18: emo

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Why had I been so stupid?

Why had I left myself fall for the stereotyped popular guy when I knew he was just toying with me?

I shoved my way through the crowed of sweaty bodies.

Why did I even come here? I knew a party was going to be trouble. I just want to go home and watch Netflix in bed. Well, on my mattress on the floor. But I can't, Bree's my ride home and I have no clue where she is. Probably somewhere having fun.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself about a stupid boy! I meantally slap myself out of these stupid thoughts.

I'll just go and find an empty room and chill there until Bree is ready to leave.

I wander up the stairs and think of anything but Jordan who was sat downstairs with his friends. Probably snogging Katie. Instead I watch me feet carry me up the unfamiliar marble staircase.

Ugh these stupid high heels are so painful.

I almost rip the deinty white shoes off of my feet and throw them over the banester. I never liked them anyway.

The higher into the house I go, the less people are in the halls until I at last come to a deserted hallway deep into the third floor of this mansion. I slowly walked down the hall, admiring the quietness, coolness and spaciousness.

Here I could breathe properly and hear my own thoughts without the music thumping in my chest.

God I hope this room isn't occupied. I thought to myself as I slowly pushed open a door halfway down the hallway. I breathed out a long breath as I was the moonlight room was empty. It was an office with a large mahogany desk and walls lined with bookshelves.

I shut the door behind me, cutting off the remains of the horrid music that had followed me up here. Running my hand over the desk as I passed, I walked to the balcony and pushed the doors open.

The cool night air kisses my hot face gently. I took a deep breath of the clean air. It felt so nice to have fresh air again, inside had become insufferable. With a large yawn I sat down and dangled my legs over the edge between the bars. The cool metal felt like a gift on my heated forehead.

With droopy eyes, I watch the lights of the city dancing. It was so beautiful. Each little light blinked at me, looking like something out of a fairytale. Each little light saying "hey there are people here". It amazes me how so many people can live so closely together, see each other every day yet never know their names.

I let myself get lost in the thoughts that gently lapped my mind like the sea. As time passed, I felt my tense muscles relax as I breathed deeply. As time passed, my thoughts were similar and similar as sleep loomed ahead. Heavier and heavier I began to feel until my body was slumped against the railing and my eyes were bearly open.

"Hey." a deep voice boomed through the silence abruptly. My eyes snapped open and I quickly pulled myself off the floor.

I whipped around to come face of face with a skinny chest. I stumbled back a step at the proximity, the balcony railing pressing against my back. Looking up, I was the face of one of the dudes in my maths class. Dylan I think his name was.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped at me. He wore black beanie and his dark brown hair covered one of his chocolate brown eyes. He had fair, clean skin and was skinny and tall - like a noodle.

"I came for some peace and quiet." I muttered, trying not to stare at him for too long. Why did he look so annoyed?

"Well go find somewhere else, this room is taken." He growled. If looks could damage my head would have been blown to peices.

"Excuse me?" Who does he think he is?

"I said leave." Dylan growled at me.

"No." I scoffed. He clenched his jaw.

"For fuck sake go find another room!" He shouted at me, bringing his face closer to mine.

I could feel his breath on my face. My eyes were forced to meet his. All I could think about was how close he was stood to me.

Dude step back! I yelled at him in my mind.

Instead I lightly pushed him back as if he was a bomb that would explode of I pushed too hard.

"Why don't you?" I kept my voice calm and steady.

Dylan's nostrils flared.

Why am I still here? I should just leave him in peace.

"This is where I go when I've had enough, not you. Go find another room to mope about in."


"I was here first." To highlight the fact that I wasn't going to leave, I sat back down to my previous position.

I let myself fall back into the tranquility of my thoughts, completely ignoring the pissed emo boy behind me. I'd love to paint this some time. I'd love to capture this beauty, this quietness, this calmness.

I was too tiered to acknowledge the shock I felt as Dylan sighed and sat next to me. Five bars away, he sat in the same position as me and gazed out to the large city. Whilst I sat on the cold floor enjoying the silence that filled my ears, he listened to some music through his headphones, bopping his head to the tune.

Up here I felt free, with nothing beneath my feet and having a birds eye view of the world almost made it seem like I was flying. Again, I yawned and began to feel myself melt into the railing as I had done before.

I see why Dylan had wanted to stay here. It was so easy to just forget everything and relax. I wonder why he came to the party, he never seemed like a social, party kinda person to me.

"Did you enjoy the party?" I muttered, bearly loudly enough for him to hear.

Why are you talking to him? He'll probably push you off the balcony in a minute!

When he didn't reply I asked again, louder this time.

Still nothing. Dude leave him alone!

I don't know why I was trying to talk to him, he just looked so... Relaxed.

It was only when he didn't reply for a fourth time did I realise he couldn't hear me over his music.

Mentally, I slapped my forehead.

I poked him on the shoulder. His dark eyes shot to me, annoyance swimming in the pools of chocolate-y brown.

"Um... " Damn I should have kept by big mouth shut! Dylan pulled his earplugs out and arched an eyebrow at me as I sat in silence debating whether to speak again. "Enjoying the party?"

"It was alright." He replied after a couple of seconds. "What about you?"

"I don't like parties." I replied after yawning widely. When will Bree want to go home?

"So why did you come?"

I shrugged. "I thought it'd be fun. I guess I'm just not a 'people' kinda person, you know?"


We sat there in a comfortable silence again, just staring out ahead.

I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier.

"Shoes?" The sound of Dylans voice brought be back from falling asleep again.

"Hmm? "

"Where are your shoes?"

My shoes? I looked down at my bare feet for a moment and thought. Oh my shoes!

"I threw them away." I shrugged.

The emo boy next to me chuckled. It was a very quiet; short chuckle but a chuckle is a chuckle. "Why?"

"They were hurting my poor feet and I could barely walk in them. I didn't really like them anyway."

"Fair enough."


"What are you listening too?"

Dylan sighed exasperatedly. "You talk a lot don't you?"

Ignoring the heat in my face, I replied confidently, "There's no point going though life never being heard."

He chuckled at me again.  Maybe he's drunk?

"I'm listening to music." He replied to my previous question.

I rolled my eyes. "Duh. What kind of music, dumbo?"

"Rock." What a surprise.

"Can I listen?"

Silently, he handed over an earbud and put the other in his own ear.

'They said all
Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me'

"It's not bad!" I shouted over the loud music. And it was true. Rock music like this wasn't the usual music I listen to yet I found myself bopping my head along to the tune. This song was surprisingly catchy and relatable! Teenagers are quite intimidating, even though I am one.

'They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me '

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