Chapter Fifteen: Have you eloped?

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The sun was setting as I spotted Andrew's farm. My shoulders relaxed and a smile spread across my face as we neared our final destination.

Soon we were dismounting in front of the farm house. I had barely set foot on the ground when I heard the front door open. Looking up, I grinned as I saw Ally running out. Nearly falling to the ground I steadied the two of us as she threw her arms around me. "It's good to see you too," I said, taking a step back from her.

"You're here!" she cried looking me over. "And I think you've gained more muscle since last time we saw each other," she said. Her eyes then traveled to where Nate stood watching. "And who is this fine looking young man?" she asked. She then gasped and a sparkle lit her eyes. "Have you eloped? Samantha! I wanted to see you in a wedding dress! Or at least a dress," she said, crossing her arms. "At least you chose a handsome husband."

My jaw dropped at her statement. Nate let out a loud laugh walking up and dropping his arm around my shoulder, which only led to squeals from Ally.

"And what has led to Ally's squeal this time?" Peter asked, walking down the stairs followed by Thomas and their parents.

As I shoved Nate's arm off of me to go hug the rest of the family, Ally answered before I could.

"Sam eloped and brought her husband to meet us!" Ally grinned.

Peter and Thomas laughed at my facial reaction, while Andrew sized up Nate. Lucy was the only reasonable one.

"Now, is that what Sam told you or are you making assumptions again?" Lucy asked, eyeing her daughter.

"She's making assumptions!" I cried, bringing more laughter from the three young men. "Nate and I are not married," I shuddered.

"Am I really that bad Sam? That you shudder at the thought of marrying me?" Nate teased. "My name is Nate. I am simply Sam's escort. She wanted to come see you all and we didn't think it wise she travel all this way on her own," Nate explained, reaching his hand out to Andrew. "You must be Andrew. I heard all about you on the ride here," he said.

Andrew shook Nate's hand, a smile crossing his face. "As long as you're just friends, then you are welcome here. We care a lot about Sam and won't take kindly to her eloping," he said.

"Well he did technically kidnap me," I said grinning as all three men turned on Nate and Nate sent a playful glare in my direction. "So this time wasn't technically kidnapping... he only kidnaps a girl once and he already used that up on me a few weeks ago," I said.

Nate took a few steps back as the three men approached him. I gasped as I felt Nate grab my shoulders and pull me in front of him.

"Boys," Lucy said, bringing their attention to her. "Why don't we move back to the dinner table and Sam can explain what she's talking about," she said.

After rubbing our horses down and putting them in the barn, we found ourselves sitting around the dinner table. Conversation quickly turned to me as I was questioned on how I'd been. The kidnapping was forgotten for the moment.

That night Ally kept me up for a while asking me the questions that weren't quite fitting for the dinner table. Her squeals waking the entire farm as I mentioned that Prince Nikolai and I may be starting on the path of dating.

"You'll be a princess when you marry him," she yawned, as she fell asleep.

Her final statement made sleep impossible for me. How did I tell her that I already was one? Sighing, I grabbed the blanket from my side of the bed and slid out of the house. Finding a seat on a bench on the porch I wrapped the blanket around me looking up at the starlit sky.

"Can I join you?" turning I saw Thomas standing near. After a nod he took a seat beside me. "So, why are you really here? The Dragons don't usually let their apprentices go off on vacations. Then Nate, he isn't just a friend is he?" he questioned.

I hesitated, pulling my blanket closer. "Nate is my cousin... well technically my second cousin... Our father's were cousins," I said slowly looking over to Thomas. "He is the first relative from my biological family that I ever had contact with. With that has come a lot of new information. Orion gave him permission to escort me away from Jarrow so I can wrap my mind around all that I've learned," I said. Not quite ready to explain everything but needing to share part.

"Want to talk about it?" Thomas asked. Slowly shaking my head I gave him my response. He nodded then dropping an arm around my shoulders, he pulled me close to him. "Then let me provide you with a little extra warmth as you think about that information," he said, then fell silent.

"Thank you," I whispered. With a sigh I leaned into him laying my head on his shoulder.

The following morning, I woke beside a sleeping Ally. I must have fallen asleep while outside with Thomas. Yawning, I silently stood from Ally's bed. After changing I walked into the kitchen to find Lucy and Andrew enjoying a cup of coffee before the kids woke.

"Good morning Sam. Would you care for a cup of coffee? Or are you ready for breakfast?" Lucy asked.

Smiling at the two I slowly shook my head. "Good morning. Thank you, but I think I am going to go on a walk before everyone else gets up," I said.

Andrew stood and pulled me into his warm embrace. "Whatever you're facing, remember you have us," he said, placing a kiss on my forehead before sitting back down with his wife.

"Thank you. I couldn't imagine facing anything without you all. You're my family now," I said. Then with a quick farewell I walked out of the house.

I don't know how long I had been walking, but I froze when I realized where my legs had carried me. Rushing in front of me lay the river that had carried me out of Hillsdale. My body started to shake as I sat down, my feet finding their way into the rushing water. I started to shiver, unsure if it was from the cold or the memories from the last time I was in this position.

An hour later, I walked back to the farm. Finding everyone but Lucy working on fixing fences. "Nate, you're supposed to hit the nail, not your thumb," My laughter brought everyone's attention to me.

"That's what we've all tried to tell him. He just isn't the best listener," Peter smirked.

"I grew up in the lap of luxury. I never had to build a fence," Nate said, shaking his head. "I see that look Sam. It may not have been a pleasant lap of luxury, but I was slightly spoiled," he said.

"Enough about Nate. Where did you go Sam? I woke up and you were already gone," Ally said, ignoring the conversation between Nate and I.

Letting out a deep sigh I ran my hand through my hair. "I went on a walk. I ended up wandering to the river," I said. Everyone but Nate froze.

Andrew straightened up and walked over to me. "Are you alright?" he asked gently.

My arms found their way around myself as I slowly nodded. "Yeah, I think so," I said.

Nate stood with an eyebrow raised. "The river?" he questioned.

My eyes turned to him. "After leaving my father when Hillsdale was attacked, I was chased by the bandits... I fell into the river that flows from Hillsdale to here," I explained. His face dropped as he realized what I was talking about. "Peter and Andrew found me. If they hadn't or if it had been just a little longer I wouldn't have made it," I said leaning into Andrew.

"I'm sorry," Nate said. To Andrew and his kids it sounded like he was apologizing that I had gone through that. To me, it was an apology that went deeper. He was apologizing for what his Uncle had done and that he had been a part of it.

Nodding my head I took his apology. "I need to share something with your whole family," I said looking up at Andrew.

Before long I found myself sitting in Andrew's living room. The same place that we had decided that instead of staying with Andrew I would go to Jarrow. Now, I was about to share something that had changed my life once again.

I had finished telling them how Nate and I were related and to my surprise Nate shared how he had been involved in the attack on Hillsdale.

"To find my cousin was shocking to say the least. Especially when I found out who he was," I said looking at Nate. "At first I was furious. Not only had he been a part of the attack but what hurt the most was that he was La Fray's nephew," I said.

Andrew held up his hand bringing our attention to him. "Hold on a minute. If Nate is La Fray's nephew that means that you are La Fray's cousin once removed," he said. I nodded and he continued. "Then why does La Fray want you dead?" he questioned.

I looked at Nate who nodded. His hand found mine giving it a squeeze for strength. "Because once I am dead he is the rightful heir to the throne. You see something that Nate also did was take me to my brother. Who informed me that my biological parents were King Antonio and Queen Caroline. I am Princess Scarlett, rightful heir to the throne of Auroja," I said, my heart speeding up as I waited for the reactions.

The room fell into silence as Nate and I sat waiting for what I had just said to sink in.

Ally's gasp was the first noise to break the silence. Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes grew wide. "I've slapped the Crown Princess?!" she exclaimed.

Her one question cut the tension in the room as smiles spread across all our faces and laughter filled the room.

"It was nice knowing you. Hope you enjoy the rest of your life in the dungeon," Peter said to his sister.

Shaking my head I let out a deep breath I didn't know I had been holding in. "There would not be room in the dungeon if I sent everyone who has ever slapped me down there," I grinned.

"What does this mean for your apprenticeship?" Andrew asked.

Sighing, I turned to him. "That is one question on a list of hundreds. Right now the Dragons, my sister, my brother, his wife and the people in this room are the only ones that know the truth," I explained. "I am still trying to come to terms with all that I've learned. I want to continue with the Dragons. They are my family, it's been my dream since I was a child. However, many conversations have to happen before anything is decided," I said.

Nate nodded. "Before we uncovered Sam's identity the castle had been working on placing me on the throne. King Philip and his family are still set to step down, and willing to do so, when the rightful heir is found. When we return to Jarrow we will work with Orion on how to bring the news of Sam's royal blood first to King Philip and his advisors and then to the people of Jarrow and the entire country," he told the room.

"Oh my word Sam you're a princess!" Ally squealed, throwing her arms around me.

I laughed pushing myself up and Ally off of me. "Yeah, it seems that I am. That is the reason that we are really here. Nate just came back to Jarrow after his uncle took him as a child. He is adjusting to people seeing him as the rightful heir and now I am trying to wrap my head around the news. We couldn't think of a better place to escape then to where I knew I had a family that would support me," I said smiling at the family that sat in front of me. 

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