Chapter Six

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

"What am I looking at, exactly?"

Jace grunted, thrusting the phone closer to my face.

I frowned, too focused on how close Jace was to me to notice anything.

I had left Jameson with the ring—he said he would clean it, and that he wanted to see Sky. One of those was possible to achieve today. The other was uncertain.

Upon reentering the reception, I walked in on Jace and Mrs Beaufort hunched over his phone. I couldn't help but feel a little disconnected.

Jace had beckoned me over, forced his phone in front of my face and waited for me to spot something. My Guardian abilities were apparently out of action for today.

He huffed and reached out, pointing to the letters at the top.

"ZA1.23," I read aloud, then I realised. "That's the Academy code,"

"Finally." I heard the Wicked Witch of the West murmur in the background. I nearly lost my temper, but Jace kept me centred.

"Elle said it's one of the cameras, but that the codes change monthly, do you know what camera this is?" Jace asked. I nearly fainted at the idea of him needing my help. Then I realised.

"'Elle'? You guys are on first.." I trailed off when Jace gave me a pointed look. I sighed. 

I took Jace's phone from his hand and took a seat, where I was sure my brain would work better.

"Well, it's quite simple actually. ZA1.2 is the Academy code, which, yes, also gets changed frequently. We've had near discoveries where we've needed to change codes, using our list of emergency ones. The point two means that this code is permanent until an emergency. An emergency code was used quite recently, when..when Sky was first at the Academy.." I trailed off, growing pensive at all the thoughts of attacks that flooded my mind.

I shook my head. "Which, in that case, the Academy code was 241.256, you might notice that the two-four represents the Z-A in the permanent code, and then the one point two comes after, as usual. The number after the two represents the number of emergency codes there has been. So if there's an emergency code after that, it'll be fifty-seven–"

"–not that this isn't useful information, but I'm not sure that this is what Mr Clarke wanted to know." The bitter taste to her words made me want to throw her a glare. It wasn't me, though, that threw one this time. It was, who looked previously entranced, Jace.

He didn't say anything else. But he didn't need to. Because, in that moment, the universe realised what a true glare is.

"Anyway," I continued, after Jace gestured for me to do so, much to Mrs Beaufort's distaste.

"Since the ZA1.2 is the Academy code, the number after indicates which camera this is. Which would be camera three." Jace listened intently, then frowned down at the screen.

"So which camera is three?" He asked, I followed his gaze, already knowing which camera it was.

"The entrance to the Academy," Jace froze. "Near the garage and the massive factory-like shop, so they can track who is coming in and out of the Academy." I watched as Jace became an actual, rigid, statue.

"Why?" I asked cautiously, "is there something wrong?"

"Are you blind?" Elle lost her temper, throwing words around in a fit of rage. I frowned, glancing down at the phone again, which was shaking in Jace's hand. And there it was.

The moving figure I had failed to notice. And seconds later, there were a swarm of others.

That's when I realised.
They're coming for us.
Everyone at the Academy are coming for us.

A string of profanities slipped from my mouth as I backed away from Jace and started to pace. I pleaded for my Guardian abilities to work, for me to be able to throw together a solid plan. But nothing was working. I was tired and overworked.

There was only one solution left.

"Follow me." I instructed the pair, who did so accordingly, one more reluctant than the other.

I wasn't too sure how many people were allowed to visit our hero of choice at the same time, but I pushed the door open nonetheless.

"Alexi," he frowned, "you're back." But there was something in his tone, probably influenced by the look of urgency on my face, that suggested that he knew this wasn't just a friendly encounter.

He frowned, watching Jace and Elle follow me in. He nodded at Jace, who nodded back in response. They were actually very alike in terms of formality. But Jameson had the girl that Jace loves, and Jace loves the girl that Jameson had.

Although a lot in common, you can probably imagine the spite between the pair. Though they both managed to put it behind them in this current, urgent moment.

It was applaudable. I knew that I could never do that. In fact, I'd probably decapitate the person—if she wasn't my best friend.

Jameson's eyebrows furrowed at Elle, which we all noticed.

"Later." I promised, watching Jameson nod, acknowledging that we had a more pressing situation at hand. So he sat up, his back pressed against the head of the bed, and regarded us all seriously.

"Let's make another good plan."

Without the help we had received before—our many different alliances with the likes of Harry and our Guardian friends, who by no other means would be seen ever defying Academy law—we were a bit out of odds. It was clear that we were going to have to work and think harder. Especially since we were missing our main brain and motivation. Sky.

But anything we did, we did for her. She was our end target. Her life and freedom was precious to all of us—well, almost all of us. Elle seemed more reserved, and merely listened as the three of us threw ideas back and forth hastily.

"–well that wouldn't work, since we'd need Sky for that. And how would we get to her anyway? Do any of you actually know where she is right now?" At that, Jace slumped back. Jameson, a nervous wreck, had been shutting him down from the start. But, to be fair, Jace didn't really know how to plan effectively.

Elle cleared her throat. Hopelessly, we all looked over to her. In that moment, we were all outdone. We were barely even organisms under her authoritative glare. She dictated the room instantly, even if she had been silent the whole time, bricked into the wall.

"If you would like my input," I rolled my eyes. No, we don't need your input, because we're doing just fine without it.

"Do you need to say something, Alexi?" The use of a full name would've scared pretty much anyone. It's lucky I'm Alexi Abbot, though, since I wasn't scared nor was I embarrassed, and I think she found it pretty comical when, with an unbothered wave of my hand, I gestured for her to continue. Yeah, I was the one who always got in trouble. Think that Sky doesn't stick up for herself? Because I always did it. And was punished.

With her lips set into a fine line, she proceeded. "Well, here's my plan."

Minutes later, because that's all this indestructible woman needed to brief us, I knew that Elle Beaufort was our leader. She had way too much experience with this kind of thing, you could just tell, and it was kind of suspicious. Nonetheless, no one questioned anything. Because we had a plan. A good plan.

We all took our places, anticipating what was to come. I had a feeling that Jace was particularly nervous, but he'd get used to the buzz, and stress, of being a Guardian. I, on the other hand, was raring and ready to go. At this rate, I could probably carry out the plan on my own.

But that was not what Mrs Beaufort had outlined in her brief. And it probably wasn't sensible either.

Mrs Beaufort gave us three basic rules. Break one, or miss one out, and we're done for.

1. Save Sky
2. Be both vigilant and invisible
3. Get the hell out of here

Sounds like we're already on the road to success. As the 'all set' signal was given, I felt the excitement that was coursing through my veins morph into nostalgia. It took me back to only a few hours ago.

Music, lights, gowns, and revolutions.
A revolution that was left unfinished.


Is this a cliffhanger

Honestly I wrote these chapters like last year and it's just lucking out that all the chapters with cliffhangers are posted four days from the next update :)))

(Whereas Wednesday to Friday is obvs only like a day)

Yay I bet y'all hate meeeee

But the real question is

Do y'all still hate Elle?
This chapter gave her more of a role, but did it solve anything for y'alllll

how are you finding Lexi's point of view?
Better than Sky's? Doesn't compare?

Also rip Sky like for real this is the longest amount of time that Sky hasn't been in a chapter before and even I'm concerned

-it's you're fault

Next update: Wednesday


Can the team put aside their differences to save just one girl, yet escape from the masses?

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