Chapter 13: The Fight

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*Cara's P.O.V*

I walked (more like I was dragged) into the host club with my 'brothers'. I still don't believe that they are. No matter what they did I refused to accept the matter.

We were going to pull another prank today! The plan was to get Haruhi to let us to come round her house again. Well... they were at least. I hadn't been to her house yet.

I hadn't been to her house yet so I wanted to come. Haruhi said she didn't mind me coming round so if all else fails, it's every man for himself right?

But since I didn't want Haruhi to get blamed we are targeting the shadow king: Kyoya Ootori. Oh man, if this fails we're gonna dieeeeee~.

It started at lunch when Hikaru and Kaoru were walking side by side chatting and doing there brotherly love act. They walked past Kyoya, Kaoru 'accidentally' bumped into Kyoya and ended up spilling his food on Hikaru. Kaoru apologised while Hikaru complained saying that the school uniform had some sentimental value. Hikaru tipped his food on Kaoru's uniform.

That's when I walked over and said," Hey! Two wrongs do not make a right!" They glared at me. I visibly 'flinched' as they yelled at me," What would you know!?"

"Fine then! Haruhi! You're my new brother (A/N: remember the host club is open at the moment)!" I snapped before grabbing her arm and supposedly storming off. Hikaru and Kaoru glared at each other saying how 'it was your fault' simultaneously. I swear I saw lightening spark between them.

Kyoya looked slightly disturbed since it became apparent that he started the fight. Haruhi just seemed glad that it wasn't her fault this time. Honey seemed confused as to why they were fighting. Tamaki was crying anime tears saying how they should just be one big happy family. And I swear I saw Mori's eye twitch, whoa. The twins and I just looked ticked.

The whole 'fight' continued for a few days and Kaoru just announced that he was going to have plastic surgery. I started crying to Haruhi saying how I wanted them to stop fighting. Hikaru was trying to murder Kaoru. Honey tried to resolve the situation with cake but got flung across the room. He was fine but the cake was absolutely demolished. He let out a war cry to avenge his poor cake. With Mori acting as backup.

A lot of things were breaking and Kyoya's eye twitched saying how he much money he was going to lose (A/N: whoa! Kakuzu much?). He began hitting the backs of their heads with his notebook which I'm still convinced is the Deathnote. Tamaki charged into the fight declaring he was going to protect his beloved Haruhi.

I ran into the fight trying to break the fight up, before I was RUDELY punched in the face. Then it became an all out war. Haruhi then yelled," STOP!!! If you don't stop now I'll never let you come to my house ever again! I mean it!" Me and my brothers faces were like:


"Really~" we said. Haruhi face palmed realising she fell for this yet again. On the way out of the club room I patted Haruhi's shoulder sympathetically. I cannot read minds but I could tell Haruhi was thinking,'Damn rich kids!'

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