Chapter 11

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*Cara's P.O.V*
We had finished classes and I was going to head home when Hikaru and Kaoru showed up and dragged me to the host club. When we got there, they lent on my shoulders. I just stood there idly. People were looking at us and were giving me strange looks.

Then a girl with brown waist-length hair (A/N not actually in anime tho) yelled," Does she think if she looks like that the twins will like her anymore!?"

Murmurs of agreement were heard as I shook my head. The twins, on the other hand, just smirked.

"Why?~ Are you jealous?~" They purred.

Me and Haruhi (who just so coincidentally happened to walk by) sighed. The girls faces turned bright red. What's their problem? Kaoru and Hikaru shrugged.


Tamaki said that we were running out of commoners coffee and ordered me and Haruhi to go and get more. What a drag. (A/N: Shikamaru phrase anyone?)
On the way to the coffee isle, Haruhi said," Oh yeah! I need to go get some more food for dinner/tea/supper. You don't mind do you Cara?"

I shook my head and walked on ahead. Then I heard footsteps. I stopped. The footsteps stopped. I started again. The footsteps started again too. So I decided to go back to Haruhi. The footsteps still continued. Stalkers.

When I found Haruhi, she looked surprised when I quickly ran and hid behind her.

"Stalkers," I whispered into her ear. Her mouth made a perfect 'O' shape and she nodded continuing. We got the coffee and I quickly turned around. I saw a flash of Tamaki's face before he pushed Honey out to cover for him. He stumbled over for a bit before he beamed at me," Hi Cara-chan!"

I looked at him and asked why he was here. He doesn't seem like the type to lie. He looked at me and Haruhi and said," Tama-chan said we were going to go find you guys. Hika-chan and Kao-chan said that he wanted us to stalk-"

A hand had covered Honey's mouth. Tamaki's. "Ah ah he! He's just joking! Ah hahahaha! Ah. Heh. Heh. Heh."

He must of seen the unamused expression on my face and tried to make a break for it. Keyword: tried. I smiled through gritted teeth and said," Its ok Tamaki!"

Tamaki had started crying about how forgiving his 'daughter' was. I took this as a chance to get revenge. I pushed the coffee mountain over him and dashed away with Haruhi in tow, with me smirking. I heard the shattering of the glass and the coffee beans pouring out of now shattered glass bottles. "Oops. My hands slipped," I said sarcastically. Tamaki nodded but obviously didn't see the store manager striding up to him. I led Haruhi away as we payed for our stuff.

A/N: Thanks @Multiplelifes for the cool idea! Sorry I didn't make it with the triplets though.
Anyway! Sorry my chapters are so short, but its pretty hard to find inspiration for me. I guess I have a bit of writers block.
I do not own OHSHC ( unfortunately U-U)

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