Chapter 7....

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The next three days were spent watching and studying Leanna Thomas. I sat outside her house timing where she went and what she did. I also went to the diner she worked at and silently watched her. I had yet to see why my father wanted her killed, from the looks of it she was an average woman who worked hard for her money. The last three days all she has done is wake up to go to work at one job, come home for a few minutes before heading right back to her other one before coming home and staying there.

It was boring as hell and once she went home after her shifts I decided to go home myself. It wasn't hard figuring out her schedule so I felt like I didn't even need to follow her around anymore.

I couldn't help but feel bad about what I was going to do to her. She had no clue that in a matter of days she would be dead. The woman worked hard for her money and it clearly was paying off. Sure her job at the strip club wasn't the greatest, but at least she was trying to make money instead of doing something worse. I had respect for the woman and that was making this whole thing a lot harder.

My mind wouldn't wrap around why my father wanted her dead. From what I could tell she had no connections with anyone that dealt with drugs or weapons, anyone that my father dealt with. She seemed like an innocent woman who was just trying to make it in the me in a way.

The poor woman was only in her late 20's, she had so much left to live for and here I am planning on ways to kill her; aren't I just great. Who knew what she would become in just a few years. She may be the person to stop cancer, who knows. This is one of the things I hated about this whole thing. I was getting attached to the target making this whole thing a lot harder than it should be.

My wake up call came a few days after, Saturday. I was sitting in front of her house in my car waiting for Leanna to come home. Things were pretty silent and I was half tempted to just go home instead of just sitting here but something inside of me was telling me to stay put for a little while longer. She left really early this morning and hasn't been back since.

After about 15 minutes of me drumming my fingers on the steering wheel did Leanna's car finally pull into the driveway. I sighed thankful that once she goes inside I can go home myself. It was around 8 o'clock and my stomach kept growling demanding I feed it something other than a few snacks here and there. These last few days I haven't really eaten much or had much sleep, some of it was because I was busy watching Leanna and the other was just because of me. Sleep didn't come easy to someone like me and I don't think it ever will.

I was only half watching her car as she got out. I expected her to head for her door but she surprised me when she rounded the car to the backseat. I sat up straighter and leaned forward wondering what she was doing. The little voice in my head was telling me that something bad was going to happen but when I noticed the backseat door opening and a figure jumping out I froze. This was worse than bad, this was...there were no words to describe it.

A little girl, no older than 6 at the most, jumped out of the back of the car. From here I could make out she was wearing a cute little pink sundress and her brown hair was pulled into pigtails. In the little girls arms was a stuffed bunny that she held on tight to. My eyes snapped towards Leanna as she grabbed a bag from the backseat before holding onto the little girls hand.

I watched frozen as she lead the little girl into the house. From where I was sitting I could see both of them smiling and the little girl giggling about something I couldn't hear. I was still as they disappeared into the house.

A little girl? Since when did she have a daughter? There was nothing in the file that said she had a daughter and all week she hasn't been around. But the bag Leanna was holding looked like an overnight bag you would pack when staying over at someone's house. It is possible that she was staying over somewhere the last 5 days. It killed me to think that maybe she was here longer but I missed it when I left early some days.

I slumped back against my seat staring at the space both girls just occupied. How can this be? She can't have a daughter. My father wouldn't make me kill someone who had a kid. A kid that would be parentless. I knew first hand what the foster system does to children, so how could I do that to some innocent little girl. Sure I did not know her, or even Leanna for that matter, but the little girl seemed full of life; so innocent and young. Something you don't find in anyone else but children who don't know the terrible things life brings.

Not sure how long I sat there in shock but when it slowly started to fade, anger replacing it. If the woman had a daughter why the hell did my father not tell me?! Did he know about this? The idea that he knew about this made my blood boil. I needed to be told everything and something like this was major, something definitely worth telling me about. The worst part of this all was I had a feeling my father did know about this.

More than pissed, I turned my car on and peeled away from the curb. I am getting the answer to this now, not tomorrow, now. I don't care if it was after 8:30 pm, I was going to my father's house.

Clenching my jaw and the steering wheel until my knuckles were white, I drove to the mansion, not caring about speed limits. My anger was tenfold and I was trying my hardest not to explode inside the car. Did my father really think I wouldn't find out about this?! Did he think I would kill a mother and leave her child on the street or to be forced into the system?

I made it to the mansion in under 20 minutes. The guards barely had time to pull the gate up before I sped through it. My tires squealed as I slammed on my breaks in the front of the house before I switched it off. My steps were determined as I marched towards the front door and slammed it behind me, alerting everyone I was here. I could give two shits if I woke anyone or interrupted something. My anger was taking over and I wanted to let it free.

As I stalked through the house I noticed a few heads peek out from the living room and the kitchen wondering what was going on. When the guys noticed it was me and the pissed of look on my face they instantly knew to be scarce. Good.

I headed straight for my father's office knowing that is where he is. When I reached it I didn't waste a moment as I threw open the door, the power of it making the door hit the wall behind it loudly. My father didn't even flinch at the banging of the door and kept his eyes straight forward. However his second in command snapped his head towards me. They were sitting in the chairs on the other side of his office drinking whiskey.

"Did you know?" I immediately asked. My eyes were narrowed at him and I was clenching my hands into fists forcing myself not launch at my father.

"Barging in is incredible rude you know." Byron said, sipping his drink and looking away from me.

"Answer me! Did you know she had a daughter?" I growled out.

"It wasn't important." He waved it off like it was no big deal.

"Wasn't important? Are you fucking kidding me! Killing a mother and leaving her daughter parentless, that isn't important?" I raged. How could he act like this wasn't such a big deal? Was I the only one with some common sense?

Byron stood up and turned to face me, his face expressionless but I could see anger in his black eyes. Well father I was just as angry.

"I taught you to be indifferent to this. You should not care if that child is motherless. All that matters is you get the job done." His deep voice said and it was beyond cold. If I wasn't immune or full of anger I would be scared of him.

Yeah taught, not raised. I thought bitterly.

"I will not kill this woman and have her child become alone." I said, before I could really think about what I was saying. I was seriously defying my father.

Byron took a threatening step towards me to which I had to force myself not to flinch. I was still not healed from last week and I didn't want to get hurt anymore.

"You will do as you are asked of or I will make sure the woman and her child are killed while you watch." He hissed out at me. My eyes widened at his words. I wanted to believe he wouldn't do such a thing but the cold, heartless look in his eyes told me otherwise.

Could I really be the one to kill Leanna? But if I didn't Byron would kill her and her daughter without a second thought. I don't know if I can do that to someone but I had no choice. In this world was eat or be eaten. Clenching my jaw and swallowing my rage I looked at my father. I had no choice.

"Yes, sir." I bit out even though I had to fight myself to say no.

"Do what is asked of you." He shot me one last deadly look before turning around and sitting back in his seat, bringing his whiskey to his lips like nothing happened.

Biting the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood I turned and stalked out of his office. I couldn't believe this was happening. With anger building up inside of me I needed to go and let it out. If I stayed here any longer I couldn't be accountable for my actions.

With tight fists I left the house, slamming the front door behind me, and got to my car. Peeling out of the driveway I headed for the one place I knew was open this late at night and had just what I needed.

* * * * * * *

I knew Patty's Gym wasn't open this late at night for Martin liked to be home with his wife. The only other option I had that I knew would help me was another 'gym' not too far away from Patty's.

When I entered the parking lot of the so called gym, I had to search for a parking spot. There were quite a bit of cars so I knew it was full in there right now. It was a plain old building that had no name on the front of it but it was only known to those who have been here before or by word of mouth.

This so called gym wasn't exactly a gym, it was an underground fighting arena. A place where illegal fighting was held and people could bet and make money. One of the reasons why this building had no name because no one wanted to get caught doing what they were doing.

I personally have only ever been here about two times when I needed to let off some steam and a punching bag wouldn't do the trick. It wasn't really conventional and I normally would never come here but right now I needed to do something. I needed an actual body to take my anger out on, as terrible as that sounds. A stranger will have to do in the place of my father. I needed to see blood caused by me.

When I entered the building and headed down the stairs I was hit with the sound of yelling. The moment I stepped through the doors I was hit all the energy coming off everyone. The magnetism of this place was like nothing you have ever felt before.

I weaved myself through the crowds of people cheering on the people that were currently in the ring. I needed to find Evan, the guy who put you up against someone, to put my name on the list. I just hoped I wasn't too late to get a spot. I needed to fight.

It didn't take too long to find Evan who was standing off to the side of the ring, watching it with his arms crossed over his wide chest. The moment he saw me coming towards him he straightened up and his stance got wider. It was like he was bracing himself for me to come after him. I held back an eye roll at him. I wasn't here to kill him.

This was a typical thing though. Whenever someone saw it was me they had to cower away in fear. Sure I didn't have my contacts in and stuff but words gets around, especially in the world he lives in. Plus having been here before Evan knew who I was and have heard some things about me. When you are basically a hit man in New York you are kind of talked about so people don't get in your way.

It has gotten really old fast. It wasn't like I was going to suddenly kill someone cause they pissed me off or so much as look in my direction. I have learned to ignore the looks and just go about my business. My father had definitely done his job...people were scared of me.

"Mathews." Evan said. Yes here they knew me by my other name not Jessie Wright, it worked well anyways.

The whole name change was weird and confusing to most. When my father told me that I had to go by a different name outside of the house I didn't know why. I mean he changed my last name to his for a reason right?

Apparently he didn't want others to know that he had a daughter, thinking they could use me against him. He wanted Jessie Wright to be just a girl, the girl he saved from the streets. Maybe it was to make him feel better for what he planned on doing with me.

Lea Mathews became someone my father could boast about. Lea the killer, the assassin that everyone has heard of. Using my old last name no one would think anything about me being Byron's 'daughter'.

Most people in places like this knew me as Lea Mathews. The girl you don't mess with. In many ways I liked being Lea Mathews. Being someone who didn't feel any pain, who was not invisible. But I wasn't really Lea.

"I want to fight." I said simply, better than beating around the bush.

"I uh don't think there is anyone of your...standards here to fight tonight."

"I don't care. Not like I am going to kill them." I wasn't looking to fight a professional fighter or something. Just someone that can go a few rounds.

"Okay...I'll see what I can do." Was all he said before turning and headed in the opposite direction of me. I turned and looked over at the ring to watch them fight. It seemed I had a little time before my turn.

Currently the people in the ring were moving around each other. From where I was I could make out both were guys and one looked to be young, like too young to be here fighting. The kid wasn't wearing a shirt and he had his tattoos on view. Even though he looked young it was clear he was winning. His opponent looked tired and had gotten a pretty good beating.

As I watched the kid fight I was impressed. He sure knew how to move and where to hit the hardest so his opponent would go down easier. The crowd around me seemed to love and know him, so he must be a regular. From the cheers and yells I was hearing it seemed everyone had money on this kid. Must be damn good.

The fight ended only seconds later. Just as they declared the kid the winner Evan came back. I turned around before he even reached me. He seemed freaked out that I knew it was him but didn't say anything.

"You are up after the next person. Fighting a guy named Peter." Was all he said before he disappeared again.

The next 15 minutes went by pretty fast and before I knew it, it was my turn to fight. Even though I had nothing to change into and was still wearing my skinny jeans and t-shirt, I didn't care. I had fought in worse and this would only take a minute. No use wasting an outfit if this was going to be over soon. I hadn't even thought about it as I left my fathers house, too pissed to really care.

My opponent was called and I studied him as he entered the ring. He was a big guy, at least 6'2 and maybe 220 pounds. He was very muscular but I have learned that doesn't mean anything. The guy could be the biggest guy on the planet could lose to a guy half his size. While the guy was intimidating he wasn't to me.

"Now his opponent....Mathews!" Inwardly I was glad he didn't say my first 'name'. If he would have said the entire name a lot of people would know who it was.

I slowly made my way through the crowd while everyone tried to figure out who this 'Mathews' was. When I did make it to the ring and stepped inside people got quiet, not expecting a girl. Not even my opponent thought a girl would be fighting him. Must not be that common around here. I would definitely use that to my advantage.

The guy who announced our names started going over the rules, which wasn't much. Just the usual-don't play dirty, no weapons, and no illegal hits. As he talked I softly bounced on my toes and rolled my shoulders. My opponent stared down at me but I wasn't fazed at all.

A minute later the announcer took a step back getting ready to start the fight. I took a few steps back myself, shaking out my arms, my gaze never leaving my opponents.

"A girl? Seriously, I can beat your ass with my pinky." He said sending me a smirk.

"We will see about that." Was all I said. I was not in the mood for talking.

The moment the announcer yelled "Fight" my opponent, Peter, smirked. I counted down from 5 knowing he was going to charge me any second. I hit one in my head and just as I predicted Peter came at me. I waited until he was inches from me before I ducked and moved around him.

"You bitch." I rolled my eyes. Was that the only insult guys can say?

I saw anger starting to simmer in his eyes. His jaw was clenched and I noticed his fists were so tight the knuckles were turning white. He clearly didn't like what I just did. With a smirk from me I decided I was going to taunt the guy for a little bit. Might as well have a little fun.

With that in mind, every time Peter came at me I dodged his hits and kicks. I could tell he was getting pissed off and it actually felt good. The crowd was more involved now that they realized Peter wouldn't beat me to a pulp. In fact every time I deflected one of his hits the crowd would make a 'ohh' noise, which made Peter more upset. Guys have a thing about being beaten up by a girl. Another guy is no big deal, it doesn't hurt their ego, but a woman oh man it does.

After about 10 minutes of taunting him I got tired. This technically wasn't the fight I was going for. I had wanted someone to take my anger out on but teasing this guy wasn't doing that. Although it has helped me anger go down and I didn't feel the need to beat someone to a pulp anymore.

Everyone, including me, seemed to be getting tired of nothing happening. Sighing I stopped moving around Peter and waited for my moment. He was tiring slightly from moving around the ring to catch me. He was breathing kind of heavily while I hadn't even broke a sweat. It was definitely time to end this.

We circled one another, him trying to figure out a way to come at me, and me waiting for him to just charge. It was like training all over again at the mansion. Just wait until they are tired and make a mistake, that is when you make your move.

Just as I wanted, Peter once again came at me but instead of dodging his swing I went into him. I quickly ducked and got back up bringing my fist with me. My fist his the side of his ribs. As he went to cover that area I took my chance. Pushing enough force into my punch I did a right hook, hitting the side of Peter's temple. The desire effect happened, he immediately crumpled to the ground.

The best place to knock someone out instantly is a good knock to the temple. It isn't really a 'clean' move but it does the trick. It jars the head, and the brain, which makes the persons light go out for a few minutes. It was probably one of the first moves I learned when I started training. The hit gives you enough time to get away or to get the person where you needed them. Most situations it is used though, is if you have no more moves and want to be done, or to stop that person from coming after you again. Definitely effective.

When Peter hit the ground the people behind me yelled so loud I could feel it rumbling underneath of me. Most were shocked that someone like me took out a guy like Peter, and the rest where just impressed. Peter laid still on the mat but I knew he would come too in just a few minutes.

Staring down at him I didn't feel bad and I didn't feel the relief I wanted. I wanted to take my anger out from what my father is making me do, and this didn't exactly help. Sure my anger was now gone but in its place was a terrible feeling in my gut. I wanted that sweet release that comes with fighting. That pain that radiates up your arms after you just threw a punch. The satisfying feeling of all your pent up anger seeping out with every hit and kick. Even a few hits taken from an opponent isn't terrible. Makes you realize that you are alive and that is what you should focus on.

This fight ended up just being a game of cat and mouse. I actually almost wished I would have let Peter hit me, because that would have made me forget about this whole thing, even just for a minute. The pain would clear my head.

With a sigh I turned and headed out of the ring. I didn't wait to be announce the winner or anything like that. I just wanted to go home now. I could have stayed to fight again but that wouldn't make me feel any better, I'm not sure if anything honestly would. The only thing this did for me was ease the anger for a moment.

The crowd parted like the sea as I came out of the ring. I felt everyones eyes on me but I kept my gaze ahead of me. The stares were a little unnerving and I would have rather stayed hidden in the shadows. Once I made it out of the thick crowd I headed for the stairs.

Up ahead I noticed the guy who fought earlier standing there talking to a pretty young girl. The guy had a shirt on now and I couldn't see his tattoos but I knew it was him. I could make out a smile on his face as the girl he was talking to said something. Even from here I could tell he liked her. I of course didn't know if they were going out or not but by the look on the girls face, she felt the same way.

I was still so impressed with his fight that I couldn't help myself as I came up on them.

"Good fight kid." I said. The kid turned to look at me and I watched his eye widen slightly.

"I...I uh thank you." He finally got out. "You were great as well. Didn't think the big guy would be knocked out." He sent me a nod of approval. Up close I could see he was probably 20 years old and the girl looked to barely be 18. They definitely made a cute couple. I gave him a nod in return.

"Keep doing what you are doing." I said before I moved past them. As I was a little bit aways I turned to look over at him over my shoulder. "But warning you. Get out as soon as you can." Not waiting to hear his response or see his reaction, I turned back around and left the building.

* * * * * * * *

That night all I did was toss and turn in bed. Normally I don't sleep well anyways but tonight all I could think about was the mother and daughter, about my father wanting to literally kill the mother leaving the girl to fend for herself. This whole thing just didn't sit well with me.

It was around 3 in the morning when I finally just got up. No use forcing myself to get sleep that I know won't happen. Laying there was not working anyways. I flung my covers off and slide out of my bed. I padded out of my bedroom and over to the window that lead to the roof.

I pushed the window up and swung onto the fire escape. The air was cooler which was nice compared to the heat of the day. It was the middle of August so the slightly cooler air was a nice welcome. My sock clad feet quickly went up the staircase until I reached the roof.

Up here you could see the lights from the city and a little beyond. It wasn't the tallest building so you couldn't see too far but it was nice. Being up here you can almost get away from everything down below.

I made my way over to the lawn chair someone had put up here a while ago. The roof didn't have much. A forgotten flower bed off into the corner, dead plants still inside of it; except one plant looked like weed. A few pots that laid around, most of them broken, but a couple were turned over like a chair to sit on. There were a few other lawn chairs scattered about. But other than that nothing much. I didn't know if anyone else came up here. There were a few other stairwells that lead up here but when I come up I haven't encountered anyone else; which was fine by me.

You would think at 3 in the morning the city would be quiet but it is called 'the city that never sleeps'. There was always people who were up and about this early in the morning, or this late in the night. A siren was always going somewhere in the city as they rushed to a call. The soft rubble of the subway and cars. One good thing about this time of night though was not a lot of traffic. You couldn't hear cars honking at one another, the sounds of brakes that need to be checked, the big buses carrying tourists. Even though it was a Saturday night the city was soft.

This time of night it was the quietest you will ever hear the city at. Something you never get to hear unless you are up this early, which most aren't. The ones usually up at this time of night are ones that have insomnia, stress, or don't want to sleep because the nightmares may come back, and/or heartbroken. Any of these work.

As you can tell I am in the category of not wanting to sleep because the nightmares come back. Having done what I have in my life I can't get more than a few hours of sleep, if that. Nights like these were not uncommon to me.

I leaned back in the lawn chair and closed my eyes. I breathed in the fresh air, my head slowly clearing. All I wanted right now was to rewind time and just go back to when my father found me and erase it all. Yes I don't know where I would be if he hadn't taken me in but it couldn't have been worse than where I am at right now. I have to kill an innocent woman and if I don't my father will while I watch.

I wanted everything to disappear for just a minute. Just let me live like a normal 25 year old. Let me go out to clubs with friends on the weekends, drinking and letting loose. Hooking up with guys for fun, or even having a nice steady boyfriend that loved me. A job I didn't necessarily love but liked and tolerated enough to stay, and it helped the pay was good.

Sitting up here on the roof I can almost picture all of that coming true. A small little bubble was going around me as I daydreamed about a non-existent life I would have. It was childish to do and did not help me at all but I did it anyways. There was no way my life was going to just suddenly change.

I stayed outside staring out at the city until the sun started to rise. From here I could see the sky starting to lighten up and turn a dark reddish orangey color. The light reflected off the big skyscrapers in the city and made it even brighter. The sunrise is always great because it signifies a start of a new, fresh day. You can make today whatever you want it to be and forget about yesterday.

It was when the sun finally rose up that I decided I better get down. As much as I wished I could stay up here forever I couldn't. I had real life to get back to, as terrible as that life was. I stayed a few more minutes before making myself get up and head back down to my apartment.

I welcomed the silence as I made some coffee. If coffee was considered a meal it would be for me. More often than not I had coffee for breakfast and lunch. Without it I don't think I would be able to function. Only getting a couple of hours of sleep, coffee was a must.

Just as I predicted my phone buzzed at exactly 7 o'clock, my father calling me. It would be easier if he texted but with a phone call he could hang up on you so he gets the last word.


"Get to the House. Now." With that he hung up, leaving me staring at my phone in confusion.

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