Chapter 8

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Anya woke from a restless night with her to-do list as her second thought. It was Christmas Eve, the Inn was booked to capacity and they still had more people coming for the ball the next night and yet Manny had wedged himself firmly into the first thing she thought of when she woke.

It was with a grunt of frustration that she threw off the pile of quilts and welcomed the refreshing sting of the chilly air filling her bedroom.

She was showered, dressed and hopefully ready for whatever the day had for her in under ten minutes. The only antidote she could think of to her constant barge of memories of Manny from the night before and the rest of her life was movement and hard work. True to her determination Anya didn't stop moving until every guest was awake and eating happily in the dining room.

Eve appeared sometime around nine in the morning to check-in. Anya had sent Michaela down to the basement with Frank to help prep the ice skates for the guest excursion scheduled immediately after breakfast. Eve found Anya at her station behind the front desk, a steady flow of workers seeking her out as she passed out instructions for the day.

"Good morning, Anya. How did you sleep?"

"Fine. Thanks for asking. And you, Grandma? How are you this morning?"


Anya didn't have to look up from her work to know the skeptical look on Eve's face. Eve had a particular look of concern when it came to Anya that Anya only ever saw directed in her way. Eve's natural calm manner meant that she was hardly ever concerned, things were always under control with Eve and Eve was always in control.

Except when it came to Anya. Eve had been wearing the same look of concern when looking at her granddaughter when she thought Anya wasn't looking, ever since Anya had moved into the Inn after her parents' car accident.

Eve's process of grieving for her daughter was cut short as she found she was suddenly a parent once again and this time to a heartbroken young pre-teen. Eve knew it was only with a little luck and the gentle firmness of her late husband that Anya had turned out as well-adjusted as she had.

"You really need to stop staring at me."

Anya aimed her words at her clipboard and could feel her grandmother shift attitudes from across the counter.

"I have no idea what you are referring to. I wasn't staring at you. I was observing the guests in the lounge."

Anya looked up and found what she expected, an empty lounge.

"Sure. Whatever you say, Grandma."

"Are you alright, dear? You seem worn a bit thin. More so than usual. I was hoping you might get to enjoy this year's holiday season."

"I'm fine."

Anya stopped working when she found Eve was not buying her vague attempt at reassurance.

"I am. I promise. Things are just busy. People keep popping up as if from nowhere and it's starting to get a little annoying."

"Perhaps I should have told you he was coming. I thought it would be a nice surprise. Finally, you have a reason to slow down and enjoy the holidays."

All thoughts of work flew from Anya's works as a realization hit her smack-dab in the middle of her forehead.

"Wait. You knew?! That Manny was coming here?! And you didn't tell me?"

"He called the night before he showed up, asking if there was any room for him. He made some excuse about Gloria running out of space and his parents spending the season on a Caribbean cruise. The kid's practically family. I wasn't going to turn him away."

"You could have at least told me!"

"He asked me not to."

Anya could feel a tension headache start to assemble at the bridge of her nose and she pinched it in hopes the tension in her brain would somehow dissipate.

"What happened between you two? I thought you would be thrilled to see Manny. You two were always so close. Thick as thieves. And things have been so stressful since your grandfather died, I thought you deserved a break. Someone to cheer you up and remind you that you're still young. Life doesn't have to be so serious all the time. You can still have fun."

"I can understand your motives and I appreciate it, Grandma, I do. But you should have told me."

"Anya. Please. Tell me. What happened between you two? Why aren't you glad to see him? He's your best friend!"

As if by magic, it seemed as if those specific words summoned the guests and Anya found a legitimate reason they could not continue their conversation. She had no desire to and welcomed the distraction of work once again.

She started to huddle together the guests she knew had signed up for the ice skating excursion and sent one of the farmhands to bring around the van. They had a deadline as there was a big storm headed their way that afternoon.

Anya noticed that Eve had not moved, nor had she responded to the sudden onslaught of guests as Anya had. Instead, she remained by the front desk watching Anya as she worked, that concerned look back in place.

Luke appeared suddenly at Anya's side, a light in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Hey, Anya. Are you going with us? I haven't been ice skating since my sister took me to Rockefeller Center when I was a kid."

"I'd love to be able to join but I have a lot to do here."

Anya spoke over her shoulder at him, counting heads as people lined up ready to receive their ice skates. Anya could see past the front door that the van was sitting ready and waiting.

"You know, that's not a bad idea, Anya. You should go ice skating. You haven't been in so long and if I remember correctly, you used to love it."

Eve had entered the fray. She paused by Luke's side, both of them now looking at Anya.

"This young man seems ready to escort you. I'm sorry, I didn't happen to catch your name."

Anya almost scoffed as she was sure Eve knew Luke's name. She knew the name and occupation of every single guest currently residing underneath her roof. It was her job. And guaranteed she already knew his connection to Anya.

"Luke Christensen." Luke extended his hand towards Eve, who took it firmly in her own. "I knew Anya at school down in New York."

"Oh! How nice! Anya, that's two friends of yours staying with us."

"Oh, trust me, Grandma. I'm aware."

Anya spoke under her breath as she turned to find Michaela hurrying up the basement stairs, her arms filled with a large cardboard box, Frank making his way behind her at his own pace.

"Skates are here!"

At the declaration, the guests rushed Michaela, who quickly passed the skates to the guests' out-stretched hand. With a distraction, Eve found her opening.

"Really, Anya. I think you should go. Enjoy yourself for once. I can handle things here."

"You're going ice skating, aren't you, Anya?" Michaela asked over her cardboard box, which was quickly emptying.

At that precise moment, another wave of energy entered the front hall, coming from the dining room, bringing with it another level of noise to add to the light chatter coming from the guests excited to head out. Manny appeared with one nephew holding tight to his leg, the other one slung over his shoulders.

"Anya's going ice skating?"

His eyes only landed on hers for a brief second as the night before was too fresh for both of them.

"No. I'm not."

Anya's answer was not accepted as Gloria suddenly appeared behind Manny. It seemed everyone had something to say about the situation.

"Yes, you are. I told Frank to sharpen your skates. You can help Manny teach the boys."

Gloria had something hiding behind the plain and innocent look on her face and the sight was making Anya's stomach twist. Something was going on here that she did not like.

To add to it all, Jeanette, Luke's older sister, appeared from the restaurant, having finished her breakfast, and found the crew ready to head out, ice skates slung over the shoulder of each guest.

"You're all going ice skating? How adorable! Let me guess. There's a small pond in the center of town that freezes every year. This whole place is so quaint."

Before anyone could respond to her mildly veiled attitude of disgust and condensation, Luke stepped forward.

"You're welcome to join us, Jeanette. I'm sure it'll be a fun outing with great scenery and good company. It's no Rockefeller Center but we've already done that. This offers something different."

Jeanette tried not to seem deflated at his cheery manner. She stood straighter just to stare more down her nose at the light group.

"No. Thank you for the invitation, Luke. You guys go have fun."

"I'm sure we will."

His genuine good attitude in the face of his sister's endeared Anya to him just a little bit more and she sent him a smile when he turned to meet her eye.

"So. You going?"

At his question, Anya felt like everyone was staring at her, holding their breath, waiting for her answer. She finally let her own out, sighing out her reply.

"Yeah. Sure. I guess so."


Luke's enthusiasm was infectious and he took to leading the waiting group out to the car, everyone falling happily in step behind him. Gloria had disappeared only to reappear with Anya's jacket and skates in hand.

"Have fun."

Anya was glaring at her as she slid on her jacket. By accident on her part, her steps ended up following in line with Manny as he led his nephews towards the car. She couldn't help stealing a glance up at him to only quickly avert her gaze. They were close enough that she could hear him mutter under his breath.

"Well. This should be fun."

The sarcasm was palpable.

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