Chapter 18

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A/N: So I want to thank @Kuromiko_Akumu for the chapter idea. This is only part 1 by the way. I'm in a rush right now. I'll make part 2 soon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

* Hikaru's P.O.V*

Cara still doesn't believe we're triplets.... I don't get why though. We're practically identical! She even admitted to being called a Hitachiin by her adopted father to us. Cara doesn't treat me and Kaoru any differently either, and its not fair! I know we haven't known each over for that long, but she's still our sister. Why can't she understand that?!

* Hikaru and Kaoru's P.O.V*

We've got to convince her!

*Cara's P.O.V*

*achoo* Hmm... Someone must be thinking about me. Well, it's not too much of a surprise. I am fabulous after all! ^^

I've got to go to school soon... great. -_- I shouldn't complain though, it'll probably help me in the future.
Nope. Still don't want to go.

-A little while later-

Well, I ended up at school. I got lost😧. Yup, that's right, lost. This school is huge though, how do the others at school not get lost?! I'm pretty sure there's no point in even turning up to class now - even if I could actually find it- so I'll just stick to trying to find my way around.

This may take a while.

*Kaoru's P.O.V*

Its... weird. Cara hasn't shown up yet and we're already half way through the lesson! I don't remember her being sick though, she isn't, right?

Class will be over soon though, Hikaru and I can go find her then. Ack! But the host club! Goddammit Kyoya. We've got to show up as well. I swear... Kyoya has dirt on everyone. Even me and Hikaru....

Its not like they'll mind if we miss one day... right? Its not going to hurt anyone so there's no harm (- except Kyoya's budget). So its settled, we'll find her after cla-

"Hitachiin-san," the cold eyes of our science teacher bored into my own. Our teachers never know who's who. Its dis-heartening for us. That's what makes Haruhi so special! 😊

I looked at the teacher, barely acknowledging her presence. She asked me to go and answer the question on the board. I looked at it and thought 'nope. Don't know that one.' so I walked up to the board and grabbed a pen. I wrote:

気にしない (A/N: meaning-I don't care (if it doesn't say that please blame google and not me))

I turned around and made my way back to my desk almost painfully slowly and sat down. I saw the teacher get more an more annoyed by the second but with a forced smile she thanked me for answering the question and turned around to check if it was right. But after seeing my answer her face turned red.

"Principles office now!" She screamed in my face, spraying spit onto my face. Ew. So as I got my stuff ready to leave, Hikaru had enough time to annoy the teacher enough into sending him with me as well. Our teacher was an idiot though. As if we were going to the principles office, we were going to find Cara. Actually, now that I think about it, she's probably lost. -_-

-some time later-

Where the hell is she? We've looked practically everywhere!

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