13: jealous

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"Oh no." Bree whispered besides me and I understood her worry. Georgina hated the very ground I walked on and now she was here, nose scrunched up in disgust, in my back garden.

"Katie?" Kyle exclaimed, eyes widening.

"Hey baby." She said and pressed her lips against his.

Ew gross. Not wanting to see anymore PDA, I turned around and stepped forwards to my dad.

"Howdy folks!" He greeted us, turning around from the sizzling vegetables. "What can I get for you?"

"Um, what's the best thing you've got?" Kyle asked besides me, making me jump. I thought he'd be... Preoccupied by now. Looking at Georgina's face (which was caked in make-up as usual) I saw that she was thinking the same thing.

I tried not to feel so smug that Kyle liked our food more than her lips but failed tragically. She deserved it and so much more.

My dad handed Kyle a plate with a piece of literally everything before turning to me and Bree.

"Hi girls, having fun?"

"Yeah the party great thanks!" Bree smiled and asked for a veggie burger.

"Cheers." I thanked the old man when he gave me my own veggie burger and left to stand with Bree, Kyle and Mrs Grumpy Pants. If only I could say that to her face and see her reaction...

"Dude, this food is so good. Thank you!" Kyle exclaimed, having already devoured a quarter of the over-flowing plate.

"Ugh gross, she eats like a pig!" Georgina exclaimed as I took another big bite into the delicious burger.

My cheekes were bulging with food and I couldn't get a word out to stand up for myself.

"I think its cute." Kyle retorted, making me choke on my burger.

Did I correctly hear him say that he thinks I'm cute!?

"Cute!?" She shrieked and the outraged look on her face was priceless. "She looks like a freaking pig!"

"And you look like a twig." I say before anyone else says anything after swallowing my food. "You do know the foods free right?"

"Have you heard what she had the nerve to say to me!?" Georgina raged, flinging her manicured hands in the air.

"Yeah, she's standing up for herself. You're the one attacking her so quit acting like the victim." Kyle spat at her through gritted teeth, shocking Bree, Georgina and I.

"What?" The tall, skinny girl asked, tears welling in her eyes. "B-but I'm your girlfriend..."

"Since when?" He scoffed, again punching everyone with surprise. "You go around telling everyone we're a thing but when have I ever asked you on a single date?"

Looking at her now - bottom lip trembling and tears rolling down her face - I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. As horrible as she was to me, I guess all she wanted was for someone to love her and Kyle breaking the news to her like this... It must hurt like hell.

"Kyle?" I said softly, putting my hand on his arm.

His gaze snapped to me then softened, "Yeah?"

All too ware of Katie who was running away, sobbing, I didn't know what to say to him. Thankfully, he seemed to understand my silence or maybe it was something on my face that told him what I didn't know how to say.

Kyle sighed and rubbed his face, "I messed up, didn't I?" He didn't wait for an answer and carried on mumbling, "It was just so infuriating her acting like we go out when she didn't even bother to ask me if thats what I want."

As sympathetic as I felt for him and her, something didn't add up quite right. Why is he complaining now all of a sudden? I'm sure Katie throwing herself at him isn't something new so why is he so annoyed by it now? It didn't have anything to do with me, did it? No of course not, it couldn't.

"Um, sorry about that." He said at last, breaking the silence that had formed between the three of us.

"It's fine." I reassure him with a smile and turn to look at wide-eyed Bree, "You okay?"

"Yeah." She shook her head then grinned, "OMG IT'S QUEEN!" She squealed, her round face lighting up as 'Another One Bites The Dust' came on. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the garden where a group of dancing people had formed.

We jump up and down, waving our hands in the air and in the moment, I forget what Kyle had spat at Katie, I forget the hurt that struck her face and danced.

Next to me, even Kyle was dancing and singing along with us! My grin widened as he jumped up and down and grabbed my two friends hands. I didn't miss the shock that crossed his face for a spilt second when I took his hand but he quickly covered it up with a wide, toothy smile.


When the party had folded to a natural close as the sun dipped beneth the horizon, me, Bree, my mum and dad were left to clean up. When we'd organised the party, Bree and I had also taken the opportunity to host our first sleepover at mine after!

We whizzed around the spacious garden with a binbag and picked up all of the rubbish scattered on the floor whilst my parents cleaned up the food and drinks table. Bringing the music speaker inside, Bree changed into her pj's in the bathroom whilst I ran upstairs and threw on a very big, baggy set of pj's.

We built a massive fort out over the many blankets and cushions I'd shoved into my room before the party. With the finishing touches of fairlight strung up on the furthest away wall, I left to get as many sweets, chocolates and crisps as I could carry.

"What do you think brought Jordans explosion on?" Bree asked as we flicked through Netflix.

"I don't know but it was kinda scary, especially if I was Katie. I actually felt sorry for her." I reply and pop a handfull of chocolate buttons in my mouth.

"Yeah, I mean, when you know that he's a champion punch-people-in-the-face kind of dude. And in the moment I did feel kind of sorry but, that girl had it coming."

"Yas!" I shout, making Bree jump, and go to the search bar.


"We should watch Chicago." It is one of my favourite films, I don't know why I didn't think of this before.

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