easily!" Isabella cried, as we entered the room. "You might as well take my queen as well!" she said throwing her queen at Louis as they finished their chess game.

"And that's Isabella," I laughed as we walked over.

Isabella quickly stood. "This must be Lucy and Ally!" Isabella said. She waved her hand at me as I looked at her in confusion. "Yes, I knew. Chloe said they would be arriving any day. Now, enough about what I know, let's do some introductions," she said grabbing Ally's hand and pulling her over to meet the rest of the royal family.

A few hours later I groaned as a servant informed us that dinner would be served shortly. "If I curl up under the blankets do you think I could get away with not returning to the compound?" I asked, pulling the blanket that was on my lap over my head. Those in the room laughed. "That's not very encouraging," I mumbled from under the blanket. "Hey! Now they'll find me," I cried as Nikolai took the blanket and tossed it aside.

"I don't want you to get in trouble," he said, standing up and pulling me to my feet.

"Not only am I the queen, but if they don't find me I can't get in trouble," I argued.

Nikolai shook his head. "As they remind you often, you may be queen, but you are still an apprentice and we know that they will always find you," he said wrapping his arms around me. "Now, are you going to go home or do I need to take you?" he asked.

Sighing, I leaned into him for a moment. "I'll go. Take care of Lucy and Ally until I come back tomorrow," I said.

"Don't worry, we've got that covered," Isabella said from her seat beside Ally. "I plan on filling them in with all the secrets you've been keeping," she teased.

"And that's why I asked Nikolai to watch out for them," I shot back with a grin.

After a few more words, I made my way back to the compound where dinner was just being served.

"I was wondering if I'd have to send your brothers for you," Erik said as I passed where he and Chloe were already eating.

I smirked. "You almost did. If Nikolai hadn't taken my blanket and forced me to my feet you would've," I said. Quickly grabbing my food I made my way back to the table. "So what are we doing tonight?" I asked.

Erik's smile brought dread to my very soul. "Oh, it's going to be fun," he said.

"Chloe, save us," I said turning to my sister.

Chloe laughed, shaking her head. "Sorry, I'll be a bit busy caring for my child," she said holding Elias close.

"How about I take care of him for the night and you can suffer through whatever it is your husband has planned," I said going to take the baby from her, but she shifted her body.

"You'll be fine. You're the one who wanted to be a Dragon," she said.

My face dropped. "And I thought you loved me," I teased.

"Always, but I also know when you are just trying to get out of something," she said, reaching over and placing a hand on my cheek. "Erik ran his plan by me the other night. It won't be that bad," she said, with a gleam in her eye.

It was that bad. We had hardly finished dinner when we were forced out of the compound and into the forest just out of the city. It wasn't until the sun was to rise in just a few hours that we crashed back into our beds. When my door opened and I heard feet moving towards me I groaned. "I will kill whoever it is that is approaching," I threatened. The chuckle that followed had me leaping from my bed. "Aaron!" I cried, throwing my arms around him.

Aaron continued to laugh as he caught me. "Is this how you plan to kill me?" he teased.

Smiling, I released him and stood grining at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I was tasked with waking you up, it seems as though everyone else was too scared to come in. Alakay volunteered, but Benedict said he wanted him alive for now," he said.

I nodded. "Good choice," I said then froze. "Wait, but what are you doing here? As in Jarrow?" I asked.

"Chloe sent for the girls and I. She thought it might be nice for us to be in town before everyone else starts arriving," he explained.

"The girls?" I asked excitedly.

He nodded. "They are at the castle. We have chambers next to Lucy and Ally. I was sent over to make sure you would make it to your appointments today," he said, laughing as I groaned.

"You don't have to sit through them!" I said poking his chest.

"No, but what I do know is once you are finished for today, you, Morgan, and I get to spend the evening together. So, get ready or I'll let Alakay in," he said, laughing as he ran out of my room.

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