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I know what you're thinking. What the hell? Wasn't this story finished? Never to return?

The answer is yes.

But I decided that I'd give you all a gift in honor of my eighteenth birthday. So if death and pain is what you're looking for... happy birthday to us all!




"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"I don't like her."

"She has no place here."

"Course she doesn't. If she did-"

Words were cut off as Thalia smashed the bottle of beer she had been drinking on the ground. She glared at the two who had been speaking. "If you have a problem with me say it to my face. Don't be like a high school bitch."

Slowly they both turned to face her.

"Fine," said the guy who had been speaking. "Why the fuck are you here?"

"Is there somewhere else I should be?"

"Not in the Titans," interjected the girl.

"Why not? Is there a rule which says I can't be?" Thalia responded. She turned around slightly to look at the boy who was speaking to someone else across the compound. Even so she was sure he was listening. After a moment she turned back to her two interrogators and spoke. "I'm pretty sure the host vetted me. Is Nakamura's word not enough?"

"The problem is that his word is everything. But why would you of all people- your brother and boyfriend were both killed for the Titans your dad has a target on his back. Why would you be here?"

"I was on the loosing side of the battle once before. Why would I make that mistake again?" Once again Thalia glanced over to Nakamura who this time stared right back at her with a smirk. Thalia looked back at the two and suddenly grabbed the large gun which lay on the floor and stood up pointing at them. "Now would you rather die now or would you I prefer I kill you later?"

"Wait till later," Nakamura advised walking over. "We have places to rob no?"

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Alright five more laps cupcakes!"

A collective groan sounded through the gym at Coach Hedge's order, but even so students began to pick up the pace and continue their laps around the field. Will jogged out toward the front of the group hoping to be done as soon as possible. Soon as he was done he'd flop on the ground in satisfaction.

With that thought in mind Will started to pick up the pace until someone crashed into him.

Will hit the ground hard and rolled a few times with a groan.

"Shit! Are you okay?"

Will nodded and sat up slowly to look at who had crashed into him. "Yeah I'm alright, just bruises."

"I'm sorry man," the other boy said standing and offering Will a hand up. Will took it and felt something strange pressed onto his hand. Once standing he pulled his hand back and looked down at it.

When he did his breath quickened.

the world around him seemed to blur and voices seemed farther and farther away.

Breathing hurt.

Breathing felt impossible.

Then it went black.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"I had to meet with your principal today."


"She told me that for the first time you go to class after skipping school for two weeks you went to class high."


"And what? You can't just keeping skipping school and doing drugs like this! You already have to repeat this year because of what happened. Are you trying to be held back another year? I've tried to help Piper! I don't know what to do at this point, send you back to rehab? What? What do you want me to do to help?"

Piper slowly turned around and stared at her father with bloodshot eyes as she pulled the cigarette away from her lips. "Had you asked me anytime before then I would tell that I simply wanted your attention. But now that I have it I only want you to go away."

Tristan McLean bit his tongue for a moment before he responded. "I go away and what? You keep doing drugs and die?"

Piper shrugged and took a long drag from her cigarette. "At least I'd choose the way I'd go. There are worse ways. Much worse ways..."

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Sup patchy? How's my favorite pirate?"

Hazel didn't respond as she continued to do her math homework.

"Oh come on patchy? Gonna tell us the story of how you lost your eye?"

"You know what would complete your look? A peg leg."

"I think she'd look hot in a wench's costume."

"Gross dude. You got creepy-" words were cut off as the collar was yanked back and people turned to see Frank.

Frank said nothing and only glared at them all and most back down and retreated.

"Oh what are you going to do cripple?"

Frank didn't respond and shoved the person whom he was holding into the other and slowly they both walked off- one looking smug.

"You can't keep saving me," Hazel told him quietly.

Frank only sat down beside her and took off his backpack. He placed and arm around her and pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too," Hazel smiled.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"It's looking quite bad down hear Mike. At least three are dead- two of which were branded with the Titan tattoo- and more than ten are injured thanks to the shootout at the bank late last night. While we don't know that much for sure we do know that the culprits got away. And due to calling card of the Titans left in the bank it is believed that once again the Titans are running amok in our city."

The TV was shut off and Thalia turned her attention to the one holding the remote. Ethan Nakamura smiled at her as he put the remote down and readjusted his eye patch. "I'm surprised you did so well."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Thalia asked going over to his mini fridge and pulled a beer out for herself.

"Well for someone who is so desperate to take down the whole organization you're doing a pretty good job of faking your allegiance."

Thalia paused before she popped off the cap and took a swig. "So you know about that?"

"I've always known," Ethan shrugged.

"And yet you haven't told Kronos?" She asked him surprised.

"Lord Kronos is aware."

"Then why aren't I dead?"

"Because your entertaining," he replied simply.

"Entertaining?" Thalia repeated.

Ethan nodded and stood. "Yup. We get to watch the alcoholic build their way up before crashing down. What's not to like?"

"I'm not an alcoholic," Thalia growled.

"There's no need to admit it," Ethan told her walking closer and snatched the bottle from her hands. "It just adds to my enjoyment."

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Will?" The voice was accompanied by a soft knock at the bedroom door. "I'm coming in."

The door opened but Will didn't react as his father Apollo Solace walked in the dark room and sat down beside him on the floor.

"Did it happen again?" Apollo Solace asked his son after a couple moments of silence.

Will didn't respond to which Apollo Solace sighed and readjusted himself so he could lay on his back.

"On purpose or accidental?"

"Accidental," Will responded quietly. "It-it-it was on my hand... there was so much of it..." he trailed off hugging his knees to his chest. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing," his father replied simply. "You know that. On your own you studied everything there is to know about people and diagnoses. If I were to say something was wrong with you it'd be the fact that you would over exert yourself to reach your goal."

"What goal? I don't have one anymore."

"What happened to your dream of becoming a doctor?"

"How can I?" Will shouted suddenly. "I know the facts, I know all about it! But that counts for nothing if I can't even look at blood without having a panic attack!"

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Where have you been?"

"Does it matter?" Piper asked.

"Yes it does," Tristan told her. "Where have you been."

"With my dealer."

The man cursed. "Give it to me."

"Excuse me?"

"Whatever you bought give it to me. Now."

"Fuck no."

"I will take it from you."

"Try old man," Piper scoffed going to walk past him when he grabbed her arm. "What are you- hey!" Piper shouted as her father began reaching in her pockets. "I can report you ya know? This is assault!"

"Go ahead," he told her pulling the small bag of pills from her pocket.

"Give it back!"

Her father ignored her shouts of protest as he headed to the bathroom and promptly flushed the drugs down the toilet.

"I hate you!"

"It you're still breathing I don't mind."

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"How was school?" Hades Di Angelo asked his daughter as she walked in.

"Horrible as usual," Hazel replied getting a water out the fridge.

"Well... Your father and I have been thinking," her stepmother Persephone announced.


"We were thinking that you could switch schools."

Hazel paused and stared at her stepmother. "What?"

"Well a lot has happened," Persephone explained as she stirred a pot on the stove. "We were considering that maybe a new school could help with the... issues you've been having."

"Are you stupid? That would only make this worse!"

Persephone paused and stared at Hazel surprised. "B-but I thought-"

"If I go to school I'm no longer just a pirate! I'm the pirate new girl who survived a massacre! People will be staring at me not stop! How the hell is that better?"

Hazel didn't wait for a reply as she hurried out of the kitchen and up to her room.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Frank walked in the park kicking a rock as he went. Soon he passed the playground and a small ball rolled in his way. He bent down to pick it up when a small girl walked over. He handed it to her with a small smile.

"Emily! Get away from that mute freak!" A voice shouted.

The little girl- Emily- turned around and she and Frank stared at a boy Frank recognized from his class. Confused the little girl took the ball and headed back to the boy who glared at Frank.

Frank just looked to the ground and walked on. After a while he sat on a bench and looked ahead.

"I'm sorry."

Frank looked up to see the little girl from before. "My big brother was a meanie."

Frank gave her a small smile and a thumbs up.

"Why don't you talk?"

Frank didn't respond.

"It's okay. You don't need too. There's a lot of people in my class who don't stop talking."

Frank smiled.

"Can I talk to you and you just listen?"

Frank nodded once.

Emily smiled back.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Thalia unlocked the door to her large house and stepped inside with a sigh. The buzz of alcohol was slowly wearing off and replacing itself with an annoying headache.

She entered and closed the door behind her. She flipped on the light and froze in her tracks.

"T-Thalia...." her father groaned from his spot on the floor. Blood lay around him and red puddle more fell from the large wound on his stomach.

Thalia felt bile rise in her throat. She swallowed it back and grabbed her phone punching in the number.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Hey Will! I'm bleeding!" A someone shouted.

Will didn't turn around and kept walking down the street with his head down.

"Come on freak show talk to me."

Will just tried to walk faster.

Someone suddenly pulled his arm back and Will jerked and in his surprise he fell to the ground. Will pulled himself up and yelped in pain as he sliced his arm on a rock. Will's eyes landed on the wound and it's blood, and let out blood curdling scream.

The bullies ran in shock and eyes turned on him as he screamed. Bile began to rise in his throat and it emptied on to floor and himself.

He couldn't hear. He couldn't see- anything nothing but those he couldn't help.

All of them from that night.

All of that blood covering their bodies. When he could do nothing.

Sirens sounded in the distance and hands touch him and he just screamed more and more as they touched him and until everything abruptly cut to black.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Piper stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut behind her.
She flopped on her bed face first and laid there for a while.

As time passed the high began to wear off. She needed more.

Her father just didn't understand. She needed it. When she was high the world around her would blur. When it blurred she wouldn't see their faces.

She wouldn't see the blood. She wouldn't see the anything. She couldn't feel anything.

But now she could.

Slowly Percy's face returned. His head backwards from the rest of his body. Blood covering everywhere. Covering her.

Images came back faster.

Leo. Jason. Annabeth. Rachel. Nico.

The fear she felt when running down those stairs and through the snow as bullets whizzed behind her.

The repeating images sped up and finally it was too much. Piper sprang up from her bed and ran into the bathroom and emptied her stomach in the toilet.

Even when she finished the images didn't stop. She needed it. Piper hurried back to her bed and pushed the mattress until she could reach the small plastic bag of assorted pills. Without caring she leaned back against the wall and swallowed a couple.

But the images weren't going away. Tears began to come from her eyes as she took some more. She just needed them to stop.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Hazel sat in her room silently. She pulled off her backpack after a moment hesitation she pulled off her sweatshirt.

She stared down at her wrist and the  thin lines which decorated them.

Hazel bit her lip before he headed to the bathroom and pulled out a thin razor.

Minutes later she ran down the stairs shouting. She ran up to her father tears streaming down her face and mixing in with the blood on her arms. "I'm sorry!" She shouted. "I'm sorry!"

"Persephone call 9-1-1," her father shouted.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay Hazel. It's okay..."

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"Fai! Come here."

At the sound of his grandmother's voice Frank limped down the hall and to the living room where the older woman was watching TV.

"There is something I need to tell you that I assume you don't want to hear."

Frank nodded once and she continued.

"I just got off the phone with Mr. Di Angelo. It seems Hazel is in the hospital."

Frank only clenched and unclenched his fists.

"You know I'm know going to make you speak. But do also know that I don't mind listen when you feel like speaking."

Frank didn't respond and slowly made his way back to his room.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Thalia sat staring at the white tiles of the hospital floor in her father's room. She silently looked up as two detectives walked into the room. Slowly she stood feeling a bit hopeful.

"Did you catch the guy?" She asked.

"It was the Titans," one answered.

"Titans?" Thalia echoed. "But why would they..."

Neither of them responded but one reached out and spun her around. "Hey!" Thalia shouted as her wrists were grabbed. "What are you-"

"Thalia Grace you're under arrest for the assault on Zeus Grace. The murders of Mike Grey and Jen Freed. And for armed robbery. And for associating with the Titans."

"I didn't hurt my dad! You don't understand! Please just listen to me! You didn't even tell me my rights! Therefore this isn't legal! I have rights!"

"The Titans are now known as terrorist organization. We don't negotiate with terrorists."

"Please! Please just listen to me!"

"You're going away for a long time."

"Just listen!"

But they wouldn't ever listen. Who would listen to a terrorist and a drunk?

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"You can't just keep my son locked up here!" Apollo Solace shouted.

"Sir please calm down. Your son is a danger to himself and those around him. He will only remain here until he calms enough and it is deter-"

"Don't give me that bullshit! I'm fucking doctor! I can take care of my son!"

"Yes but don't work in this field. Please just trust the professionals. We'll have your son back to you as soon as possible."

But he wouldn't get his son back.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

Tristan McLean knocked on his daughter's door. Piper didn't respond but he didn't expect her to.

"Piper?" He called. "Look I know you're mad at me but I'm trying to help. You can't just keep hurting yourself like this."

He paused as waited for a response but he couldn't hear a sound from inside the room.


Still hearing nothing he tried the doorknob which was surprisingly unlocked. The door opened and he stepped inside.

Piper sat against the wall slumped over, looking pale.

"Piper!" Tristan ran over to his daughter and grabbed her. Piper didn't respond. She didn't move- she wasn't breathing. Her lips were blue. "Shit!" Fumbling for his phone he quickly dialed 9-1-1.

But they wouldn't be able to help.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"I'm sorry but this all we can do."

"What do you mean this all you can do?" Mr. Hades Di Angelo shouted at the doctor.

"Mr. Di Angelo please. We have stabilized your daughter but now it is just waiting until she wakes up. We can't do anything else but keep her comfortable."

"How long until then?"

"I'm not sure. It varies. For some days, others weeks, and some..."

"She'll wake up though right? I can't loose her. I've already lost two children."

"I'm sorry but I can't say..."

He turned and looked at his daughter lying the hospital bed. "She's going wake up."

But she wouldn't.

"How do you think your recovery's going?"

"How do you think your recovery's going?" Silence was her only answer. "Come on Frank. I know you don't like speaking but you know me. Can you at least answer my question and then we can call it quits for the day alright. So how do you think you're recovery's going?"

Frank switched his gaze from the floor to the woman sitting across from him and leaned forward.

She sat ready with her pencil on her paper to jot down whatever it was he said. "Well? How's you're recovery going?"

Frank gaze narrowed into a glare as he stared her down. "What recovery?"

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