10:00 PM

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10:00 PM

Students ignored the confusion of the power outage as they ran toward the sound of banging and shouting. Finally they found a boy banging on a bathroom door.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked him. Nico slowly turned around surprised at the light shinning in bus face. Soon more students join.

"Sorry," Nico said scratching the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to freak anyone out..."

"Why are you trying to break the door?" Percy asked.

"Where's Will?" Piper asked.

Nico nods toward the the door. "Will won't come out of the bathroom. It's been at least ten minutes and I'm getting tired of waiting."

"Let's open the door then," Frank stayed. "If he's been in there that long something could be wrong. And after Rachel...."

Eyes slowly turned to the door. Luke took a hesitant step forward. He placed a hand on the door handle and pulled something out of his pocket. After a few expert clicks and turns the door to swung open.

Eyes widen and gasps are heard as flashlights shine to see Will Solace's form is seen propped against the far wall wall. His head is hung low and upon further inspection his hair is covered in blood which flowed down his face staining his blonde hair.

No one says a word. Finally Frank stepped forward and Jason followed as both lift the other boy.

Silently the group shifted down the hallway to the art room where Will is laid beside Rachel.

"You were supposed to be with him." It is Luke who finally spoke, saying what everyone else was thinking.

Nico's eyes widened and he held up his hands. "I didn't do anything. I just waited outside the bathroom."

"Nico wouldn't hurt Will," Hazel said stepping in front of her brother.

"Why did he even use a faculty bathroom?" Annabeth wonders aloud.

Nico shrugs. "He said he had to go bad. So he went there. I just followed."

"Followed him in and killed him?" Luke accused.

Nico bit back a name for he taller boy when he spoke. "Fine. Let's say that I did it-"

"Because you did," Leo added. "Seems like something you'd do."

"Oh fuck off Valdez. You've been here what two weeks? You don't know anything about me," Nico snapped. After a breath he continued what he was originally saying. "If I did it. How the hell did I lock the door from the inside?"

Luke paused. "Yeah, those doors don't open with a key. They have more security than they should have for a bathroom."

"So what now?" Frank asked. "Splitting up didn't work. We need a new plan."

"We all could just sit around and do nothing in one room," Jason suggested.

"No," Percy said his voice firm as he shakes his head. "I want to know which you murdered Rachel. I'm not stopping until I know."

No one responded at first.

"We won't stop," Piper decided. "We'll keep looking. Leo you're now partners with Nico." Both boys share a glare but neither protested.

"Do we even have to?" Frank asked. "Once Principal Brunner knows that the power is out shouldn't be come get us?"

"Then we better find out before he gets here cause I don't won't to be hassled by cops for no reason," Leo stated as he turned to walk away, Nico followed.

When the two are out of earshot Leo cracked a smile trying to forget about the argument between the two earlier. "Who's next?"

Nico paused trying to remember before he looked to Leo in the dim light the flashlight gave off. "Me. We are supposed to have an hourish gap to make me look as sketchy as all hell before I am found guilty and a bit later 'killed'. It's gonna suck. Why did I have to be suspect again?"

"Oh calm down its only for an hour."

"What's even the point that power has gone out for real. Brunner can't see the cameras now."

Leo nodded. "True, but don't you still want to scare everyone else shitless?"

Nico sighed, "I guess. We're already this far in. They're gonna be pissed when they find out though."

Leo shrugged. "Oh well."


"I don't think we'll be getting out of here anytime soon," Hazel said.

"What makes you think that?" Frank asked her.

Hazel beckoned him over to the window. Both watched the heavy snow fall.

Frank sighed. "Well then I hope you're wrong." After a pause he spoke again. "Shouldn't there be an emergency thing? This is a school there has to be something in case of emergencies."

"We can head back toward the offices. Maybe we can find our phones too."

Frank nodded, "Sounds good. The faster we get out of here the better."


Luke felt the small buzz in his inside pocket. He cursed silently.

"Hey Thals, I'm gonna run to the bathroom!"

Thalia- who was walking up ahead called back with a laugh, "Alright! Just don't go dying on me Castellan!"

Luke rolled his eyes and headed for the bathroom. Once inside he pulled out the small phone and glanced at it. His eyes widened at message.

He took a shaky breath before he put it away. Looks like he had work to do.



First off sorry for the shortish chapter.

Second, I just got super excited for this. This morning I woke up an hour before my alarm and couldn't go back to sleep (it was torture really) but anyway while lying awake I thought of more evilness and deaths to add to this!

So.... Who do you think will die?

Because I promise you the first real death will be in the next one!!!



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