Chapter 6

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Pecharunt knew the Indigo Park mascots had it out for him. His mama, Holly, had said so.

But what he wasn’t expecting was for them to show up so quickly.

The Loyal Three were the first to show up. Okidogi grabbed him, and shoved him into a nearby room. They locked the door.

Pecharunt at first was confused. Where were the mascots?

But then, he saw why.

Finley launched out of the nearby river, with all of his friends on his back. But all of them looked…weird.

And then Pecharunt immediately realized why.

HATE. They were all corrupted by HATE.

Pecharunt trembled in terror as he saw them approach, growling and snarling.’

All he wanted was his mama.

But his mama was nowhere to be seen. 

Until he heard a thud.

Then he saw her. It was his mama, riding on the back of Miraidon.

He was now even more scared, as his mama would get caught up in the fight.

He just wanted this to end.


Rosie rushed to the console in front of the Area Zero lab. She needed the disk, and she ended it now. 

She hurriedly said something to the console.

“REVEAL THE HIDDEN SECRET OF INDIGO PARK TO ME!” She shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Processing…command accepted. Discharging Indigo Disk.” The console said, before doing just that.

She hurriedly grabbed the disk, before spreading her wings and taking flight.

She needed to get back to the park, and fast.

It was only a matter of time.


Pecharunt could only watch in horror as his mama’s arm was broken by Salem, who uproariously laughed afterwards. His Loyal Three and his mama were both curb stomped into the ground by the mascots.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, they were now looking for him, too.

What could he do!? He would be next! Was there even anything he could do?

He had to do something, or else his Loyal Three and his mama would be dead!

That was…until he noticed a purple sack and some bandages in the corner.

And he remembered a dream he always had. To be a true hero. To be able to actually fight alongside the Loyal Three.

And now, was his time to do it.

He grabbed the bandages, and exited his shell. He began to wrap the bandages around his shell, and a familiar glow began to encase him. He recognized this glow. It was the same glow Pokemon made when they evolved.

Once it was done…he could barely recognize how he looked. He looked human, almost!

But that didn’t matter, right now.

He quickly kicked out the door, and shouted to grab the attention of the various corrupted mascots.

“PECHARONIN!” He shouted his new name, before forming one of his hands into a blade.

He could only hope that he was able to hold them off until his auntie got home.

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