Chapter Six: Better If You All Had Died

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Tension was high. The candidates for the apprenticeship had just finished their final tasks. They would have the evening to relax, then in the morning they would be finding out the results. I watched as the majority of boys sat together. A few doing sword drills, others practicing their hand to hand combat and others just relaxing. Looking around I saw James and Kole being part of the sword drills. I went to join and then noticed that Rowen wasn't a part of any group. Looking around I spotted a figure on the tower. Smiling, I jogged over and climbed to the first tower where he stood leaning against the corner pole. "Normally I go to level three, but to each their own." I said, taking a seat with my feet dangling from the edge. "Why are you up here and not down with the boys?" I asked looking up at Rowen.

He raised an eyebrow and remained silent for a moment. "And I thought that you were smart and quick on the intake. I'll put it in layman's terms for you. I'm different, unknown, most people in this town don't like that. Thus they don't want to be around me," he said.

Shaking my head I stood up. "No, that's not true. You are part Aurojian," I said, trying to understand what Rowen was saying.

He smiled at me taking a seat beside me. "You didn't grow up in Jarrow... you don't really know how things work here. If you aren't fully Aurojian then you have to prove yourself if you move here later in life... like me. Even though it sounds harsh it's the way it is and I'm okay with that. I didn't come here to be popular. I came here for a better life for my mum and sister," he said.

Before either of us could respond we heard shouts from below. Looking down, a small crowd of boys were coming our way.

"Samantha, we've been looking for you," Gray called, frowning when he saw who else was on the tower. "You should come join us. It's our celebration night," he grinned.

Shaking my head I jumped down. "There is nothing to celebrate until you get the results tomorrow. However, if we are given free time I say we take it," I said then turned back to Rowen, who was now standing at the base of the tower. "Come on, Rowen, come join us," I said.

Gray shook his head. "He wasn't invited... he shouldn't even be here," he said, crossing his arms.

Rowen held up his hands. "I wasn't asking to be a part of your celebration. I was actually just heading to my room," he said, walking to slide past but one of the other boys stood in front.

"You think you're something special because Orion sought you out. You aren't. It's all in pity he did it," Drew said, shoving Rowen back a step.

"Hey!" I said, stepping forward. "Knock it off. You are all here because Orion saw something in each of you, some I'm not sure what, but he didn't just let anyone come. Rowen earned his spot just like the rest of you," I said, crossing my arms.

The boys laughed, shaking their heads. "Now he's got Samantha believing his tales. You really are a Nivertarian. With their silver tongues they pull people into their lies," Gray said, stepping towards Rowen. "What do you have to say about that Flatlander?" He asked, using the degrading term for the people of Nivertara. "You probably told her that your daddy's a hero. Another lie," he said, shoving Rowen in the chest.

Rowen caught himself, but said nothing. He went to walk around, but Drew grabbed his arm, twisting him around. "You don't walk away from us when we're talking to you. You think you're better than us!" he said, shoving Rowen into Gray. "Your mom was an idiot for leaving Auroja. She should have never come back with you and your sister... better if you all had died," he said.

Rowen's eyes lit up at that insult. Within seconds he was on top of Drew. Unfortunately, Gray was there to help.

Before I even knew what was happening there was a large group of boys in a full out brawl. Yelling at them I tried to get them to stop, but my voice did not carry over the voices of the boys. I went to try pulling one of the boys off, but caught an elbow to the nose. As I was about to join in the fight, I felt a hand come down on my arm and pull me back. I looked up into the face of a very angry Benedict. He didn't say anything as he pushed me into Louis's arms. Louis didn't say anything either as he started to care for my bloody nose.

"Enough!" Erik bellowed, walking into the center of the fight; shoving boys away from each other. Gray and Drew went to tell Erik their side, but were quickly silenced by Erik's glare. Erik took a quick overview of the scene. "Luke, go get some twine," he said. Luke quickly jogged off. Erik looked around the circle at the blood and bruises before his eyes landed on me. "Samantha, what happened here?" He asked, his voice filled with anger.

I took a step forward and was going to remove the rag on my nose, but the blood was still coming. Drew and Gray looked at me with pleading eyes, but I knew better than to lie to an angry Dragon. "I was talking to Rowen on the tower. Drew and Gray came to invite me to the celebration. I invited Rowen. Drew and Gray didn't want Rowen to join and continued to verbally insult him. They shoved him a handful of times," I said looking to where Shepherd was cleaning up Rowen's bloody lip.

Erik glanced at the three mentioned boys. "And who started throwing punches first?" He asked, arms crossed.

I didn't want to answer but knew that it would be worse if I didn't. "Rowen... Drew and Gray were insulting his nationality, his family, and saying they didn't deserve to live," I said quickly.

Erik nodded at the information. He turned to Gray and Drew. "Well, it seems as though it would have been better to let Rowen join, because now your celebration is over for the night," he said, taking the twine from Luke. He pulled out his knife and sliced a few links. "Tie two on Drew, Gray, and Rowen. Then one on each boy that was a part of the fight," he said, handing them to a few dragons. "Those of you with twine will be coming with Luke and myself to the obstacle course and running it until I see you have used up your energy. Those who were watching will go back to their rooms. Samantha, you'll be coming with us," he said, glancing at me.

"She had nothing to do with it, sir," Rowen said, stepping up. "She was attempting to make peace," he said.

Erik looked at Rowen for a moment then back at me. "That might be true at the start. However, as we approached Samantha was about to head into the middle with fist flying," he said. "Alright, enough talking. Let's go," he said, nodding for the boys and me to follow.

As we stood waiting for further instructions at the start, I looked around to see who else was here. There were eleven boys in total, so twelve youth counting myself. I noticed that James and Kole were two of the boys. Sliding over I stood next to them. "Why did you two join?" I asked quietly.

"We saw that Rowen was in trouble... he isn't as bad as people have said. We figured he could use a little help," James said.

"Quiet!" Erik called, looking at the few youths who were talking. "This is how it is going to work. This first run through will be silent. Luke will be at the front and I'll be at the back. If either of us hear a single word out of any of you it's back to the start," he said.

"Wait the first run through! We are doing more than one? It's almost dark," Gray cried.

Erik crossed his arms. "A nice starlit run may just be what you all need. I suggest you shut up now and start running," he said, calling for Luke to start out.

We were back at the starting line for the third time still not making it even half way without someone complaining or yelling at someone else. I raised my hand.

Erik raised an eyebrow. "Make it quick," he said.

Nodding, I turned to address the youth. "Alright, I just have one thing to say. Whoever talks on this run I will personally gag if we end up back here again," I said then waved for Erik to take over.

He shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "That was an encouraging word Sam; glad to know you are here for your friends," he said before sending us off again.

"Well you successfully completed round one," Erik said, earning a groan from a handful of the youth. "This time Rowen will be the only one who can speak and Drew you'll be blindfolded," he said, handing a blindfold to Drew.

"No way. The Flatlander will kill me," Drew said, letting the blindfold drop.

Luke walked up and slapped Drew on the back of the head. "You don't question what a Dragon tells you, boy," he said, shoving the blindfold into his hand.

"I'll be blindfolded. I trust Rowen," a voice in the back called. We all turned to see Kole raising his hand. James stood beside him nodding.

Erik looked at the two for a moment before turning back to the rest of the youth. "As Dragons we must trust each other. Rowen will still be the only voice but James and Kole will also be blindfolded," he said. Without any further instructions we set off.

Rowen was a great leader. If you were willing to listen. The orders he called lead everyone straight through. Except for Drew who chose not to listen and ended up falling a lot.

Erik stood silently for a moment after we completed the course. "If you have one twine on your arm you will head back to your rooms. Luke will escort you to make sure that you go straight there. You four will remain with me," he said looking at Rowen, Drew, Gray, and I. "You have one more to go. Rowen you will be blindfolded this time. Drew and Gray you can talk. Samantha you can't. If anyone falls you start again. I suggest you support each other," he said then without speaking, handed a blindfold to Rowen and had us start. It only took us one time to go through. "Rowen, Samantha you two are free to head back to your rooms," Erik said.

"What! That's not fair. Rowen started the physical fight!" Drew said.

"Rowen, Samantha, go to your rooms," Erik said, not taking his eyes off of Drew.

Rowen didn't move at first. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "You don't want to be around when Erik's authority is being questioned," I said, as we walked back to our rooms.

"Thank you for standing up for me," Rowen said, as we came to a stop half way between our rooms. "It doesn't happen much," he said quietly.

"It will happen more now. Kole and James stood up for you. They are leaders in town. Others will follow," I said, giving him a smile and saying goodnight before we got in more trouble for lingering outside. 

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