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Full Name : King Jamesy Teddy Ollera

Age: 54

Species: Vampire

Caste: One

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Ryan Gosling

Family: Queen Layla, Princess Eclipse, Prince Uriah.

Job: King of Illea

Personality: King James is a very controlling man.  He had a schedule of all of his family's daily activities, and has guards following them every second.  Even though he is controlling, in his mind he is doing it for their safety.  He is also very hard on his eldest children, shaping them to be role models and the perfect children, but he is harder on Princess Eclipse.

Likes: Peace, feeling in control, surprising his wife and his son.

Dislikes: War, feeling helpless, being contradicted, being humiliated.

Played By: Me

Full Name: Queen Rochelle Layla Ollera

Age: 49

Species: Siren

Caste: One

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Kristen Chenoweth

Family: King James, Princess Eclipse, Prince Uriah.

Job: Queen of Illea

Personality: Queen Layla seems detached and quiet, but she is really observant and sharp witted, so when she does speak, she makes those against her seem like a complete fool.  She wants very much to see her children happy, and will do anything for that to happen.

Likes: Seeing her family happy, peace, tea time, poetry.

Dislikes: Seeing her family hurt, war, debates, disruption.

Played By: FangirlQueen21

Full Name: Queen Grace Alexandria Volk

Age: 46

Species: Werewolf

Caste: One

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Cameron Diaz

Family: Prince Onyx, Princess Halayna.

Job: Queen of Illea

Personality: Queen Grace is very quiet and shy, although not a pushover. If you try anything funny with her, it will not end well for you. If you try anything with her children, then momma bear will be wanting blood.

Likes: Her children being happy, peace, everyone agreeing, reading, sewing.

Dislikes: Missing her husband, when her children are hurt, when her people are hurting, swimming.

Played By: JessJad135

Full Name: Prince Onyx Hill Volk

Age: 19

Species: Werewolf

Caste: One

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Jake Abel

Family: Queen Grace, Princess Haysana.

Job: Crown Prince of Illea

Personality: Onyx is a very outgoing guy, who love to make people happy, and loves seeing people smile.  His father is hard on him, but is harder on his sister.  Even though he is fun and outgoing, he does have a serious side when it comes to business. 

Likes: Walks through the garden, meeting new people, peace, his sister.

Dislikes: Being shut up inside, wars, being alone.

Played By: Me

| Is competing in the Volk Selection. |

Full Name: Princess Eclipse Star Ollera

Age: 17

Species: Siren

Caste: One

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Sarah Hyland

Family: King James, Queen Layla, Prince Uriah.

Job: Crown Princess of Illea

Personality: Eclipse is a quiet and shy girl, much like her mother, and she can put a person in their place when needed, but mainly stays to herself.  She used to be very bubbly and outgoing, but one day she shut herself off from the rest of the world for an unknown reason.  She just needs someone to bring that part of her out again.

Likes: Reading, swimming, being free, her brother.

Dislikes: Her father, being stuck inside all day, feeling trapped.

Played By: Me

| Is competing in the Ollera Selection. |

Full Name: Princess Haylana Alexandra Volk

Age: 13

Species: Werewolf

Caste: 1

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Danielle Campbell

Family: Queen Grace, Prince Onyx.

Personality: Bubbly, witty, outgoing, playful, teasing.

Likes: Hanging around Eclipse, being paid attention to, the Selected paying attention to her.

Dislikes: Being ignored, her brother teasing her, Eclipse ignoring her.

Played By: Me

Full Name: Uriah James Ollera

Age: 11

Species: Vampire

Caste: 1

Province: Angeles

Face Claim: Aramis Knight

Family: King James, Queen Layla, Princess Eclipse.

Personality: Prince Uriah is a kind and quiet boy who mainly keeps to himself.  You might see him on the swing hanging from the tree in the garden, in hanging around in a tree.  He loves spending time with his older sister and sometimes with Onyx.  He and Eclipse are really close, they relate to each other.

Likes: The garden, being alone, quiet spaces, talking with Eclipse.

Dislikes: Being trapped inside, tight spaces, crowds, lots of people.

Played By: Akihokami

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