11. house

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Sat inside the Mercedes, everything feels slightly surreal. I'm in America, inside the really posh, clean, expensive looking car of only the most popular guy in school and its only the first week. My social skills must be better than what I give them credit for.

I feel out of place in the leather, spotless car, some popular rap music filling in for the silence. Glancing over at Kyle, I see that he looks pretty chilled and doesn't seem to notice the awkwardness I feel. Maybe my social skills are terrible after all. Back to the point, he has one hand on resting lazily on the wheel and an elbow resting on the elbow thing between us.

"So,"  I begin when the silence became too much, "this is a nice car you have." I tap the white leather chair I'm sat on and look at it with a small smile.

Yup, I definitely have bad social skills.

Kyle chuckled a bit at the randomness of my question. "Ah yeah, I guess it's not too shabby."

"Not too shabby?" I almost shouted, "Bloody hell, it's the nicest car I've ever seen!"

"Well, thanks."

I think I accidentally weirded Kyle out. Oops. Looking over at him, I see he's focused on the mild traffic ahead with a smile playing on his lips.

Lapsing into another silence, I start to fiddle with the buttons on the car radio. This rap music was burning my poor ears. I twisted one of the buttons and the volume of the music shot up. With a yelp, I covered my ears.

"Jeez, what are you doing?" Mr popular yelled and turned the music back down.

"Sorry. How do you change the radio station?" My hand reached out again to try and change the music but was batted away.

"Why do you want to change the station? This song is lit."

I scoffed and attmped to press another button. Unfortunately, Kyle grabbed it and held it back in his.

Now I wasn't focused on the bad music but the fact that Mr Popular had his large, warm hand wrapped around mine. The King of the school who had girls fall at his feet for a shred of his attention had asked me to go around to his and had taken it upon himself to hold my hand!

Even though I'm only going to his to work on a project and he's only holding my hand so I don't change the station. But he was still holding my hand. It felt so weird but I kinda like it! Despite the small touch causing my heart to beat at one hundred miles an hour.

"Tiffany?" Kyle's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


He smirked, knowing I hadn't been listening to a word he said. "We're here."

"Oh right." I laughed awkwardly and removed my hand from his to open my door.

Stepping outside, I saw that we were parked on a large drive with even more cars that put Kyle's to shame - if that's possible. In front of me stood a massive mansion of a house. It was like a house from a fairytale.

"Are you just going to stand there and gape?" Kyle asked, coming behind me.

Shaking my head a bit, I trailed him up the drive way to the huge double doors. The inside of the house was even more magical than the outside in a very modern way. There was a lot of white and big windows and marble.

Looking over his shoulder at me, Kyle smirked and said, "Welcome to my humble abode."

"It's not very humble." I stated, following him into a spacious kitchen-diner, "It looks like it's fit for a very modern Queen."

"Thanks," He chuckled before opening the fridge, "Want anything to eat or drink?"

"Um... What do you have?" I asked, taking a seat at the very large, spotless island.

"Anything and everything."

"In that case I'll have, dandelion and burdock please."

"Dandelion and burdock?" Kyle asked incredulously, "Who drinks that shit?"

"Me and its delicious, try it."

He pulled a bottle of heaven out of one of the very large fridges that seemed to be purely for refreshments. He effortlessly removed the cap and took a sig of the brown liquid from the bottle. His face screwed up in disgust and he slid the bottle along the counter to me.

"That's gross, like I said." He confirmed and pulled a beer out and took a large gulp. "Much better."

I screwed my nose up, "Now that is gross."

I wiped the rim of the bottle with my flowery sleeve to get rid of any germs from when Kyle had drank out of it. Who knows where his mouth has been?

"You're weird." Kyle said simply before grabbing a big bag of cheese and tomato cheetos, "I'm going to quickly run upstairs and get my stuff so we can make a start."

Left alone in the room, I suddenly felt tiny. The room was so big! All of the furniture was big, spotless and spaced out. I felt like a peasant in a castle and it didn't feel good.

Brushing away the unsettled feeling, I pulled out my boring pencil cases, my English book and a notebook before taking a seat at the island. I opened up my ocean blue notebook to a clean page and my English book to the page about the work we'd been focusing on. I could feel the cheetos staring at me, daring me to eat one. In an attempt to ignore the temptation, I sipped my drink and man, it tasted so good!

"Right!" I jumped when Kyle threw down his books next to me and took a seat. "Lets get started."


We ended up working for a total of an hour and a half before our brains turned to mush. I'd done all of the writing whilst Kyle hand interjected ideas, as useless as they were he still made some effort. However, we still had a lot more to write.

I stretched and yawned as Kyle tipped the crumbs of the cheetos into his mouth. Finishing off the last of my drink, I put my stuff back into my bag neatly and stood up. I shook off the stiffness in my legs from being sat down for so long.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked me, startling me.

I did my best attempt at arching a single eyebrow. I have a funny feeling it didn't go too well as Kyle was obviously trying not to laugh. Stupid eyebrows.

"Home, why?"

"You don't have to go yet. I mean, I assumed you'd want something to eat." Wow, thoughtful.

"Like tea?"

"Yeah. My mum says we can order a pizza or something."

Woah, I just got invited to stay for tea at Mr Popular's house. Me out of all people! He must be ill.

Struggling to wrap my head around what had just happened, I nodded and collapsed on the large, black sofa next to him.

"Thanks. How much is the pizza?" I asked whilst informing my parents about the new arrangement.

"Don't worry about it, I'll pay."

"Are you sure, I have cash on me." Just because he was rich didn't mean that he had to pay, I'm perfectly capable of paying for pizza too.

"Yeah, Tiffany, it's fine."


As we sat there watching Outnumbered and sipping our re-filled drinks, I was painfully aware of how close we were sat. The silence was so heavy despite the chatter on the tv.

"So," I began, not really knowing what to say next, "Do you like bbqs?"

"Never really had one." He replied, looking at me. Put off by his attention, I tucked a strands behind my ear and looked at my fingers. "Why?"

"Um, er, I was just, um, wondering..." He held the eye contact making me carry on talking, "My family are having a BBQ at the weekend if you want to come."

O-oh. Shocked at what had just come out of my mouth, my head shot up and I expected to see him looking outraged and discusted.

"Sure, I'd love to come thanks." My mouth fell open as he sat there smiling at me. I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing... "Who's coming?"

Ah about that... "Er, me, my parents and... Bree?"

"Are you sure, you don't sound certain." He joked.

"Bree hasn't confirmed yet." I laughed nervously and texted Bree about what I'd just done as discreetly as possible.

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