Chapter 9: The Cursed Blades

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️Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO or HoO characters. Uncle Rick owns them. Although I may portray them differently. I do own my OC's.

Author's Note:

I'M BAAAAACK!!! Wasup and Happy New Year Sunshines!🎉It's been too long (almost 3 months)! Sorry for the long ass wait, I'm back with a huge chapter! First things first, I want to inform you that my best friend kaelee0__0 has started her very own teen fiction story, featuring yours truly as Dillon "Jake" Abraham! It's called "Rain. Darkness. Your Eyes." Check it out! Secondly...HOLY SHIT!!! I HAVE 2K READS!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Lastly, Enjoy Sunshines!

Zack, cue the chapter!


Jake's POV:

As we made our way to an abandoned-looking warehouse that was behind a night club called Verdant on the outskirts of Starling City, Leo was trying to process the situation.

"So, let me get this straight; for the last 7 or 8 years that I haven't seen you two, you've managed to train yourselves to fight, beat Elias the Minotaur multiple times, and lead a group of demigods, all while going to school on a daily basis?" Leo summarized.

"Yup" Kay answered, popping the 'p'.

([A/N]: I had to do it. It's a Wattpad tradition!)

"They grow up so fast!" Leo said to himself, wiping away a fake tear.

"Oh spare me, Casanova!" I retorted with a smirk.

When we reached the warehouse, I summoned a pair of drum sticks from my gloves and turned around to meet 8 puzzled faces staring at me. I smiled and walked over to the side of the building, where trash cans lay and tin cans hung. I then began to play a particular beat on the cans, until a special door opened up.

I turned to see my half-brother's face light up in recognition.

"Little Mermaid!" He yelled excitedly. I just nodded with a smirk, while the others groaned.

It must run in the family, I thought.

"Ladies and gentlemen...and Leo!" I announced with grin, earning a look from Leo. "Welcome to 'The Vault'!"

When we entered the warehouse, the others gasped in surprise, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

Well they should be, I thought to myself. I mean it's pretty fucking awesome!

On the main floor, was the command center, the garage and the living room. Here and there, my 'team' (as I like to call them) were working on various things, depending on their style. At the command center, our 'Chief Computer Expert' was teaching Steven, our 7 year old tech head, how to back-trace a professional hacker.

Meanwhile, Dan and Amy were keeping tabs on their 'family ties' around the world. In the garage, Simon and Ali were working on some sports cars, modified to withstand and fight monsters.

I turned my attention back to our Chief Computer Expert, when she greeted us, "Mr. Weston and Ms. Maverick! Good to see that you're still in one piece!"

"Welcome back, Mrs. Allen!"
I greeted back.

"Please, just call me Felicity."

"Only if you call us by our first names." I replied wittily. "We're all family here, Felicity. Including Ollie and John."

"I know." She said with a smile.

"So, how did the honeymoon go and where's Road Runner?" I asked teasingly.

"Europe was great, although I saw a kid getting chased by a pack of dogs in Venice." Frank visibly flinched at that. I'll make sure to ask later. "And Barry is back in Central City taking the heat from his boss." Felicity replied.

She then noticed the group of demigods behind us. "New recruits?"

"No. Just some old friends and new ones. Felicity, I'd like you to meet Leo Valdez, me and Kate's first friend after 'the accident'." Jake introduced.

"Ah, the ever ecstatic Latino elf that taught you two how to trust and prank others. Nice to meet you Leo!" Felicity greeted.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm touched Jacob, I really am!" Leo stated, wiping away yet another fake tear.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to my half-brother, "And this is Percy Jackson, my newfound half-brother, on my dad's side."

Felicity went wide eyed, examining Percy, looked at me, and then nodded in understanding, seeing the connection.

After introducing everyone in the room, we toured The Vault. We had underground floors, where the group met other members of the team, who were working on stuff. Then, Leo noticed a pair of doors with a green A-shaped arrowhead on it.

"Yo Jake," Leo called. "What's this room for?"

"That is Oliver's room. He's the reason why I am still alive today. Why we have a roof over our heads. He's our benefactor, blessed by Alke, our patron." I explained.

"Isn't Alke the goddess of courage?" Annabeth asked.

I nodded. "Yes, as well as goddess of space and time."

Annabeth's looked at me shocked.

"B-B-But I thought that Cronus was-" she stuttered, but I cut her off.

"Alke is a minor maiden goddess of time." I informed wisdom's favorite daughter. "She was almost forgotten after the gods' move to America, until she found 2 demigods and a blessed mortal 9 years ago, stranded on an uninhabited island near China."

"Who were they?" Nico asked.

"The mortal was known as Sarah Lance, blessed by Bellona." I answered back. "The demigods were Slade Wilson, son of Ares and... Oliver Queen, son of Apollo."

([A/N]: I was gonna end it here, but since I owe you guys, I'm gonna keep writing. Again, sorry for the 3 month wait!)

For the second time today, the group looked at me shocked. Kate interrupted us by calling us to the party room. She must've had Casey set up a party for Percy.

When we got there, the room was decorated in all blue, with a giant blue banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' Even the cake was blue! cake, I thought. MUST. HAVE. BLUE. CAAAKE!!!!

Percy must have been thinking the same thing, because we both lunged for the cake. I heard laughing, but frankly, I could care less.

After cleaning up the cakey mess, we all sat in the living room to discuss the one question on my mind: "Why are you here?"

The eight demigods looked at each other, like they were having a mental conversation. They nodded in silent agreement and Percy explained their situation. After he finished, we all sat there in silence until Kay popped the question.

"So what do we do now?"

Annabeth seemed to ponder this until she finally replied. "How about we bring some of you to camp for the weekend?"

"Sure! Why not!" I agreed.

⏰⏰⏰TIME SKIP!!!⏰⏰⏰

Once we got together a small group of kids from the Cursed Blades, they piled into the van that Oliver bought for the team, driven by Thomas, our oldest member. The Percy and his friends got into their cars, as did Kay and I.

On the way to 'camp', Kay and I talked about the conversation we just had with Percy and company.

"I was surprised at your calm reaction towards their story." She pointed out.

I grinned at that and answered back, "Just another day in the highschool life of a demigod, am I right?"


Nicely done, Zack!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this huge chapter! Oh, one more thing! Check out my Twitter account for wattpad @Jake_Wattpad for new ideas and updates!

Say bye, Zack! (Bye!!)

Stay tuned and stay bright, Sunshines!
-Jake 👊

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