Chapter 16

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*Cara's P.O.V*

I saw the guy shift slightly as he looked at me.

Still staring at me. He's not going to stop is he? *Stare. Stare. Stare* So I decided to stare back.

Now, let me get this straight, this was a major stare off, and I mean MAJOR. I was not going to lose to this guy who I don't even know and I am going to waste lots of his time.

We are still staring by the way. After a while a crowd had started to form. Neither of us had moved -like, at all. They were whispering (not very discreetly I must add) something about 'who's that girl' and about how I was so 'brave' for staring at this guy. Nekosawrus? Bekozawa? Nekozawa? Yep its the first one (rawr!) Joking, its the third. Apparently this guy is some extreme creep around here.

Just then, he blinked! Ha ha! Yes! I win! I expressed my emotions openly to him. "Hazarrr! I have done it! After 20 minutes of eye straining, you have blinked! And now, the excruciating part of blinking. Ouch, this is going to hurt. Seriously though, it was like staring at a wall..."

I slowly blinked my eyes and it hurt. like. hell. Tears were streaming down my face and my eyes felt like I poured oil over them and then some evil person decided to light a match. Not fun, might I add. Not fun indeed.

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