Stay of Execution.

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Soul Society is in Chaos, the self appointed substitute soul reaper and his allies have sacked the seireitei in order to save his dear friend Rukia Kuchiki from an unjust execution. So far, everything leading up to this point has gone relatively smoothly for the rescue team, the managed to stop the execution and get Rukia to safety with the assistance of a former enemy turned ally Renji Abarai. In doing so, Ichigo Kurosaki the substitute soul reaper was forced to face off against Rukia's own brother Byakuya Kuchiki who was hell bent on carrying out her sentence himself. As that fight wrapped up, the reveal of three traitors amongst the captains of the Gotei 13 had been revealed and Sosuke Aizen has made his move, pursuing Renji and Rukia as he attempts to flee the scene with his life long friend. However the two are intercepted by the traitor captain who blocks their escape, and is trying to capture Rukia assumably to carry out her execution.
"I would like to avoid any more bloodshed today, I ask that you hand over Kuchiki Rukia." The calm yet oddly menacing tone of the normally calm glasses sporting fifth division captain says to the sixth squad lieutenant. The expanse of plateau of Sokyoku hill behind the pineapple styled red head named Renji Abarai. "Odd. I thought I spoke clearly, or perhaps you misheard me."

"I refuse." Renji declares, cradling the once to be executed white garbed Shinigami in his left arm and his sealed Zanpakuto in the other pointing at the traitor captain. The calm steps of his woven bamboo sandals against the rock face of the Sokyoku are the only sense of sound in the tense atmosphere around them.

"You are quite stubborn Renji Abarai." The captain sighs before grabbing the green wrapped handle of his Zanpakuto. A moment of hesitation on Renji's end is all it takes for him not to be able to jump backwards fast enough. The slash from the blindingly fast blade sinks deep into his shoulder, spraying blood across the already blood stained execution grounds. "Well, I'm happy to see that you've improved. Though It is difficult to step on an ant without crushing it."

"Renji." Rukia pleads for his attention.

"Not now Rukia." he shoots down before fixing his glare back to Aizen. "Why? Why do all this? Why betray the soul society? Why did you have to kill Lieutenant Hinamori? She Idolized you!" Renji shouts, even through the pain of the wound on his arm and the lack of energy he feels from the blood loss.

"Do you not think it was merciful of me to kill her?" This statement from the deranged man causes Renji to involuntarily hitch a breath out of horror. "I had to finish what I started, I had originally intended for her, Kira and Hitsugaya to kill one another."

"I see... You're not the Sosuke Aizen I knew?"

"You knew? Abarai, you never knew me. That version of me never existed in the first place. You've known nothing but a facade." This statement causes Renji to leap up and unleash his blade's power.

"Roar! Zabimaru!" The long curved Katana of his Zanpakuto warping into a segmented blade with tines and razor sharp extendable edges. Swinging the released state, the weapon extends far longer than what it appears to be able to when still attached to the hilt. Each segment is connected by cables of wire and rope.

"Do you intend to defeat me with a mere Shikai? How foolish." Aizen comments, catching the blade as it's thrown towards him in his bare hand. With a single swing of his Zanpakuto, he splits apart the blade before doing so to Renji. Slicing through the flesh on his back and severing arteries causing blood to spray from the wound. Renji falls forward onto his knees, still holding the petite soul reaper in his arms. She yells his name when she sees the wound.

"You've outlived your usefulness, I had sent her away to the human world to acquire something that she now possesses though she does not know it." The captain says looming over the two. Renji's breathing became more haggard. "Last chance. Leave Rukia and back away."

"No. I refuse." he says through pants for air.


"I won't let you go." Renji declares as he closes his eyes expecting pain to soon be followed as the last thing he wills himself to see is the raising blade of the traitor captain... However, the strike never comes, instead his eyes are shocked open when he hears a blade connect with another blade.

"What's with that kneeling position?" The orange haired Shinigami questions and half patronizes. "Is Rukia too heavy for you to carry?" Ichigo questions pushing back the silver blade of the traitor captain.

"Hmm. It matters not, whether there's one piece of dust to brush aside, or two."

"I'm going to stay and help fight."

"Well then, let's fight them together." Ichigo grins, then furrows his eyes at the traitor captain. "We're only going to get one shot at this."

"Then attack when I make an opening. Let's go! Zabimaru!"

Using the broken end of his sword, Renji thrusts its frayed cables into the ground. Suddenly, the broken segments of the blade lift into the air around them and begin to float over the three traitor captains. Crashing down with enough force to shatter the rockface, the pieces of the blade kick up enough dust to blind the captains for a moment. Using this as the opening, Ichigo blitzes in slashing wide and at neck level at the traitor captain. "Fool." He hears the low voice of Aizen say as all the momentum of his ebony blade is stopped in an instant as Aizen catches the sword with a single finger. The chime of steel hitting a hard surface rings through the air before going silent as the captain places his finger the rest of the way onto the blade. As he does so, a massive wound opens on Ichigo's abdomen, a pained noise escapes Ichigo's throat as the pain registers in his mind of what had happened.

"Oh?" Aizen says in surprise as Ichigo collapses "I'd had expected you to be cut in half by that attack. Perhaps you're more resilient than I had thought." Aizen comments, before disappearing. Before Reji could react the blade from the former captain found its mark in his other shoulder, almost severing his arm.

"R-renji." Rukia mutters seeing her friend hit the floor, her eyes slowly flowing to Ichigo and she stammers his name as well upon seeing his collapsed form. "I-Ichigo." She says in a fear laced voice. "I can't move my body!" Rukia says, petrified in fear.

"Kuchiki Rukia." Aizen says calmly before grabbing the reishi restraint collar around her neck. "You have something I want. The Hogyoku."

"Th-they stripped all my possessions away when I was taken captive."

"Oh but they didn't find this. This Hogyoku was created by Kisuke Urahara and placed within the human gigai that he had made for you. In hopes that you would slowly become human once more and that the Hogyoku would be destroyed. But luckily you were found, lead here to be executed by the Sokyoku and destroyed leaving what I pursue most behind." Aizen explains,

Before he could raise his arm to impale the defenseless woman, the titan werewolf captain Komamura arrives at the scene. Screaming Aizen's name as he brings down the giant arm of his shikai onto the captain's shoulder. However when the dust settled Aizen had once again caught the blade in his hand. Komamura rips the blade free of the capture and backpedals, immediately into a trap set by Aizen.

"Kurohitsugi." He says in a simple voice as a prism of black darkness soon manifests around Komamura and encapsulates him. When it finishes forming black swords impale the box before it dissipates, leaving the wounded and defeated body of Komamura behind, clinging to life.

"Now if there are no more interruptions, I will extract it from your soul and worry not for your death. It will come in time, Kuchiki Rukia." Aizen says calmly before reaching into his black shihakusho, withdrawing his own Hogyoku.

Without another word, a nameless Kido manifests around him creating spikes of an unatural plant that wrap around his arm. Raising Rukia above his head he impaled her with his arm directly into her chest. The green wrapped arm penetrates her chest cavity as Ichigo and Renji are forced to watch helplessly as this happens to her. After finding what he was seaking, Aizen retracts his hand from the bloodless wound and withdraws a glass prism with a shining black pearl within, he grins upon seeing the artifact between his fingers and is left with a hole in her chest.

"R-rukia" Ichigo stammers, as he coughs up blood. He watches helplessly as her form collapses to the ground motionless.

"That's one less loose end to tie up." Aizen says thumbing over the ball in his hand.

'No... sh-she can't be... I r-refuse! I c-came all this way... And for nothing?!' Ichigo screams within his own mind. Black reishi starts to flow unbridled out of his body. 'Move! Save her! Get up!'

"Seems like there's still some fight left in you, Kurosaki Ichigo." Gin comments, bringing his blade out of its sheath and walking towards Ichigo. "Allow me to fix that."

"Oh? What's this about me being a loose end... How pathetic." A warped voice speaks emanating from Rukia's body. Ichigo's eyes move from Gin to the body of Rukia, watching in horror as Reishi calcifies in the air and floats down towards her. Her body moves, standing unnaturally as the white robes she's garbed start to stain, not in blood but in black reishi. Restoring her powers. The calcified chucks of Reishi continue to float from the air and towards her face and Rukia's body extends her hand. Suddenly and without warning, Tensa Zangetsu is ripped from Ichigo's grasp and flies to Rukia's hand as if telepathically. "With that stupid marble gone, I can finally stretch my legs. Thanks for the sword, My little Strawberry. I'll return it after I'm through with it." The hollowfied voice of Rukia explains as the figure turns revealing the black haired woman now standing with half of a Kitsune mask over her face.

"Fascinating, It seems Fishbone D didn't fail after all... What should I call you?" Aizen says calmly turning to face the woman in a broken mask, instead of an answer the figure raises the ebony sword and points it at Aizen.

"Hmhmhmhm" The hollow giggles from behind pursed lips. "I don't need a stupid name. All I need is to taste your blood as I drain every last ounce out of your body." In a burst of Reishi, Hollow Rukia vanishes from their sight, moving faster than Ichigo could see.

Ichigo strains to move his head as he sees her bash his blade against the edge of Aizen's sword. Slashing and slamming violently, chipping both swords in the process. Aizen is forced to backpedal as Gin and Tousen make a move to try to stop her. However before either could interrupt, a bolt of lightning strikes the two as Jinbei and Kukaku Shiba arrive at the scene. The giant is using his ax and slamming it on Tousen as he crashes to the ground. Suddenly around them captains, soul reapers and other allies appear to apprehend the traitor captains however they watch in horror as Hollow Rukia slings Ichigo's bankai blade around by its chain and manages to cut Aizen across the cheek.

"Oh~ Perhaps I should savor killing you. Your blood tastes sweet." She giggles in an unholy echoing voice. "Say berry-boy, How do you use this thing? I really like the color."

"W-what?" Ichigo stammers trying to respond to her.

"I can feel your power resonating in this blade... it feels intoxicating. I can feel you have a connection to Rukia through it." The hollow laughs before continuing her onslaught on Aizen. Slashing faster than Ichigo could see her move. Her arm appears to be in multiple places at once as she continues her offensive.

"Begone. Hollow. I have no use of you." Aizen declares, flash stepping behind her and bringing his sword up to attack Rukia. However, the hollow has different plans. Spinning around in less than a millisecond, the hollow catches the blade, grabbing it with her bare hand and raising Ichigo's sword high above her head.

"You were such a fun toy too. Oh well~ Time to die." the hollow grins, the mask now covering most of her face and the hole in her chest still ever present from where it had occurred. Suddenly, Tensa Zangetsu erupts in black and blue reishi as she flows her power into the blade. In addition to the attack, the hollow Rukia charges a blue cero in her mouth aimed right at Aizen."Getsuga Tenshou." The hollow says without moving her lips, bringing the blade crashing down on Aizen and firing the blast.

"Yoruichi!" Ichigo calls out seeing the goddess of shunpo arrive on the scene. "You need to stop her! Sh-she's almost c-completely hollowfied!" Ichigo demands.

As the blast from Rukia settles, Aizen is seen holding his blade in the dirt and panting, serious burns across his body and his clothes having been cut open. A long deep gash along his torso goes from the top of his collar bone through his lower stomach above his hip on the opposite side. His arm is charred and burned from the attack. Rukia flash steps out of the dust and leans over once again creating another cero in the fox mask's mouth. Soifon quickly draws her sword and holds it to the neck of Aizen as Yoruichi slams her leg into Rukia's mask, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. The hollow's control fades from her as she slips out of consciousness again, the hollow hole on her chest healing shortly after.

Above them a rift opens in the sky, a black garganta soon appears followed by the unearthly zipping sound of its unraveling. The soul reapers look up to the sky as the traitors are enveloped in golden light created from the mouths of Menos Grande above them. Many protests of shouting are exchanged between the soul reapers and the traitors before the garganta fades and disappears. The traitors have escaped.

The soul reapers get to tending the wounded, despite the black snow starting to fall around them. The injured captains, Renji, Rukia and Ichigo alike are all tended to either by Orihime or the fourth division of medics. Byakuya and Rukia are healed side by side as the able bodied captains begin to discuss what is happening.

"With Central 46 being killed by Aizen, that leaves us to declare Martial Law while a new C46 is elected. As for the two hollow soul reapers, we cannot afford to purge them and their hollows." Captain Shunsui says standing in a small semi circle before the head captain.

"If Aizen has been able to deceive us for this long there has to be a reason to why how he could. He's had us under an illusion this entire time. Question is, how did Rukia break out of it? Was that the hollow that she developed wasn't under its control?" Jushiro Ukitake, captain of squad 13 ponders.

"I am not sure, however we have bigger issues to deal with now. Despite their hollowfication, both of them seem to not be affected by that illusion. I have a feeling that war is on the horizon, and if it is we will need them despite their affliction." Yamamoto says in response, pausing in deep thought. "Urahara Kisuke had conducted experiments in the past on hollowfication, since he is already aiding the boy, then perhaps he can help them rid themselves of that disease..." Yama says looking over the two hollow soul reapers.

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