Chapter 14- The Hills

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One year later

These cold walls had become my home. My haven away from the news stories; from my inmates who threw food and punches at me. For what I had done, for my father.

I had come to the conclusion that someone fucked over my father and had the entire gang taken down since they were all in jail with me. They had taken upon themselves to assault me as well.
Condemning me for this. When in truth it was their own faults. For following the bloodline and continuing this gang. As well as not paying the cops enough to stay off of them.

And now, here I was. Paying for the crimes I committed for a man who didn't even care for me.

I reached up to the pull bar in my cell. I had used it every day, just to get my mind off things. Especially for the next twenty years I would spend in here. As well as the main woman herself, Scarlett.

I wanted to know where she was, what jail was detaining her. How long her sentence was? Also if I would ever be able to see her gorgeous face again; not just the permanent memory of her being dragged away. The burdening image of her scratching at the officers holding her, and the tears running down her face.

I never got to tell her that I loved her or find out if she loved me back. The hot and cold behavior that happened between us, it never helped the situation.

"Lake? You have a visitor," Smith stated to me. He was the police officer that was in charge of me. He opened the bars and placed heavy chains over my pale arms. I sighed and followed after him. How would I have a visitor? I knew no one other than the people that were in jail with me. Besides, who would want to see a murderer?

I walked into the dingy room. A single light hanging from the ceiling over the small slice table. There was a glass dividing the table. As well as two small holes to wear my cuffs were connected to.

There was no on the other side. I was confused as to what was going on. I asked Smith, but he did not reply to me, he only connects me to glass and placed me in the cold metal chair. He then fled the room. I sat there, wishing I was capable to push the hair out of my face. It had grown over the prior year, now reaching past my shoulders. As well as I had gained more muscle weight due to the working out. It was the only thing I was allowed to do. In addition, I had all the time in the world to do it. A shiver ran over my body when the door on the opposing side of the glass opened. The frigid air filling the room.

But nothing prepared me for what happened next.

Scarlett walked in. She was in the same outfit as me. Orange dirty jumpsuit and heavy cuffs. Her hair was shorter than before, her eyes dull. Her figure was fuller, she must have been working out too. A beaming smile formed on her face as they paced her in the opposite seat. Tears flowing down her face as she stared at me. Once he was linked to the glass she reached for my hands, intertwining them. Her hands were rough and dry. She sobbed as she stared at me. There was so much to say, but neither of us had the guts to express anything. I could not repress my emotions as well. The overwhelming feeling was taking over. It felt like a dream, as cliche as if sounds. But I felt as if she wasn't actually in front of me. That this was a privilege that I had not earned.

After a few moments of hard sobbing from both of us, I cleared my throat.

"How-how is this possible?"

Scarlett giggled, "Emerson. She plucked some strings."

She stared right into my eyes, her dark brown eyes filled with fresh tears and regret.

"I'm dreadfully sorry Charlie. For everything, it's all my fault; I couldn't support you and if I had kept my mouth shut-"

I shushed her and ran my thumbs over her hands. "Please, don't. With the insufficient time that we have, I don't want to waste it. It's okay. We will be okay."

She smiled weakly before nodding.

"How much time do you have?" I asked her.

"About four. You?" She was exhausted, I could tell. She probably hadn't slept in so long, and that hurt knowing I seem to be the reason for her lack of sleep.

"Twenty" I mumbled. After a few seconds, she started to cry once more and it broke me to listen to her. Every time she was around me, she was crying. She was hurting. It was not fair to her.

"Scar, you need to let me go," I whispered. She shook her head hard, sobs refusing to stay hidden. She clasped my hand even tighter.

"No, no. I-" She snatched a shaky breath, but she refused to speak any further.

"You need to let me go. Everything has happened because of me. I couldn't leave you alone. Since the beginning Scar, my purpose has been to protect you. This is me doing my job," The look on her face destroyed me. The disappointment forming in her eyes and the pain shaking her lips.

"I love you, Scarlett. So much. I inevitably have. The first day in the cafe I fell for your confidence and look. But the second day I fell for your attitude and your banter. You're the love of my life. And with that, I need to let you go" I didn't even bother to look at her as I stood up. I bit my lip as she cried silently to herself. Not bothering to call after me.

To be frankly honest, if she did, I would break the glass to seal my love with a kiss.

But that would break my heart even more than the sound of the door slamming behind me.

Dear Scarlett,

I know these words are overused, every single second of every day, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pain I inflicted on you. But I could see every time I was around you, you were crying over something I did. I had lied to you for years, about Sammy and me, and as well as my feelings.

To be honest I fell for you the moment we met. But I knew that Sammy was better for you. He would have been able to make you happy and did. Probably better than I ever could. But it's been four years now. And you're out I assume. Experiencing your life the best you can after all this.

Do you your best to ignore the critics? Do your best to prevent pain and suffering. I want you to be happy. I want you to move on from Sammy and me. Marry some guy who isn't in a gang or works in a coffee shop.

By the time I get out, you will likely not even remember me. And that's okay. I wouldn't want you to recognize someone who has only brought you pain. But I meant what I said. I love you. I always have, always will. That's why I let you go.

Sammy, he was a remarkable guy. He did not deserve to die the way he did. Especially at my father's hand. I'm glad his case was finally solved. As well as that my father is rotting away in solitude for what he has done. He deprived us of a brilliant man, who purely did what he needed to provide for us. He merely wanted to give you the world. And I'm sorry he's not here with you today. He deserved seeing the woman you are going to become.

My father, he was so desperate to keep the gang alive, with a new leader. He murdered Sammy to prevent me from leaving, but it did that exact opposite of what he wanted. I left, because being a part of that gang was only worth it when I had Sammy at my side.

But now it's absolutely over. The Snider gang is diminished, thankfully so. And maybe I didn't get the happy ending I wanted, but knowing that you are secure, makes this worthwhile.

The hills that we conquered together are endless. And I hope that you find your one and only king.

With much love, Charles Lake.

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