Chapter Twenty-One: This is my last ball as just Sam

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It wasn't long before a servant informed the king that the majority of the people had arrived and it was time for the royal family to join the ball. Nikolai took my arm but I was frozen in place. King Philip, Queen Vivian, Prince Sebastian and Isabella were already walking towards the stairs. "I'm going to be right beside you," he said. Nodding slowly, I took a deep breath and started walking.

The noise of the ballroom could be heard as we neared the stairs. The chatter of conversation floated up the staircase surrounded by the music. As King Philip approached the stairs the music changed and the conversations halted. I watched as King Philip and Queen Vivian disappeared out of sight as they descended the stairs. Isabella twisted her head to look at me, giving me one last smile before she turned and walked down the stairs on Prince Sabastian's arm. Taking a deep breath I straightened up as Nikolai and I began our descent. Small gasps and the whispers of conversations started as people noticed that Nikolai was not alone in his descent. Keeping my eyes on the back of the room, avoiding those of the crowd, I managed to make it halfway down the stairs before my eyes connected with Alexander. I stumbled as our gaze held and the full weight of what I was doing struck. Nikolai's grasp on my arm was all that stopped me from falling down the stairs. "It's okay Sam, I've got you," he whispered, pulling me a little closer. Giving a quick nod I broke my stare from Alexander and turned to smile at Nikolai. Without further words we made our way down the final half of the staircase. As we walked through the crowd the music changed back and conversations quickly picked up. Looking around the ballroom, seeing it from a new perspective I realized what had to be done.

When Nikolai went to lead me towards our friends, I pulled him the other direction. "Nikolai, I need to talk to you," I said.

Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "Now? Don't you want to join in the celebrations?" he asked.

"I do. However, I need to talk to you before anything happens," I said. My eyes landing on the portraits of current and past royal families. "Please, Nikolai," I said with pleading eyes. He nodded and guided me towards the garden. Shaking my head I pulled him further into the castle. "There are too many people in the garden. Can we go to the library?" I asked.

Without questioning further Nikolai guided us through the halls and to the library. The doors to the library shut and the sound of the ball faded. Silence filled the room. I gently pulled my arm from his and walked over to the window looking up at the star lit sky. With a deep breath I turned to face Nikolai. "There is something I need to tell you. Something that I can no longer hide," I said.

Nikolai stepped towards me. "Sam, what's going on? What more could you have to hide?" he asked.

Smiling softly, I sighed. "More than you could ever imagine, more than I ever imagined," I said, closing the gap between us. "Do you remember the conversation we had at the statue after our first training session with Isabella and Chloe?" I asked. Nikolai looked at me, confusion clearly evident on his face. "Not long after that conversation I found out that what La Fray had said to me was true,"

Nikolai reached for my hand but I wasn't ready, taking a step back, I wrapped my arms around myself. "What did he say?" he asked.

"He said that he had killed my parents, that he was going to send me to be with them," I said.

This time Nikolai didn't take no for an answer as he pulled me close. "Sam, he's gone. His words weren't true, you are here, alive. You're safe now," he said.

Slowly pulling away I shook my head. "No. I'm not safe and I won't be until he is dead," I said trying to calm myself. "Nikolai, it wasn't just that I defended the castle that he wanted to take my life for. He sent a mercenary after me and will continue to do so until one of us is dead. Because, when I am gone he has a direct path to the throne," I said. Nikolai froze. "My parents were King Antonio and Queen Caroline. I am the hidden princess that Auroja has been seeking. I am Princess Scarlett," I said. Realizing for the first time that as I spoke I had no hesitation on saying who I really was.

The clock on the wall was the only sound that followed my declaration. Starting to shake the thoughts of my dream flooded my head. Was this where he walked out on me? Hesitantly stepping forward, I stood in front of him. "Please say something," I whispered.

Nikolai remained silent as he looked at me. Multiple times he went to speak but each time he closed his mouth before words came.

"Please, Nikolai," I said a little louder this time. Tears threatened my eyes as I looked at Nikolai as he stood unmoving. Nikolai's words from my dream haunted my thoughts as the time passed. "I thought you were the one... the one I would spend the rest of my life with. How could I spend it with a liar? I hope this was worth it..." I felt a warm hand on my face and looked up to see Nikolai had closed the distance between us and was wiping my tears away.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he looked at me. "How long have you known?" he asked.

With a shaky breath I responded. "La Fray told me who my parents were the night of the attack. I didn't believe him. A little over two weeks ago Nate brought me to my brother, who thought I was dead," I said.

Nikolai's eyes widened as a thought entered his mind. "Wait, if you are Scarlett, that makes you family to La Fray and Nate," he stated.

Nodding, I confirmed his statement. "Yes, Nate has been a great deal of help to me this past month. I was lost, confused, and scared. So was he. He never wanted the throne but it was being pushed on him. I never knew who I was yet it was shoved at me all at once," I said. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. Sorry I didn't tell you when I first found out."

Nikolai shook his head pulling me close once again. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You have just found out one of the largest secrets anyone has ever discovered," he said.

"You're not mad?" I questioned, looking up at him.

Smiling down at me he shook his head. "No."

With a sigh of relief I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I had a dream that you and everyone I cared for turned from me because of this," I explained.

Nikolai released me so he could look me eye to eye. "The people that care for you will never leave you. If they leave it means they did not care for you. This will change a lot and I will be by your side through it all," he said.

A smile slowly found its way to my lips as Nate's words of Nikolai being the right man by my side came to mind. "I couldn't ask for a better man," I said.

Nikolai took my hand and led me to the window where we both stood silently taking in all that had just happened.

After a little while, Nikolai turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Is that why you chose the library?" he asked.

Giving him a quizzical look I shook my head. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Nikolai nodded to where a portrait of my family sat above the fireplace. "You don't know," he said, seeing my face. He guided me over to stand in front of the picture. "We are currently standing in your chambers," he said. A gasp escaped my lips as he nodded. "When LaFray took over he trashed the castle, especially the royal chambers. When the castle was taken back the royal chambers were moved to the North end. Each of the previous royal chambers were turned into different gathering spaces to leave them as memories. The library replaced your room as it was said that you loved to listen to stories even as a babe," he said.

Shaking my head I took in what he said. "No... I had no idea. I chose the library because it would be quiet," I said. My body shook as I realized that I was standing in what was once my chambers, in my castle. Warm arms embraced me and I knew that Nikolai had drawn me back to him. After a little while I straightened up. "I would love nothing more than to stay here and be with you. However, if we don't return to the ball soon either your sister or one of my brothers will be hunting us down," I sighed.

Nikolai laughed. "Yes, I am afraid you are right," he said, releasing his hold on me and offering his arm. Taking it, we started our walk back to the ballroom.

As we re-entered the ballroom the celebration was in full swing. Smiling, I leaned into Nikolai as I watched the people dance. "Your parent's are so graceful," I commented as the king and queen danced in the middle of the crowd.

Nikolai nodded. With a quick spin he spun me around so I stood in front of him with a low bow he held out his hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?" he asked. Before I had even finished nodding I was whisked away to join the dancers. After a few changes of partners within the song I found myself in the king's arms.

"You have changed so much since your first ball, Sam," he said, spinning me around. "You practically had two left feet and now you dance as though you've done it your whole life," he said, dipping me low. He smiled as I blushed. "And don't think I didn't notice you sneaking off with my son," he said chuckling, as I gasped and my eyes widened.

"The descent down the stairs was more than I thought it would be. Nikolai took me to the library where I could calm down before joining the celebration," I explained as we moved around.

King Philip nodded. "The library is a good place to be, one of my favorites in the castle," he said. He bowed as the song came to an end. "It was an honor to dance with you," he said.

I curtisted, not even wavering this time. "The honor was mine, your highness," I smiled up at him.

Before I could find my way back to Nikolai I felt a presence beside me. Looking up I saw Alexander. "You came down the stairs," he said as we walked to the edge of the dance floor.

Nodding, I turned to face him. "Nikolai asked me to. I felt it was the right time... I nearly fell when I met your eyes though," I said.

Alexander nodded as I talked. "You told him," he stated rather than questioned.

"I don't want to hide this anymore then I have to. People were understanding of my first secret, but a second one, one this big... it's not fair to keep it for much longer," I said.

Alexander didn't speak as he looked at me. "You have accepted who you are, haven't you?" he asked after a bit. When I nodded he smiled. "May I have this dance? It's been fifteen years too long since I've danced with you," he said.

Placing my arm in his, I gave him my response. We eased our way into the dance circle. The rest of the ball I hardly had time to stand. Every few dances I would find my way back to Nikolai's arms. Towards the end we pulled away and found a bench to watch. Sighing, I leaned my head on his shoulder. "This is my last ball as just Sam," I whispered.

"You will always be Sam. Next time we have a ball though it will be I who is walking by your side," he said, causing my heart to flutter as his words struck true.

Standing up and holding out my hands to him. "Then let us finish this ball with one more dance between Prince Nikolai and the Dragon Sam," I said with a grin.  

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