Chapter 15

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"Get in there!" a gruff man shouted. A moment later, Norman was tossed. The griffin cub landed face first into dirt just as something closed behind him. Pulling himself up on shaky legs, he looked around at his surroundings. Huge metal saplings rose up from the dirt and formed a metal canopy up above. In the enclosed area were various strange yet colorful trees and rocks.

Trembling fearfully, Norman sat down. Staring at his taloned forepaws, he tried to understand what just happened. But as the events replayed in his mind, he felt tears brimming in his eyes. It wasn't long until he felt a few tears escape. Seconds later, he was laying on the ground bawling his eyes out.

Norman wasn't sure how long he was crying for. But after a while he could hear soft footsteps coming over. Then a gentle paw touched his shoulder. Uncovering his tear soaked face, Norman looked up. A pair of green eyes met his own. It took him a moment to realize he was facing a Canadian lynx. "It's alright little one," the lynx murmured, petting the cub, "It's gonna be okay."

"Aw, what a cute little guy," a voice rumbled. Norman glanced to his right to see a huge brown bear lumbering over. He was followed by a raccoon and an otter. Standing up on his hindlegs, the otter hummed quietly and remarked, "Strange looking fella." Flying down, a colorful bird squawked in agreement. Tilting his head to the side, the raccoon mumbled, "Buddy, what is it? I've never seen a mountain lion like this before."

"That's cuz he's not a mountain lion Mel. He's a griffin. I'd guess the North American variant," a female voice spoke. On his left, Norman saw a wolverine. Seeing how they were all coming closer, he whimpered and hid his face again. Pulling the crying cub closer to her, the lynx growled, "Would you all back off?! He's distressed!"

"I wanna go home!" Norman cried, hiccuping at this point. Gazing up at the Canadian lynx, he begged, "Where's home? Where's my dad?" A sympathetic look in her green eyes, the lynx murmured, "I don't know where either are, little one. I'm sorry." Stepping forward, the wolverine added, "Everything's going to be okay."

"Daisy's right," the bear commented. Rolling his eyes, the otter Buddy pointed, "Duke, Daisy is always right." The grizzly made a quiet oh noise. While they were all talking, Norman kept shaking and hiccuping. That's when he heard footsteps. The other animals heard them too because Mel the raccoon gasped and cried, "It's Sergei!"

"Everyone, run!" Daisy the wolverine hissed. The others didn't need to be told twice as they scrambled to get away. Confused, Norman stayed there alone. He was petrified, watching as a man in black walked up to the metal saplings. The cub shivered as he saw the man looking back at him. This was the same man who took him back in the forest.

"We shall see what you have to offer cub," the man in black murmured thoughtfully, scratching his chin. His eyes lighting up briefly with an idea, he snickered and commented, "Perhaps we should make you jump through Ring of Fire? Doesn't that sound like fun?" Laughing as he walked away, he called over his shoulder, "We will hold the big event Friday! Pray you don't screw up like your predecessor."

"What's he mean by that?" Norman asked. The other animals were coming out of hiding. A look of horror on his face, Duke the grizzly mumbled, "Not the Ring of Fire." Turning to the griffin cub, Daisy explained, "Sergei wants you to jump through the Ring of Fire as part of his circus. Animals have died performing it."

"Remember that pigeon?" Buddy asked. The colorful bird next to him squawked before all of the boys bowed their heads in silence. Fear coursing through his veins, Norman could feel himself beginning to hyperventilate. "I can't do that! I don't want to die!" he cried, turning around and running away, "I need to get home to my dad!" At that moment, the griffin cub ran right between two of the metal saplings, getting stuck when his shoulders and wings tried to go through. Unable to free himself, the cub wailed, "Daddy! Help me!"

"Oh my god he's stuck!" Daisy shouted. The lynx sprung into action as she yowled, "Come on! We gotta get him out!" The animals raced over, ready to save him. Patting Norman gently on the back, Duke murmured, "Hang on kid, you'll be out in a jiffy."

"Nobody touch him!" a new voice barked the order, startling everyone.

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