Chapter Ten

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

I ran my thumb over the skin on the back of Sky's hand, trying to ignore the cold surface. I was aware of Jace glancing over at us for the tenth time since we'd been in here as he stood by the window, apparently 'keeping watch'—even if he didn't exactly know how to do that.

After our part in the mission was successfully completed, Jace and I made our way back to Sky, as Elle and Jameson would partake in the next part. Though, separately. I have a feeling they made the plan that way because they didn't want to communicate with each other. I personally feel as though it would've been a good idea; Jameson needs to create a bond with his mother in-law, though he has yet to find out that Elle is Sky's mother.

Jace went back to staring out of the window, probably watching the sun rise, the pink and red lights turning a pale yellow as the crisp morning air settled.

I pulled the blanket tighter around Sky, acknowledging that the temperature in here wasn't satisfactory.

"You're a good Guardian, and friend." I jumped slightly, not realising that Jace had shifted so that he stood a metre behind me.

I turned to raise my eyebrow at him, but kept my body facing Sky.

He smiled. "You obviously have compassion for her, and you can just tell by the look in your eyes when you're around her that you'd risk your life to protect hers. You're a good Guardian, a good friend." He finished, reiterating his earlier point.

I flushed slightly, and so turned back to Sky, letting my dark waves cover my face.

I smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot." I heard Jace approach me, and then the screech of a chair being pulled up.

He was sitting beside me.

"I mean it," he said, picking up Sky's other hand and holding it between his to, as I guessed, keep it warm.

"Even–" he broke off, and I turned to see him with a face full of anguish, his appearing blank, as if he wasn't there in the moment.

"Even last night, with the fire. You put your life on the line to save her without a moments thought..." he trailed off, gazing off into the distance as he pondered something. At least, I thought he was pondering something; I still haven't acquired the full book of 'Understanding Jace Clarke's Facial Expressions'. Though, I'm proud to say that I've got quite a few down.

"...if Sky didn't have the emergency contacts ready, would you have risked your life for her?" I thought that the look on my face would pretty much sum it up, even though I was surprised he wouldn't already know the answer.

Obviously shocked, he stared at me, evidently trying to understand something that was so foreign to him. He didn't understand the necessity to protect her life.

"But–" he paused, taking a moment to collect himself. "But it wasn't just her you were trying to save, it was Jameson too...wasn't it?" He asked, staring deeper into my eyes—if that was at all possible.

I ducked my head though, turning back to look at Sky.

"Saving Jameson isn't in your job description, but you tried to do it anyway." I listened to him, closing my eyes, though he couldn't see that past my thick hair.

"Sky is put up on a pedestal for her consistent compassion and care for everyone, yet you've got a hidden good heart under all of that hard exterior." I revelled in it all for a few seconds longer before opening my eyes, turning so that he could see only the side of my face.

"You really are a therapist." I noted, listening to him laugh shortly after. Then, he reached out and pushed some of my hair back. Then drew in a breath.

I snapped my eyes over to him. "What is it? What's wrong?" I asked, starting to get to my feet, glancing around me, looking for the threat.

He pulled me back down. I frowned at him, watching him furrow his eyebrows at a spot on my forehead. I rose my hand to find out what he was staring at, but he struck out his hand at the speed of lighting, grabbing onto it and pulling it away.

He held onto it for a few seconds longer—which I didn't complain about—assessing the situation before drawing back and standing up. He made a start for the nearest cupboards, filing through them as quick as he could, which, unsurprisingly, wasn't very fast.

I raised, ready to help him, but he waved his hand around, gesturing for me to sit back down. "No, stay there," he said, opening another drawer before doing a double-take on me, "and stop trying to touch it." He scolded, making me flinch, realising that I had been reaching up to touch whatever was on my forehead.

Shuffling through more drawers, he finally found what he was looking for. A first aid kit. I watched as he brushed away the dust, making his way back over to me and sitting down.

"Do you even know how to use half of that stuff?" I ask him, to which he pulled a face at.

"Yes. Do you?" He asked, pouring some rubbing alcohol onto a ball of cotton.

I frowned. "Of course I do. Every Guardian is trained medically." Jace nodded, seemingly impressed. Just before he pressed the cotton ball to my head, I quipped, "whether or not you're good at it is the next question." Jace rolled his eyes yet stifled a laugh, all whilst managing to control his hand. He pressed the cotton ball lightly to my forehead. And it stung.

I refrained from wincing, and, instead, kept talking. "You have pretty good arm control, you know." Jace seemed to ignore me, but I saw his eyes flicker down to my eyes for half a second, so I knew he heard me.

"When I used to train I used to get distracted by silly things. Like conversations and such. So instead of learning to multi-task, I had to learn not to get distracted." Jace smiled, lifting the cotton ball away before pressing a fresh one on what I suspected was a gash.

"So you can't multi-task?" He asks.

I pulled a face, "of course I can, I just rarely need to, because I'm so good at staying concentrated." I told him, watching him smile again.

"I can't really do either." He admits, removing the cotton balls and tossing them into the bin next to us.

I frowned. "That's a lie. I just watched you keep your concentration but also still maintain the conversation whilst holding that position. You can do both." I told him, watching Jace laugh in response, pulling out medical tape and a cotton pad.

"Because holding my hand up to your face is a trivial task." He joked—which I of course found very funny. It was just a good joke.

He pressed the last piece of tape down to my skin before leaning back, double checking the tape and such. His hand was still on the side of my face.

Then the door flew open. We jumped apart, jolting Sky's bed slightly.

Whilst Jameson peered at us both, focusing especially on Jace, Elle rose her eyebrow, "Did we interrupt something?" She asked, a glint in her eyes. My stomach clenched. Last time she had asked that, Jace had called me 'young'.

I cleared my throat, adapted to acting professional. "Is everything set?" I asked, mostly to Jameson, who wouldn't be annoyed that I deflected the question. I did, though, see Elle roll her eyes.

Jameson modded absentmindedly before he turned to me, "it's time for our part," he  announced, turning around and leaving.

I zipped up my jacket, which I stole from someone's office, and hurried after him, leaving the now silent room. Once I had caught up with him, we walked in silence for a bit.

Then he spoke up. "That was interesting." He noted.

I stared straight ahead. "What was?"

"You and Jace."

I ignored the omission for as long as I could, flushing slightly.

I cleared my throat. "He was tending to my wound." I explained.

Jameson responded differently to how anyone else I've ever known would. He just hummed.

An itch to gain an insight to his opinions, I pressed on. "Why do you ask?"

Jameson turned his head in my direction for a few seconds. "Because we walked in on you looking rather suspicious."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. But...but what do you think?"

He took his time to reply, eyes narrowing. "That the back exit is blocked." I frowned, doing a double-take.

"What?" I asked. Then, following Jameson's gaze, I acknowledged that our only exit was blocked. And it hadn't been before.

Well, crap.

So much for not getting distracted.


This has honestly taken me like two hours to edit lmao sorry I'm just sooo tired

This was a goooood Lexi and Jace chapter

And we found out more about Lexi too :)


But also


it's the return offff


The One Month Tally (before posting this):
#89 in Mission
228 Reads
21 Votes
10 Parts
(9 Chapters)


Thank y'all for support and I hope you're enjoying the book so far (and that I haven't ruined too many dreams)


Next update: Wednesday [ I would usually double update, but chapter 11 is too good imma make y'all wait ;) ]


In moments of despair, create a ruthless plan that throws your teammates into the path of danger just to defeat your enemy.

Also welcome moments of peace and solidarity, and treasure those you want to—even if they don't treasure you back.

And finally, keep your head up high, and always remember that, beyond the storm, is a clear blue sky.

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