Chapter 7

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"Alright class! Here we are! First day of school, ready to learn some knowledge!" Leonard declared. Half the class cheered, the other half was just thankful the deer finally stopped singing. His singing had been way off key. Prancing around the children counting heads, Leonard stated, "Welcome to the Fence kids!"

"Woah," Pickles spoke. The porcupine was up on a nearby ridge. His friends Little Blue and George were with him. The rest of the class, led by Princess, joined them. Getting up on the ridge, Norman was speechless. There was no more forest beyond the ridge, just tall dry grass. A few yards away stood a series of wooden posts, linked together by a strange looking vine. A few more yards beyond that and the tall dry grass appeared to a dirt path unlike any the class had ever seen. Squinting at it, Princess murmured, "What is that?"

"My dad says it's called a... a... a safari?" George piped up. He at first sounded like he knew what he was talking about. But then the skunk seemed unsure towards the end. Chuckling softly as he trotted over towards the class, Leonard breathed in the fresh air as he informed the children, "No, the safari is just a tour some humans like to give to other humans around certain areas, such as here. The safaris only ever stuck to the road, that dirt path beyond the Fence."

"Oh," the class collectively said. Raising her paw, Little Blue asked, "Do they still do safaris?" Leonard shook his head and replied, "I'm afraid not." Tilting his head to the side in confusion, Norman mumbled, "Why is that?" Pawing at the dirt with one hoof, the white deer answered, "I don't really know. They stopped coming after one massive storm many years ago. I'm guessing that their path to coming here got blocked. We hardly get any humans now."

"But we still get humans, right Daddy? You told me so yourself the other day!" Princess pointed out. "That's correct Princess," Leonard announced. The young fawn beamed with happiness. The rest of the class, meanwhile, gasped and exclaimed, "Really?! They still come here?!" Laughing, the teacher nodded his head and explained, "Oh yes. There are a few who still come. Typically it's a photographer or a hiker. One time we had boy scouts come. But unfortunately we do get the occasional poacher."

"What's a poacher?" Pickles yipped. His ears drooping, Norman squeaked nervously, "Are they bad humans?" Hearing that, Leonard looked down at the griffin cub. There seemed to be sympathy in his eyes. Sighing softly, the white deer murmured, "Yes, poachers are bad humans. They take animals away from their homes and off to distant cities, that is if they haven't... harmed them yet. And that is why..." Leonard calmly herded the kids off the ridge, "You kids must never go beyond the ridge here. It is a dangerous world out there."

"Aw man!" most of the class, especially Little Blue and George, cried out. Norman sighed with relief. It was very eerie standing so close to the Fence, even when they were several yards away. The young cub promised himself he would never come here willingly. To be honest, he never wanted to come to this spot ever again. The other kids didn't seem to share the same opinion. Puffing his chest out, George pointed at Leonard accusingly as he spat, "You're just saying that cuz you're scared!" Shaking his head, the teacher responded, "No, I'm being serious. Do not go beyond this ridge, for the Fence is-"

"The Fence is forbidden!" an angry roar thundered. Everyone jumped with fright. Norman's eyes widened. He recognized that roar. A moment later, Tiberius bounded out of the tree line. The kids backed off as the griffin marched up to the white deer. Shoving his beak right in the teacher's face, the griffin screeched, "Leonard, are you out of your mind?! You know I have forbidden everyone from coming to the Fence!"

"I know! I know you have! But look, we are staying on this side of the ridge. We haven't crossed it!" Leonard stuttered, trying to defend himself. Tossing his head of antlers towards the class, the white deer continued, "And we have to warn the kids about this place. Teachers have been doing this for years now, taking the kids to the Fence. Please sir, I'm just doing my job sir."

"I'm about two seconds away from firing you Leonard," Tiberius growled menacingly, his eyes narrowed slits. His long legs quaking, Leonard whimpered, "Please don't fire me, I love my job." Scoffing, Tiberius turned away from the white deer. Stalking over towards Norman, he gently picked up his son by his scruff. His feet leaving the forest floor, the cub squeaked, "Dad, what are you doing?" Getting a firm grip, the older griffin answered the youngster, "I'm taking you home."

"What?! Dad, no! No, please no! I wanna stay!" Norman protested. The cub squirmed and thrashed, trying to escape. But Tiberius didn't lose his grip. Walking away from Leonard and the rest of the class, the griffin called over his shoulder, "If you step out of line again Leonard, I will be searching for a replacement to teach the class!"

"I don't get paid enough to teach you kids," Leonard confessed to the children. Flicking one ear, Princess remarked, "Dad, you don't get paid at all."

"I know!"

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