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In some type of space like scape hovering over a copy of what looked like planet earth. In the space like scape was seen multiple digital lines and hexagonal patterns as well. On a platform hovering over the copy of planet earth we see a girl on it panting from exhaustion, a rifle resting in her hands.

Girl: Damn it.....They're so strong......

The girl slowly picked herself and as she did that two figures were thrown down in front of her. The two of them kicking up a cloud of dust upon impact. In the dust there was two flashes of light. The dust soon cleared revealing a small girl holding a Trident and small girl that resembled a jellyfish.

The girl's eyes widened upon seeing them.

Girl: Sistermon Blanc! Jellymon!

She goes to pick herself but stops as the platform began to rumble. Looking up to what was causing it she sees a gigantic robotic creature looming over the three of them.

Girl: Galacticmon...

Galacticmon laughed down upon them.

Galacticmon: Is this truly the best, that the digital world could bring to stop me? Unfortunately for that foolish Jijimon, I will not be taken down by the likes of a human and her pathetic Digimon....

Girl: D-Damn can they be this strong.....We can't fail here.......not after all that we have done to help this world.......not after what we promised to everyone......

Galacticmon let out a loud laugh that shook the entire space that they were in.

Galacticmon: Once I destroy you and your pathetic digimon, I'll fuse with that planet core and become the ultimate being in the digital world!

The girl slowly stood up as Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon tried to pick themselves up as well.

Galacticmon: I'll wipe out your pathetic partners first and make you lose hope!

Energy began to charge within Galacticmon's chest. With it being aimed directly at Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon causing the girl's eyes to look on in shock. The girl grits her teeth before she  quickly ran in front of her partners shocking them.

Sistermon Blanc: J-Jen!?

Jellymon: What are you doing!?! Get back!

Jen stood in front of the two in a defiant position. Her arms out stretched to protect them.

Jen: I-I don't care......How powerfully you are.......even if we fall here......I know through destiny......that you will fall and once you do.......everything will be just like it was before!

Unknown to the two of them a device in Jen's pocket began to glow as both Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon began to feel power grow within them. Galacticmon just stared at her before chuckling.

Galacticmon: Fine then, we'll see just how strong this "destiny" of yours is human!

A spark soon came from his chest

Galacticmon: Take this! Ragnarok Cannon!!!

He fired a massive beam of energy at Jen who looked on and braced for impact. But before the beam could hit both Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon ran in front of Jen shocking her. Energy coursed around the two as they guarded against Galacticmon's attack.

Jen: Sistermon, Jellymon! What are you doing!?

Sistermon Blanc: W-We won't let you be hurt!

Jellymon: Yeah! No way in hell that we'd let this bastard do that!

Jen: Guys....

Galacticmon: Grah!! JUST DIE ALREADY!!!

They increased the power of their beam trying to overpower to two. The two grunted as they continued to try and hold back the beam. Jen looked on at her digimon partners before soon noticing the glow on them and in her pocket. Looking to her pocket she pulled out what was in it, her digivice that was glowing the same light that was glowing around her digimon. Jen stared at her digivice before holding it close to her cheat.

Jen: *Thoughts* I believe in destiny. The destiny that will bring a happy end to everyone in both my world and in the digital world. A happy end for all the friends that we've made here......and that's why......I won't give up!!!!

The light around her digivice grew brighter, along with the light around her digimon.

Sistermon Blanc: Th-This power....

Jellymon: A power familiar to us....

Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon: The power of our bond with Jen......The power that we will use to protect her and everything we hold dear!!

The light around the two grew brighter and brighter and soon the beam that Galacticmon shattered shocking the Galacticmon.

Galacticmon: WHAT!?!


Jen: Guys....

Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon: Warp Shinka!!!!

The light grew brighter blinding the two. Soon the light died down as Jen looked on in shock at the two who now stood in front of her.

???: Junomon!!

???: Ancient Mermaimon!!

Jen stared on at the two in amazement as they look back at her.

Junomon: Do not worry Jen....

Ancient Mermaimon: We will uphold our destiny....

They both turn their attention onto Galacticmon.

Junomon and Ancient Mermaimon: AND DEFEAT YOU!!!

Galacticmon roared at them in rage.

Galacticmon: Gragh! Just die already!!

Galacticmon fired out all their weapons that were on their body at the two, who simply flew and maneuvered around them. Flying around the giant digimon, dodging his weapons with ease. Junomon soon stopped and raised her hand as multiple lances made of light appeared and circled around her.

Junomon: Graceful Lance!!

She sent all of the lances at Galacticmon that all stab into them injuring them more and more. They turned their attention on Junomon trying to blast them only for Ancient Mermaimon to come from behind.

Ancient Mermaimon: Crystal Billow!!!

She forms multiple orbs of water around it before they shaped into spikes and crystallized. She then fired them up at Galacticmon stabbing into them and began to destroy its weapons. Galacticmon roared out in pain as Junomon and Ancient Mermaimon appeared in front of them.

Junomon: It's time to end this...

Ancient Mermaimon: Yes, it's time to cement our and everyone else's destiny...and with that

Junomon and Ancient Mermaimon: WE WILL END YOU!!!

They both rushed towards Galacticmon, who tried to fire at them only to miss them. Seconds later Junomon and Ancient Mermaimon stabbed through Galacticmon's head with their needles and Trident respectively causing Galacticmon to go limp and motionless just floating there now. The two pulled there weapons out from them and drifted back staring at Galacticmon's still body.

Junomon: That should've done it right...

Ancient Mermaimon: Yes, not even he could have survive tha-

She was cut off by the sound of sparking. They looked back to Galacticmon seeing them sparking and soon began to glow causing both Junomon and Ancient Mermaimon's eyes to widen. And they both rushed back to Jen.

Junomon: Jen!

Ancient Mermaimon: Get down!

Galacticmon soon detonated as they reached Jen and tried to protect her from Galacticmon's explosion. The explosion soon the whole space that they were in and the camera was blanketed by white. Some time later we see Jen laying in a forest unconscious. Laying next to her was Sistermon Blanc and Jellymon unconscious as well. Jen's rifle laid next to her as footsteps were heard approaching the unconscious trio. Soon a green hair girl stood above.

The girl looked down at the three curiously before turning and yelling for someone.

Green Hair girl: Rin, I found something!

Soon a red hair cat girl came up with a wheelbarrow.

Rin: Hm? What is is lady Koishi?

Koishi: I found some corpses!

Rin looked at her for a second before looking at the three, shaking her head a little while later.

Rin: Those aren't corpses Koishi, all three of them are very much alive

Koishi: Oh...

Rin: Though......They all have a strange power apart of them also....

Rin stared at them as Koishi looked between them and Rin.

Koishi: Well.....What should we do?

Rin: We should bring them back to your sister and see if we can find anything out about them. Help me carry them back okay

Koishi: Okay!!

Rin smiled as they picked the three up and headed off to who knows where.

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