Chapter Thirty-Five

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

I awoke with a start, surprised when I found my limbs entangled with Jace's in our bed. I slowly came away from him, raising so that I was sitting upwards.

I pressed a palm to my throbbing head. Great, a nightmare.

I wanted to go to the toilet, and our room had an en suite, but I fancied a walk around, so I slipped out of our bed and found a robe. Whilst tying the strings, I watched as Jace slept wistfully.

I sighed, pattering over to our door and opening it carefully. I stepped outside into the cold corridor, and closed our door as a shiver rocked my body.

I rounded a corridor, trying to remember where the closest toilets were. I took a sharp left, somehow remembering that they were down this corridor. I think Sapphire and Jonah were down here, but I couldn't be sure.

I walked past the room I thought they'd be in, seeing the bathroom at the end of the corridor. I entered it and switched on the light, yawning as I found the toilet.

I flushed the toilet, looking into the mirror and dismissing the mess that was my nightmare. Though, I did flatten down my hair slightly so that it returned to its usual smooth and silky self.

When I was sure I was done, I opened the door and switched off the lights, adjusting quickly to the darkness using my Guardian senses. I also adjusted to something else—a figure moving outside.

The corridor I was walking through didn't have as many windows as the one back at my room, but there were still few. I had already walked past one, and had to slot myself in between the two, sensing that someone was watching.

Slowly, I leaned forward, peering outside of the window, only to see a man. And he was looking right at me. I drew away quickly, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Shit.

I had left my room, therefore leaving my weapons, my shoes and...Jace. I couldn't think of Jace now; there was an intruder and he was out for all of us.

I had a moment of hesitation. A moment of 'what the hell do I do?'

That moment soon passed, and I collapsed to the floor as quietly as I could, before crawling underneath the windows with stealth. Passing the last window, I jumped to my feet and started for the stairs, running down them as quickly and quietly as I could.

I reached the front door, slipped my feet in some random trainers, and rifled around in the drawers. Jackpot. A knife. It would be a tough weapon to fight with, especially since they could be armed with guns, but it's better than going out with nothing.

I tucked it into the waistband of my shorts before throwing my hair up into a tight bun. They'd always told the girls in practice that anyone can use our hair as a hold and weaken us. I wouldn't let them do it.

Since I had last seen the figure in the back garden, I dashed over to the back door, unlocking it and sprinting out into the darkness.

I used my Guardian senses as quickly as I could, but apparently not quick enough.

Someone had grabbed me in a flash, and held me against their chest. I fought hard, and ripped myself out of their grip, trying to tear their arms away from me.

But it was no use, since another person grabbed me, and yanked my knife out from my waistband, catching my skin slightly. I was trained to ignore pain, and so threw myself at the person, tackling them to the ground and weakening them. Just as I was about to kick out and eliminate the other, they grabbed me, returning me to the previous position.

The person leaned down to my ear. "You shouldn't have brought her back here." It was a man. I thought he was going to continue, but then I felt a sharp pain above my hip.

I screeched, the sound echoing out into the eerily quiet night, as I was suddenly unable to ignore pain. The man threw me to the ground, leaving me to realise that he had stabbed me, removed the knife, and I was bleeding out.

What's worse is the irony.
I had a knife of my own.

I tried to get up, but the pain was too much to handle. I was stuck. And absolutely freezing cold. If I didn't die from blood loss, I'd die from hypothermia.

I didn't know what to do next. What's worse is that I had been so blinded by the battle at stake, that I hadn't quite realised that it was pitch black.

It was dark.

I tried not to freak, I tried to stop my panic attack, but it was no use. Then I found that my panic attack was overriding the pain of the stab wound. Of course, I could still feel it, but it was the need to escape the darkness that pulsed through my veins that finally made me move.

I shifted, letting out a yelp in pain. I pushed myself to my feet, and began to stumble to the back door. I was a good fifteen metres away.

After every metre, I felt myself falling, but then I caught myself, aware that it would hurt much more to crash to the ground than it would be to keep going.

Finally, I was just beyond the back door, and began to yell out for help, the pain clear in my voice.

I stumbled into the house, my legs giving way underneath me, sending me pummelling to the floor, taking a few items with me. If my cries for help didn't get their attention, the stuff that clattered to the floor and probably smashed would.

Suddenly, I was aware of footsteps behind me, and I managed to shift my head to see Elle hurrying over me, her face ashen with worry. She fell to the floor beside me, observing the situation before yelling orders to whoever was behind my head. I was aware of someone else, someone who fell to the ground beside me, grabbing ahold of my hand and interlocking our fingers.

I looked to my side to see that it was Jace, who was looking around worriedly, before his eyes met mine. I tried to tell him I was okay, or if I wasn't okay, that I loved him. But nothing came out. He just stared down at me—I think he knew I was trying to say something.

Another figure joined him on my right side, and I turned to see Sky, tears in her eyes as she reached forward and brushed strands of hair out of my face. I glanced over at Jace, my heart clenching when I realised. When I realised that he wasn't looking at Sky, he was still staring down at me.

I was going to smile. I was going to reach out for Sky, to hold her hand, like I was holding Jace's. I was going to see who had joined me, above my head. I was going to check if my heart was even still beating.

But I couldn't do any of that.

Soon, I felt drained—and the blood was probably draining out of me. I couldn't feel my limbs and I couldn't open my eyes after they had closed.

I wasn't a pessimist, but in that moment, I thought I was dead.

All I could think was that I lost. I tried to eliminate a threat, and I lost.

Just like I was losing blood. And losing sense of time. And losing my heartbeat.


well it isn't a book of mine without a death scene


Lexi waking up close to Jace?
Lexi trying to eliminate the threat on her own?
"You shouldn't have brought her back" ??
Jace with eyes only on Lexi ..?

that's nice



Songs that played when I was writing this chapter (in order):
Falling Away - Glades
Why Try - Ariana Grande
Sirens - Fleurie
Tilikum - Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Wonderwall - Ryan Adams
Oh My My - Ruelle
Low Light - Aquilo
Waiting Game - Banks
One Last Time - Ariana Grande


Date written:

Next update: maybe tomorrow if you're lucky; it's the three month anniversary


Will Lexi survive?

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