Chapter Eight

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"I've thought about you too much that, now I've met you, you've let me down."
-I created

T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

"No, turn your body to the left and swing with your right."

Jace huffed, frustrated. "You need to show me, I really don't understand what you're saying."

I paused, considered this, and then threw my body into the move.

Finished, I turned to see Jace in absolute, pure shock.

He blew out a breath. "I have no chance of mastering this." He muttered hopelessly, running fingers through his dark brown hair, though was considerably lighter than my raven black locks.

I frowned, stepping so that I stood in front of him. "I think you're forgetting that I was quite literally born for this; I've been doing this my entire life, you however, are twenty-something and a therapist. It'll take a while." I thought that I was helping him, convincing him that there was nothing to worry about, instead, he got a vacant look in his eyes.

"I don't know what I was born to do. I'm not close with my parents at all." I grimaced. Great job, Alexi.

I sighed, leaning back against a table. "I could probably say the same," I said, giving up on being encouraging. I looked away from him. "All my parents have ever really done for me is make my life hell so I learn independence." I shrugged.

"They did that just for your independence?" He asked.

I shook my head at him, "no, the independence came as a result—like paying the tuition fees to train at the Academy myself, for example,"

"You had to pay? Surely they would allow you to learn for free if it was to protect somebody's life." I glanced up to see Jace's eyes alight with confusion and anger. Anger at the system.

I knew exactly how he felt.

I sighed, rubbing my hand against my head, "some people do, but only the favourites. If Sky hadn't been a Special One, she would've been let in as a Guardian for free. That's just the way it works. They favour certain families."

Jace rolled his eyes. "Of course they do." I smiled at him, sensing that we could both fully relate. We were both figures in their board game. We had both worked for the Academy, even if it had been in two very different ways.

"What's wrong with your family?" He asked suddenly.

I looked away. What's wrong with my family? What isn't wrong with my family?

I sighed. "My dad was a no-show the entire time, though I'd rather him than my step-dad," I slipped into old memories instantaneously, "my mum was just the tap that kept dripping. I think all three of them were crafted out of Satan's blood." I lost myself in that moment, thinking about all the memories of my childhood.

Jace drew in a breath. "Do you hate them?"

I considered this, then shrugged. "Soon enough I'll be eighteen." It didn't answer his question, but I feel like he knew the answer.

I think Jace could feel my mood pummelling, because he said something next to try to bring it back up, "well, if you managed to rise up from that past, I think I can rise up to learn a few moves."

When I didn't respond, I could feel him cave in. I didn't respond because I disliked what he had said, I didn't respond because I was absolutely shocked and smitten. Are there any faults to this guy?

He cleared his throat. "What about Jameson? Did he get in for free?" And the romance is dead. Well, thanks Jameson.

Bitter, I shrugged. "Most of my friends did–" I think it was safe to say that we both ignored the fact that I had just called Jameson my 'friend', "–his ancestors were actually a part of establishing the Academy. Which is probably hard for him to ever admit. Since the Academy is a wicked, wicked game of lies."

Jace's eyes widened. "If his ancestors helped set up the Academy, couldn't he just ask some old relatives for help?"

I smiled at his lack of Guardian knowledge. "We're all sworn to secrecy at the Academy, and those before us were no different. Anyway, we were raised to never ask for help."

Jace frowned. "But what if you need it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, questioning him. "We don't." I told him, though unsure about how I felt about that.

Just as Jace was about to diagnose me, I jumped in. "You, however, do. Your accuracy when performing the moves is appalling." Jace laughed at this, so I knew I had successfully fled from a probably perfect conversation that we would now never have.

All because I was too scared of knowing what Jace thought of me. Because I was scared of finding out the truth about my heart and mind.

"Try again." I demanded, trying to shake away my thoughts. He managed to land a few good ones, but always faltered when I jumped in to 'attack'. His latest defence had failed, and I currently held him a tight lock, his back pressed against my chest.

Then the door opened.

Jace and I ripped away from each other just as Elle entered.

She peered at us, then amusement flashed in her eyes. "Don't stop on my account; I like to watch."

My shock turned to embarrassment. Whereas Jace's turned to disgust.

"What? She's way too young." He rose his voice, as if he were disgraced. I lowered my head. Too young. There's always something in the way.

"Mr Clarke, how old are you?" I rose my head, her question intriguing me.

Jace seemed outraged by the intrusion, but he couldn't deny her an answer. "Twenty-four." He responded. I almost couldn't believe the age gap. In my eyes, he stood on similar ground to me. But, in reality, he never did.

She turned to me, raising an eyebrow.

"Eighteen next month." I told her, trying to ignore the fact that Jace could also hear my response.

She grinned and clapped her hands. "Perfect! We must celebrate your eighteenth."

"Oh.." Elle Beaufort wanted to celebrate my birthday. Warrior Guardian with the most prestigious but dangerous reputation, and she wanted to celebrate my birthday, as if I were five.

"Oh, it's fi–"

"So it's settled." Her directness shocked me, and so when she turned around to leave, I still wasn't too sure what just happened.

"That woman is crazy." Jace muttered under his breath.

"And you're mean." I shot back childishly. He frowned over at me. I rolled my eyes, "'She's too young'" I mimicked, pulling as sour as a face as I could.

Jace crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, well you're not young, but you are to me. The age gap is too big. It'd be weird."

I stared at him, lips parted in shock. My heart sunk, making room for the anger to rise.

"But your obsession with Sky isn't? Even though she's eight months younger than me?"

Jace whirled around, extending his arm out to point violently at me as he said, "my private life has nothing to do with you."

"You're her therapist! Nothing about this is private!" I yelled, my anger erupting.

"See!" He yelled back. "You're childish. That's why the idea of me and you disgusted me."

It stung. My wound was gaping and pouring, and he added salt.

I stared at him. "For a therapist, you're not very good at controlling your emotions." I noted, watching him roll his eyes, but smile.

"Nice play-off, Abbot, you have some real skills." He nodded, brushing his hair back—which made me forget whatever he had just said.

Someone knocked at the door, and I jumped forward, brushing past Jace.

Jameson's head appeared, followed by his body. I threw him my annoyed stare. "Seriously? I was about to kill you."

Jameson scoffed. "You think you could take me?" I poked my tongue out at him, a new ground setting beneath us. We seemed to have a new relationship. He was still annoying though, of course.

"She's actually pretty good." Both Jameson and I frowned, turning around to see Jace leaning against a nearby table, trying to look as cool as possible next to two professionally trained Guardians.

"Let's go, Alexi and your biggest fan." Jameson announced after frowning, holding the door open for us.

As I brushed past him, I said, "leave him alone, it was sweet." Well, I also wanted him to leave Jace alone since his compliment seemed to be the only affection he'd ever be giving me.

Jameson shook his head at me, a glint in his eyes. I couldn't tell. But I think he knew.




Knew what??

What did Jameson know?

Morse code?

How to control emotions?

Where to find the nearest takeout?

What did Jameson know???

Jesus this is the worst cliffhanger of all time

Am I the only one out of the loop here?

-yes goodbye

Next update: Wednesday


Jace and Alexi march on to the battlefield.

But will Jace's distaste in a relationship put their lives at risk?

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