Chapter 5

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"Woah..." Norman gasped, amazed by how many animals were gathered in the schoolyard, a small clearing surrounded by giant oak trees. It seemed like everyone in the forest was here. Parents were coming and going, dropping off their children. Some stayed behind though, probably because it was their child's first day or to simply be with their kid until the teacher arrived.

"I wonder where we're supposed to go..." Tiberius mumbled, his eyes scanning the clearing. Looking around, Norman tapped his dad on the shoulder. "Maybe we can ask those three," he suggested, pointing at a badger, a porcupine and a skunk. Recognizing them as Nitro, Ripper and Reginald, Tiberius nodded his head and led the way down into the clearing. Norman followed close behind.

"Well look who it is. The Forest King is here," Nitro the badger remarked, seeing the griffin coming over. Ripper the porcupine and Reginald the skunk lifted their heads. His ear twitching, Tiberius murmured, "Please gentlemen, there's no need for titles. Is this where we meet the teacher?"

"Yeah, Leonard will be here soon," Reginald answered, inspecting his claws. Noticing Norman, Ripper grunted softly. The young cub smiled at the porcupine and piped up, "Hi there!" Gasping quietly, Nitro looked up at Tiberius and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Is that really Norman? I can't believe he's so big now!"

"Yeah, yeah this is Norman," Tiberius replied quietly, a hint of nervousness in his voice. He glanced over at Norman, who was tapping Ripper on the nose in a little game they made up. He knew Nitro meant no ill will with what he said but the griffin couldn't help but worry about Norman's size. Surely the cub should be bigger by now, right?!

"It's my first day of school!" Norman trilled, snapping Tiberius out of his thoughts. The young cub was facing the other adults, his striped tail wagging so fast his whole body shook. Ripper grunted what everyone assumed was a congratulations. Ruffling the cub's feathery head playfully, Nitro commented, "Think you'll learn how to summon thunderstorms like your old man here?"

"We can summon thunderstorms?!" Norman cried, gasping with delight. Pulling his son close, Tiberius explained, "Um, well, we can... but that's something that Leonard can not teach you." Jumping up and down his dad's leg, Norman pleaded, "Teach me teach me!"

"When you're older Norman," Tiberius promised. He briefly glanced up at the other adults. They were looking right back at him, questions swimming in their eyes. Reginald seemed ready to ask one. A quick glare from the griffin put a stop to that. Dead silence fell amongst the adults while Norman happily played nearby amongst some wildflowers. A second later, screams could be heard.

"What the..." Reginald muttered, standing up on his hind legs. Tiberius already had Norman in his grasp, searching for the danger. At that moment, the field mouse Pepe scurried by, screaming. His pursuers, three kids, came bounding after them. Anger flashing in his eyes, Nitro spat, "Little Blue! Leave Pepe alone! The same goes to George and Pickles!"

"Aw man, busted..." Pickles whimpered, the porcupine shuffling after his pals. Spotting Norman, George turned to his dad Reginald and muttered, "Why does he look so funny?" Sniffing the griffin cub, Little Blue added, "And he's so small too!"

"Kids, be nice! It's his first day of school!" Nitro scolded. Ripper let out a huff in agreement. Swatting his son with his tail, Reginald chimed in, "And it's not nice to pick on the kid of the Forest King." The three children gasped when they realized they were in the presence of a large griffin, one bigger than all of their dads combined. Sighing heavily, Tiberius mumbled, "Please, no titles."

"Hi, I'm Norman," Norman introduced himself, escaping from his father's grasp. The griffin cub went up to the other kids, eager to play with them. However, everyone heard prancing footsteps coming closer to the schoolyard, joined by someone singing way offkey. "Here he comes," Reginald muttered. All of the adults had their ears covered. Meanwhile, the kids cheered as a young white deer leaped into the clearing.

"Good morning class!" Leonard called out, "School is now in session!"

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