Chapter 21

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"What did you think you were doing?!"

"Rich dude?"

The hell?


*Cara's P.O.V*

I was grabbed by the arm and pulled out of the door at an alarming rate, barely giving me a chance to grab the bag that I had dropped barely a moment previous. Giving the twins a sheepish smile and wave before I was dragged away.

Boo... I was just leaving as well. What's he so mad about? I was pulled into the car (Yes car, not a limo) and it quickly sped off, leaving a dirt trail behind us -like in the movies! (⊙ꇴ⊙)

We'd only just pulled up in front of the building when the rich dude started shouting at me! Like, what the hell?

"Why didn't you tell me you were going?! I was worried sick -oh, thank you-" 

Oh, that was me closing the door as we walked into the house.

"What were you thinking?" I was thinking on how to prank Hikaru and Kaoru rich dude. Duh.

"Why didn't you answer my messages?" I didn't even know I had them for a while. You messaged me 72 times as well.  

"I have feelings too you know!"  Ok, that's enough.

"Shut up rich dude! You dragged me away from my friends without even letting me say goodbye! Consider your feelings?! Why didn't you consider mine!" I yelled, as a stray tear fell onto the ground.

Although I know that I used my words to turn this all against him, but I was getting genuinely worked up about this. I haven't had proper friends in years. Years! Even if I didn't want to at the time, it's the first time in my life that I've ever had a sleepover. With people that treat me like a family! Why would the rich dude try to take that away from me when he was the one who created all of this!

Oh man, I sound like a brat. Talking about myself like that, like I have any rights to complain when there are others out there much, much worse off than me. I frown a little and look at the floor, just why am I like this? I feel bipolar...

Then I look up and see the rich dude staring at me with wide eyes. Hmm, maybe he's the bipolar one and he's a bad influence

"What... did you just call me?" He asked in a whisper. Oh Cara, what did you do this time

"Uhh.... I called you rich dude. That's how I always address you. Why?" I say with a confused tone. I didn't think their was anything wrong with calling him that, it's not like I knew his name anyway.

He was still looking at me with wide eyes that had now started watering. Ehhhh... did I cause that? I hope not. Making people cry unintentionally is something I'd rather not do. Unless I disliked the person, then I wouldn't feel as bad.

"But why?... Why don't you ever call me by my real name?" He asks quietly. Uh, 'cause I don't know it?

I figured that I'd need to be more tactful, if the rich dude was anything like Tamaki or the Hitachiin's Mother. I really should have paid more attention to how he acted... Oops. But about the whole 'tactful' business, yeah that's not going to happen.

I sighed," Rich dude, I don't actually know your name."

He gasped and fell to his knees, slowly bringing his hands up to his face, "You... don't?... How did I not realise? Was I being ignorant and ignoring the way you spoke to people or - or..." he was rambling and going over the possibilities and reasons of why I didn't know his name.

"Look rich dude, it's either because I've forgotten or you never told me."

"Why are you still calling me that?!"

"Because you still haven't told me."

He quickly composed himself after that, standing up straight and coughing into a balled fist.

"Right. My name is                                              "

I couldn't hear anything, I didn't hear the name. I asked him to repeat himself. The same thing happened. Over and over.

"Could you write it down on a piece of paper?" I asked him and he nodded, grabbing a piece of paper from a cabinet in the hallway.

He took a pen from his blazers' pocket and tried to write his name down. His hand was shaking and his writing looked blurred. I couldn't read it. He tried writing it in English but to no success. But I didn't get it, it was just a name! Why am I not alowed to know his name? It's harmless, it won't affect me at all. It was making me want-no, need- to know the name of the rich dude. But I had no idea why.

Another idea struck me, my phone! He could message me the name or type it into my phone! But the name would not type in my phone and the message did not come through. Was the internet down or was it just me. 

'just me'... That's it! If he couldn't tell me his name, someone else could. Haruhi! The main person I can count on to not judge me... I hope. 

So I messaged Haruhi to let her know that if she got any messages from a creepy guy telling her his name and to tell me, she didn't need to worry. She replied a few minutes after. 

I gave the rich dude Haruhi's number and soon enough, the message from the rich dude sent to Haruhi and then sent back to me arrived.


Haruhi: Hi Cara, you wanted me to message you that guys name right?

Cara: Yeah.

Haruhi: Ok, well his name is...

Cara: ...

Haruhi: ...

Cara: ...

Haruhi: Why do you keep doing that?

Cara: For suspense, duh!

Haruhi: Um, Ok?

Cara: So... what's the guys name?

Haruhi: Right. The guys name is-


Fuyūno Hito.


A/N: So, was the wait worth it? Probably not, the chapter was pretty short compared to the last one, but it was written quickly. And it's probably the quickest update you've had in ages. 

Dedication goes to @neckoboy for the name.

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