Chapter Fifty-Nine

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T h e H o l l o w s I n 


I tightened my ponytail. "I can't believe we're doing this again." I said, feeling already exhausted by the idea of it all.

I watched in the vanity mirror as Jameson came up from behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. "It'll be different this time—we'll move faster and we won't stop until nightfall. And then we'll wake up at dawn and keep going."

I smiled and turned around. "Your determination is hot." I told him in a whisper.

He laughed. "I can't tell if it's your age or me that's slowly making you lose your innocence." He quipped, making me scowl.

"I'd consider Alexi as a factor too." I said, walking around him and doing one last check of our room.

"Oh, of course, she's also probably the most likely option." Jameson responded, making smile.

He stood by the door, holding out my rucksack and my coat for me to take. I smiled at him, pulled on my coat, and then my bag.

"Remember I love you." Jameson said, just before he reached out to open the door.

I smiled over at him. "I always do, as should you remember that I love you too."

Jameson shut the door behind us, beaming.

"Major puke." I heard someone quip as they strolled past. Lexi. The next to pass was my mum, who both looked like she was chasing Lexi and judging us.

"Hey, guys." Someone else greeted us, and I dragged my eyes away from my mum and Lexi to see Jace standing in front of us.

I smiled as he adjusted his bag straps, "You sleep well?" I asked him as we started to descend the stairs.

He hummed. "Kind of. I think this house is weird." I nodded understandingly. Being here probably brought back weird memories for Jace.

When we reached the bottom, I was suddenly aware that we were the last to arrive, which surprised me.

I joined the crowd just in time to hear Lexi say to Jonah, "I'm surprised you made it down here before Goldilocks."

I rolled my eyes, joining her side. "I heard that."

We were silenced immediately by my mum, who called out, "do we have everyone?"

We responded with our names instantly, and I think Jameson's parents were acutely confused, but they said theirs nonetheless. And then we were off.

Like Jameson's said we would—he's always right—we were much faster than the first time. With Kath and Jim's added help on the area, and the fact that we had already travelled this route, we were soon making fast progress.

As the sun started to fall, it was noticeable that we had all begun to grow exhausted. My mum pulled us all to a stop just outside of range of the cliffs to set up our camp for the night.

I took a quick break, sitting down on a nearby rock to take gulps of water from my flask. I am in no way shape or form a trained Guardian.

"You didn't want to help?"

I jumped when someone joined me. It was Kathleen. I turned to see her eyes piercing into mine.

I smiled, but mostly out of nerves. "I'm just taking a break."

She hummed, turning so that her eyes scanned the camp. "I'd advise the same for other things too," I frowned at her, then followed her line of eyesight, which led me to Jameson.

Confused, I just said, "what?"

She turned suddenly, startling me. She placed her palm over the top of my hand, which rested beside me on the stone.

"I like Alexi, though my sons don't see her. I think the opposite of you, darling."

She smiled, tapped my hand and then got up and left. I stared at her, my heart spiralling in my chest.

Someone joined me instantly after she had left, kneeling in front of me.

"Sky?" They asked, taking my hands into theirs. I turned to see my mother crouched down in front of me, concern in her eyes. "What did Kathleen say to you? Do I need to kill her?"

I would've laughed at that, but there was now a brick wall positioned on either side of my heart, confining all emotions.

I shook my head slowly, regaining my posture. "It's fine. She was just making small conversation."

I don't know why I didn't tell my mum; she probably would've killed her, yes, but I can talk her down.

I pulled my hands out of hers, got up and stalked away, joining Jameson's side by instinct. Jameson, noticing me, turned to smile down at me, before handing me pegs to hold.

I felt as Kath stared over at us, a lump in my throat.

"Hey, you okay?" Jameson soon asked.

I drew in a breath before smiling up at him. "Of course, just exhausted."

He frowned only for a few moments more before smiling. "We'll get you to sleep soon enough." He said, taking another peg from my hands.

Eventually, our camp was all set up and dinner was being served. I tried my best to ignore Kath, but I could feel her eyes on me whenever I was with one of her sons. It was miles worse with Jameson, though. After dinner, I followed Lexi when she went to fill up the water tank, taking the initiative that if she likes Alexi—like she had said—that it would calm her slightly.

It didn't.

When I got back, she watched as Jameson joined my side. I didn't want Jameson to know that something was wrong, so when he leaned in to plant a kiss on my cheek, I didn't try to stop him.

Everything I did with Jameson in the hour or so before bed slowly made my bones ache. I couldn't ignore him, but I felt on edge under her stare.

My mum definitely knew that something was wrong; she threw quite a few dirty looks at Kath. Lexi also noticed that something was wrong, but she was less obvious.

I couldn't understand it. Why would Kathleen hate me? What could I have done?

Those questions followed me to my pillow, where I lay awake and listened to Jameson's slow breathing. He never really fell asleep before me, and the fact that he had made me feel even more tense. I knew that his Guardian-conditioned mind would wake him up at any whisper or tiny movement, but I felt uneasy knowing that he wasn't quite here with me.

I turned over, snuggling myself as far into his side as I could, feeling him flinch. I had woken him. He wrapped an arm around me, probably sensing my uneasiness, and I felt him press a kiss to the top of my head.

I fell asleep with the feeling of Kath's eyes on me scathed into my brain, but with Jameson's arms shielding me away from it all.

When I awoke, the feeling was still there.

I soon realised that Jameson wasn't awake yet, and turned to roll off him and stretch out my limbs. When I did, I saw a face in front of me.

At first, I thought it was going to be Kath, and I felt myself shrivel up.

But when I realised that it wasn't, I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

They lunged for me instantly, but didn't get far before they were knocked out cold.

I continued screaming, though, shuffling over to a corner of the tent. I felt as someone put their hands on me, but they weren't trying to hurt me.

It was Jameson, and he brought me back, the panic clear on his face.

And all we heard was, "Jace!"

Jameson and I were out of the tent in a flash, though I was still shaking.

The scene before us made me freeze.

A person, in black, with a gun. Alexi behind Jace, who seemed reluctant to stay where she was. The gun, aimed at them.

"Sky? What are you doing? Run!" It was my mum, and she ran through the crossfire just to tell me this, grabbing my arms and shifting me.

"It's not her I want the blood of." The person said.

We all froze.

And then the man set alight.

I screamed again, but this time only out of shock and confusion. Both Jameson and my mum grabbed me this time, trying to calm me.

I watched as the man fell, his body alight still. Then I watched Saph trudge out from where she had hidden in a moss of leaves and vines.

She stepped near the fire, making my heart stop, and picked something up from the ground. A lighter. She threw it to Jonah, who caught it with a deadly, though victorious, look on his face.

"I always enjoyed watching things burn."

There was a sense of relief in the camp suddenly. But there was also something darker.

I watched as Jace turned and embraced Alexi, almost seeming to hold her in an iron grip.

I was pulled to my left and embraced by my mum.

"You're okay." She said, running her fingers down my hair.

I stared ahead, watching Kath stare at me back.

"Mum." I said into the crook of her neck, my voice breaking as the vulnerability seeped out. Kath's eyes narrowed, even though I had spoke quietly.

"I know," my mum said, tightening her grip, "you're okay, I promise."

I swallowed, and as I rested my head on her shoulder, I felt Kath's eyes burning into my scalp. In that moment, I didn't quite believe her.


this chapter was such a pain to edit wtf
honestly sometimes (most times) this book is one big mess

look out for the dates that I wrote them in
if a lot of the chapters are written within the same kind of time frame, or even on the same day, I had trouble editing it
mainly bc I probably had a spark of inspiration and wrote at 70mph
(similarly, if there aren't many songs—probs took less time to write)



a girl who can't yet drive

-yay ??


Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Drive - Glades
Secrets and Lies - Ruelle
Sirens - Fleurie
Salvation - Scanners
Twenty Seven - MS MR
Love and War - Fleurie
Paradise Circus - Massive Attack
Recover - Ruelle
like that - Bea Miller


Date written:

Next update: Wednesday

(the start of a new era!!)

I have a confession to make.

Please, bring your tissues along, and maybe some flowers for the after party.

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