The Arkenstone

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Thorin Oakenshield woke up with a start. He had just witnessed a horrible scene in his dreams.

"KILI!" he shouted, getting out of bed.

Kili, Thorin's nephew, burst into the room moments later.

"You called?" he asked.

"Go secure that the Arkenstone is alright."

"Um, why?" Kili asked.

"Just GO!" Thorin hollered, putting on his kingly robes.

"Alright, alright!" Kili stammered and rushed out of the room again.

"I hate dreams," Thorin muttered.

  In the throne room of Erebor, Kili walked up to the throne to check that the Arkenstone was in its usual place on the back of the seat.


Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, and Fili ran in.

"What's happened?!?" Fili asked worriedly. But he soon saw what the problem was.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" screamed all the dwarves at once. "The Arkenstone is MISSING?!?!?"

Of course, Thorin burst into the room moments later, wondering what could have caused two screams.

"O-oh, h-hey Thorin!" said Kili, scooting in front of the throne.

"Kili, I need to sit there," Thorin said, in his usual serious manner. "Is the Arkenstone alright?"

"Oh, yeah, it's fine," replied Kili. "I was just dusting the throne right now, so you can't sit here for a while, alright? Come back later!" he then turned around and began dusting the spot where the Arkenstone previously was, so that Thorin couldn't see that it was missing.

Thorin looked at him suspiciously for ten seconds, and then walked off. "You six, go to the East Wing and get busy," he called back to everyone else besides Kili.

They all grumbled, but were too scared of Thorin's wrath to argue.

Kili stopped dusting and immediately ran off to search for the Arkenstone. He quickly bumped into Bombur, who practically Took up a whole hallway. (Took; get it?)

"Bombur! Have you seen the Arkenstone!?!?" Kili asked in a panic.

"What? It's missing? That's not good. The only thing I can say for sure is that I didn't eat it," replied Bombur.

Kili rolled his eyes and continued looking. Soon he found himself standing in the vast chamber full of all the gold of Erebor.

"I'm pretty sure it's not in here," Kili said to himself. But he began skimming over the room anyway, to be sure. He soon encountered Bofur.

"Hey, Kili, I assume you're looking for the Arkenstone?" he asked.

"Yes! Have you seen it?" Kili asked.

"Perhaps. I thought I saw a glowy light coming from the bathroom," replied Bofur.

"THE BATHROOM?!?" Kili exclaimed and rushed off, leaving Bofur in a pile of gold.

When he made it to the nearest bathroom, he began searching all over it, from the toilet to the towels to the beautiful rainbow-colored soap.

Just as he was about to give up hope and leave, a sudden thought struck him. Turning back, he looked at the soap. He picked it up, and found it was not soft and squishy, but undeniably hard.

"THE ARKENSTONE!!" he cried, half quietly, in case Thorin heard.

He quickly hid it in his coat an began trekking back to the throne. When he walked out of the side-hall that led to it, he realized that directly across from him, Thorin was walking out of the OTHER side hall. They were both heading toward the throne. Kili quickened his pace.

"Kili! I assume the throne is nice and dusted?" Thorin called, his voice bouncing off the walls.

"Um, yeah! I just remembered one last spot I had to get!" he quickly rushed up to the throne and placed the Arkenstone in its spot. Unfortunately, Thorin is not stupid, and he easily saw what Kili did.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! This morning when you told me to check on it, I looked and it was gone, so I went looking for it, and found it disguised as a bar of soap in the bathroom!" Kili confessed.

"Really now? That must be because I put it there," Thorin said.

"................." said Kili.

"Kili, of late I've been taking security measures and hiding the Arkenstone, justin case someone steals it. It's nice to know that you care so much about it, though. I had a dream that someone used it like soap, and I definitely do NOT want that happening. So I think it'll stay right here in the throne for now, " Thorin said, and gave Kili a single pat on the back as he sat down on his throne.

"So, all that panic and drama was for nothing?" Kili asked.

"I'm afraid so," replied Thorin with a small smile.

Kili fainted.

Fili walked in. "Hey uncle, I see the Arkenstone's been found!"

"Yes," replied Thorin, "but it wasn't lost in the first place."

Fili fainted on top of Kili.

Thorin looked at them. "Oh dear..."


Well, that was my first story. Did you think it was good?

Also, if there's any characters, places, or events you want to see in a story, don't hesitate to let me know! I'm always looking for good material.

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