Chapter 9

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*Cara's P.O.V*

We had maths now. Boring! Hikaru and Kaoru didn't seem too thrilled about maths either. Meh, who can blame 'em? (A/N: no offence math-lovers) We learnt boring things that everyone learnt in pre-school. Yet the teacher had to go ever-so-slowly over each and every question like we were thick. How rude!

Anyway, after the bell rang to signal the end of maths, we had English. Seriously? Can't we have a fun lesson for once? Like playing games that we actually want to play or watch anime and read manga? Appears unlikely.

Oh well, me and the other two can prank the teacher or something. The twins looked at me as if they knew what I was on about. I'm sure they're psychic now. The twins looked at me and said," Actually, we aren't. Your just saying everything that's on your mind right now."

"Thought so!" I smiled and skipped off derpily before realising that I didn't want to go to English.
So I stopped and went to hit my head on the wall. Kaoru looked at me to see if I was ok, Hikaru on the other hand, was studying the wall. He kept studying the wall before concluding," Whoa. You take hard-headed to a whole other level. You actually dented the wall!"

I looked at him before sarcastically saying,"Nice to know that I have such a caring brother."

Kaoru looked at me offended as if I was on about him. I poked him in the forehead and yelled," No! I'm on about Hikaru. Look how caring he is. Feeling sorry for a wall. That's weird, even on my level!"

Hikaru finally snapped back into reality and we then realised the dreaded truth. We were going to be late!

(A/N: I bet you thought that was almost the end since I tend to end on a over-dramatic note. But no! I am not going to let this chapter be super short. -Even if it generally is)

-breathing deeply-

We made it! Although we were only just in time. The teacher hadn't even noticed that we weren't there. She was sat staring at the computer screen blankly, poking it every now and then. In the end she used the old-fashioned register.

She had a blackboard and white(ish) chalk that had gone mouldy over all these years of it sitting there. She wrote:

We stood staring down the hole.

On the board and told us to up level it and make it more interesting. We could write as much as we wanted.

The class got out their books and so did I. Then I was poked in my shoulder several times before I snapped,"What do you want?"

It was Hikaru. He hadn't a clue what we were meant to do so I explained it to him simply. Then I got back to my work. I'd put: I stood towering over the ominous black hole. It looked almost never ending. I threw a stone down there and it still hasn't hit the the bottom. It had been five whole minutes before I finally heard a small clack at the bottom. No louder than that of a pin-drop. If I had of fallen down there, it would of almost certainly spelt my doom. That didn't stop the deep remorse and pain that still panged in my heart for my friend.

She was given a small shove by a stranger walking past and fell. I remember trying to grab her and failed miserably. She was gone and the cracking of her bones and the splintering sound of her blood as it came into contact with the cold, hard ground still rings in my ears.

I picked a small flower up and dropped it down the hole. It spun around calmly and slowly fell to the bottom 'Goodbye, my friend.'

I showed my brothers my work and told them to copy it exactly to trick the old teacher. It would be a classic. 'Ba-dum-tss!' Eh, eh! Anyone? No? Oh, ok then.

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