20: revenge

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"Yo dude, where the hell where you?"

I turned around to see my best friend slumping into a seat at out usual table. It's lunchtime now and, as I'd skipped my last class, I arrived at the canteen first.

I set my sandwich down and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Eh just skipped class to mope around."

Normally, I'd have had a heart attack thinking about all the trouble skipping could get me into but I didn't care. I needed to take that time for myself. I needed that time to think and relax.

"Dude," Bree said dissaprovingly, "You can't do that, you've gotta pull yourself together."

"You're right," I halted my plagued thoughts and stood up quickly. My chair fell backwards and clattered to the floor. I placed my hands on my hips and with smoldering intensity, I stared ahead.

"We must get revenge," I declared lowly before dramatically pointing forwards, yelling "Onwards Noble steed!"

Without another word, I gathered my things and charged out of the crowded canteen. Luckily very few people paid me any heed and nobody shoved their chairs out into me.

I didn't need to turn behind to know Bree, as surprised as she may be, would be following me.

"So what are we doing?" Bree asked as she ran after me.

An evil smirk took over my face, "We're going to give Jordan a taste of his own medicen. Artist style."


The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Whilst most students scurried off to class, Bree and I had other plans.

We weaved through the crowded corridors of bodies to the girls bathroom closest to the school's back exit. The exit that lead to the carpark.

"Ooo this is so exciting! I can't wait to see Jordans face! He's going to be soo mad. What if he knows it's us? He'll kill us! What if we get caught?" Bree rambled.

"Shh," I hissed.

Right now, I don't need any negative thoughts. My heart is hammering away in my chest as it is. All her points were valid but that won't stop me. I need to see he's face when he sees is car.

"We're going to do this. He needs to be put in his place."

Now, I'm not doing this just because he humiliated me and played with my fragile heart. Although, it is a big factor in the matter. But its also for all those people, like me, who get pushed around and bullied by the 'Populars'.

Now that I think about it, why do we even call them popular? It just adds to their ego and gives them more power and therefore making them seem all the more terrifying! They need a new name... For now, peasants should do until a better one comes to mind.

"Bree, I don't think we should call Jordan and his goons popular, it makes them seem Godly when they are quite the opposite," I informed her as we marched to the defenseless, oblivious car.

"What did you have in mind?"


I took a side long glance and saw her chuckling, "Perfect"

I handed her a couple of cans once we got to the car, "Remember the plan?"

She nodded. We took out our masks to protect us from the toxic fumes and pulled our black hoods of our hoodies over our faces. Strangely, I felt like a ninja!

Adernaline coursed through my veins. We nodded to each other. I walked over to the door and peeped my head out. The coast was clear.

Quickly, we tiptoed down the hallway. I silently said a prayer, begging that we didn't get caught.

I held my breath and pushed the exit door open. I knew an alarm wouldn't be triggered but I couldn't help but feel relieved. I smirked behind me, to Bree.

"Come on, let's go find Mr Popular's precious baby!"

"Which one?"

I chuckled, "Come on, it's the real shiny, expensive looking one."

We walked through the mass of parked cars. Non of them looked like they were fit for a king.

"You mean like that one?"

We stopped in front of a black, spotless Mercedes.

"Yes," I grinned madly, "That's the one."


Bree mirrored my mischievous smirk. We exchanged one glance before pulling out our cans of spray paint and shook them.

We'd been over what masterpiece we would create on the smooth black surface. We both knew exactly each line we would paint. We thought we may as well get some art points out of it and use it for our current project.

My heart sounded like the dumset Bree plays. However, that didn't stop me spraying the midnight colour of the car with the vibrant paint.

You have no idea how good it felt as I admired our art work.

I ignored the part if me, most likely the angel on my shoulder, that felt guilt and fear for the consequences. I normally listen to the angel but to listen to the devil for once...

It felt liberating, like a considerable weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Although, I'm positive I won't listen to the devil on my shoulder ever again. Who knows how much trouble this one time will get Bree and I into?


We stepped away from the car after just over an hour.

Earlier today, the car was bland, and boring. Now, after its makeover, it was a work of art! We'd painted an urban landscape with a pink, purple and orange polluted sky. To jazz it up a bit, I'd added in some aliens!

"Think he'll like his new car?" Bree asked with a smirk on her pretty face.

"Absolutely not." I matched her smirk.

We tucked away our paints and hurried back to the school. With a quick stop at our lockers to retrieve our normal clothes and school books, we headed to the closest bathroom. We changed quickly, washed the paint off our hands and waited.

Whilst we waited for this period to end, I'd suggested we got some school work done. Despite missing two classes, I need to make sure I keep up with school work. I cannot let my parents down.

When the bell rang at last, Bree and I packed away the books we had sprawled over the bathroom floor. That probably wasn't a good idea given all the germs that were bound to be on the floor.

We left the bathroom, blended into the sea of students and washed away to our last class.


At the end of the school day, Bree and myself quickly made our way to the car park after putting away our books away. It felt like I'd only just calmed down but as we neared the parking lot, a mix of excitement and nerves spiked again.

"You think he's seen it?" Bree whispered.

"I don't know," I admitted equally as quietly, "Do... Do you regret it?"

She stopped and looked at me seriously, "Not at all."

I smiled and linked my arm though hers as we exited the school.

A crowd of people caught my attention as soon as we emerged.

"What's going on ever there?" I asked innocently. My friend shrugged and me gravitated curiously towards the crowd.

As we got closer, I could hear people whispering about a car and Jordan being angry and paint. We pushed our way near the Fort if the crowd so we could see.

Mr Popular whipped around. His face contort with pure rage. I hide my smile with a look of shock and a hit of fear.

"Who would do such a thing?" I whispered to Bree.

"I have no clue, " She breathed, "But they are one awesome human."

I hide my laugh with a cough.


I tried not to flinch. Now I was really starting to regret it. If he found out it was us...

Bree must have sensed my change in mood, maybe she felt the fear too? I felt her hand slip into mine.


Well, this dude has no problem shouting.

The crowd stayed deathly quiet.


"I'll see you at my funeral." I whisper to Bree before casually and completely not-suspiciously fleeing the scene.


Hi! I'm so sorry for the late update 😬

Hope you're having a great day!

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