Chapter 23

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The look on her face was something that he hoped he'd never have to see again, just what had made her like this? This wasn't the same brave and cheerful person he knew, it couldn't be, it couldn't.

But deep inside, Hikaru knew that it was Cara, and that she needed help. He took her over to a chair and told her to wait there whilst he looked for his brother. Just as he started to walk away though, he was stopped. He turned back and looked at his sister in concern, just what had happened after she left? It was starting to scare him.

After a few attempts of trying to get Cara to let him leave to find Kaoru, he gave up, opting to take her with him instead. They walked to they club room so he could make a phone call. 'Kaoru...' he thought solemnly 'Please hurry...'

Only a few minutes later, Kaoru burst through the door, dragging a confused Haruhi behind him. Haruhi didn't mean to get caught up in all this, she just happened to overhear the the phone call. When she'd asked what'd happened, she didn't get a reply and was dragged up flights of stairs and through endless corridors, ending up at Music Room #3.

Haruhi was about to ask what was going on when she saw Cara, looking like she was about to break down. She walked over to her friend and put a hand on her shoulder, as if to comfort her. It wasn't much, but it was all she could do right at that moment. 

"I'm going to call the others," Haruhi stated after a while, alarming the brothers, who straight away began to protest.

Whilst they did want help, yes, they knew that they couldn't really trust Tamaki to keep quiet and make it big news. They knew he didn't mean harm but still...

It wasn't like they could do anything now though, Haruhi had just put down the phone, the calls had been made. Or rather, phone call. Haruhi had only contacted the Shadow King, generally the mastermind of all plans. He'd pass on this to the other hosts and they'd come to the music room as soon as possible. It was just a matter of time.

...Or not, because only five seconds after the call was made Tamaki burst through the door dragging everyone except Kyoya behind him. Kyoya was casually driving a segway through the doors (A/N: I can't believe my I  seriously thought of this...), before noticing the blank stares he was receiving. He stepped off of it before kicking it out of a magical window that looked like it only existed to fulfil that one job. Probably did really.

Kyoya pushed up his glasses, before fakely coughing into his fist,"Err... Continue."

The Shadow King had never felt so awkward in his entire life.


Cara was being asked questions about what had happened but none of them were being answered, she just thought why hadn't she realised sooner? There were so many times when she could have found out, but she hadn't paid any attention and ignored it. Like when she started all those different schools.


A much younger Cara walked to the school happily, before meeting her new classmates. They greeted her with smiles and waved. She made a few friends and the teachers were pretty nice to her. Her first day at school was pretty decent. They all were. She went home, wearing a bright smile, telling the rich dude about all the friends she had made.

The man would just smile at her, the same reaction every timeand the next day she would walk to school to find the friends she had made only the day previous acting like she didn't even exist. The teachers ignored her and she always found herself alone.

Countless schools later, she gave up. She just didn't care anymore, why would she? All of the friends she had ever met, turned away the next day. Although she had always wondered why when she went to the house she was asked, "Did you make any new friends? What are their names?"

She questioned why he always did that once, but he just waved off her question, mumbling about it being for her own good. You see, the man had manipulated each and every school to leave that child alone, to isolate her, so that one day, she might turn to him for help. Yet she never did, she never once asked.

 When she had asked for a shit ton of money to buy food one day in a jokey manner, the man was overjoyed. He thought he was making progress! But then she moved to Ouran, made friends and he couldn't do anything to stop that. Some of these people had more of an influence than him. Cara started ignoring him when he played up about it. But the last straw was when he got that message from the twins. How dare they?!

The facade was broken. And now, so was she.


"Cara," a kind voice called out to her, "You have a visitor. I'll send him in."

"Wait," a small voice interrupted her, "Who is it?"

"It's just a lovely man, he said that you are old friends. His name is Fuyūno Hito."

No no no no no no-

"Hello dear, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

A scream echoed throughout the walls of the mental clinic.


A/N: So, that's it. Ended rather suddenly right? Yeah, I thought so too. I'm not sure but maybe I'll add non-relevant-to-the-plot chapters. Maybe. I wouldn't guarantee anything.

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