Part 8

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Moon peered out her bedroom window, watching as some police officers finished cordoning off her house. Everything was a mess, and her parents were very confused about the whole thing.

"Why did a bunch of kids raid my house?" her dad had asked.

Moon had struggled to come up with a lie, but she eventually found one. "Practice for Area 51?"

It must have been believable enough, because he stopped questioning her. But she still had other issues to deal with.

She had absolutely no plan for how to take down Crazy, but she had to come up with something. What if she destroyed all the B12 supplements in the world? Since Crazy was a strict vegan, that might work...but it would be too slow. 

Then, it dawned on her. Crazy would see on the news footage that she had survived, and would come to finish her off personally. Moon's hands flew to her face in horror. She rushed to pack a bag full of necessities, but that was when she heard a knock on the door.

"FBI!" yelled a stern voice. 

The voice was muffled enough that Moon couldn't tell if it was male or female, but she guessed it was Crazy. This was the exact same trick that the fans had used, her dad couldn't possibly fall for it twice, could he?

"Why is the FBI here? Oh, it must be about what happened here today, I'll go get that." Moon heard her dad running to open the door and she facepalmed.

But there was no time to lament her dad's decisions. She had to find an escape route; she couldn't use the front door. Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and Moon fumbled with the latches on her bedroom window. She would jump into the thorny bushes encircling the house, there was no other way. Before she could get it open, a figure clad in tactical gear entered the room, pointing a gun at her. Moon braced herself for the end.

The gun was lowered, however, and the soldier shouted in a distinctly male voice, "Clear! I found her!"

A group of agents in suits and sunglasses entered the room, shepherding a teenage girl who looked vaguely familiar. Moon gasped, realizing that it was Feather, and that this ensemble were actually government agents.

Feather waved. "Hi Moon! We're here to decapitate Crazy and then use her head as a pinata!"

The agents frowned, and the man in SWAT gear muttered, "Are you sure bringing her was a good idea, Agent Nash?"

"Probably not. But we can always nuke the city if she gets out of hand," replied one of the agents, evidently Agent Nash, with a shrug.

The SWAT soldier threw his hands in the air in exasperation. "That's a horrible plan! We'd all DIE."

"Yes, but it's no big deal. Think big picture! If a US state gets nuked off the map, we can blame it on Iran, invade them, and take their oil. I like this plan more by the minute," Agent Nash said.

Moon stared in bewilderment at the agents, who were nodding along to their leader's sound reasoning. "How about we NOT nuke my state?"

Agent Nash crossed his arms and pouted. "But I want to test out our new drones on civilians!"

"Yeah, but you can do that anyways, just don't tell anyone it was America. I don't know, sabotage a space rocket launch or something?" Moon countered.

Agent Nash nodded. "That's a great idea! We'll have to relay that to the Pentagon. I suppose we can always take Iran's oil later...."

Moon eyed him warily. "So no false flag nukes?"

Agent Nash sighed with reluctance. "Fiiiine."

Before anyone could come up with a new plan to contain Feather if she got loose, the ground began to shake. Moon took a quick peek out the window, and saw a vehicle unlike any other she had seen.

It looked to be a supersized hybrid between a tank and a bulldozer, except instead of a turret on top, it had a rocket launcher. A girl was manning the rocket launcher with an evil grin on her face. A military tank pointed its turret toward the tankdozer, but before Moon could blink, the rocket launcher was fired with unnerving precision. The military vehicle exploded in a giant fireball, plumes of smoke floating into the air.

The tankdozer triumphantly rolled on, heading straight toward Moon's house.

Crazy had arrived.

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